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Everything posted by mteague93

  1. Join CN[cor]e (CNcore in game) we don't require anything for membership and we are a brand new alliance.
  2. We are a brand new alliance with many opportunities for people! We are a proud and new alliance based around music and music communities. http://cncore.co.cc Government: Heads of State: mteague93 PIMPTOPIA The President: Andor Secretaries: (All Positions are vacant, though the departments are overseen by top government officials). Department of Defense: Overseen by mteague93 and PIMPTOPIA Department of State: overseen by mteague93 Department of the Interior: Overseen by mteague93, PIMPTOPIA, and Andor Department of Education: Overseen by mteague93, PIMPTOPIA, and Andor Department of the Treasury: Overseen by PIMPTOPIA and Andor
  3. We recruited all the time in CoR. I understand what it takes to run an alliance. I figured out what went wrong in CoR and I know what to do to fix it.
  4. This alliance is completely different than City of Rapture. Different everything. This alliance was founded by the two active members of CoR government. We are recruiting to increase our membership size too.
  5. In the history of human events it becomes necessary for one group of people to break the ties from which they have been tied to another. Today is that day. We the members of CN[cor]e remove our selves from the bonds that have tethered us to other alliances. With this announcement a new black team alliance has formed, CN[cor]e (CNcore in game). Now, the document that is and always will be a work in progress for CN[cor]e, the Constitution, which will have all of the policies as we go down the road. Any modifications to the Constitution will be posted here as well as any news from CN[cor]e. My final note, CN[cor]e has cor in brackets to symbolize the founders undying love to the now disbanded alliance of City of Rapture. the word core in the name also symbolizes the love of hardcore music. We have learned from our mistakes and we plan on being a solid alliance on which the foundation is our amazing community of music, friendship and compassion for others. http://cncore.co.cc IRC: #cncore Drop in on the forums and say hi! We don't bite, really.
  6. NS is nation strength and CM is cruise missles.
  7. congrats on the merger. glad to see you got some things worked out.
  8. it been a long time in the making. we never had the same activity after the first month.
  9. We will be disbanding. After many weeks of no government or member activity it is in the best decision to disband It hurts me to announce this but I feel like it is necessary. OSA will be protecting the members who need to find a new alliance for 15 days after this notice.
  10. i wont merge cor into other alliances. fyi.
  11. it makes sense to post on cn... as a way to recruit or fill gov't holes.
  12. yes that is what both alliances need, a new computer. well i got to go buy one!
  13. I will be psoting my decision on what i'm going to do in a little while. i have taken a lot of responses into consideration.
  14. thank you for all of your advices, i have chosen a plan that i have thought about for a while.
  15. that is what is smart, but i don't want to face the facts.
  16. everyone left due to there own reasons.
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