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Posts posted by EgoFreaky

  1. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1341714415' post='3006394']
    Well hello ASR, nice to meet you.

    Well hello, and who might you be sir?

    All 3 AA's around 50% on the new AA already, that's fast XD Also until now I didn't really realize how big anarchy inc would be if everyone moves to the new AA :awesome:

  2. [quote name='Mila Amo' timestamp='1340770509' post='2997834']
    We were over visiting GATO when you interrupted tea time :)

    o/ MHA

    Thanks for helping us restock on our specialty food


  3. [quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1340428093' post='2993273']
    Alliances in SF (outside of RnR) have absolutely no right to tell this alliance whether or not they should've defended their ally. Seriously, the hypocrisy is absolutely dripping from this thread.

    Yeah cause all of SF is not defending allies and preempting targets to have an excuse not to defend right?

  4. [quote name='zigbigadorlou' timestamp='1340426409' post='2993207']



    Haha that was exactly my thought XD

    [quote name='Gofast2006' timestamp='1340426559' post='2993216']
    Well this was random. Good luck on the battlefield.

    Disregard allies, quick hit someone to end up on the bigger side. Not that random if you know KD even a little bit really.

    [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1340426758' post='2993225']
    Before anyone asks: Yes, we will, for the sake of consistency, be abandoning this ally as well.


    Honestly VL, I said it before but I'll say it again, I really don't know why you haven't canceled on them yet. tR is dead, your current ally is just an insult to everything they where.

    [quote name='King Death II' timestamp='1340427378' post='2993250']
    Haters gonna hate and lovers gonna love. Whats new? Also to SF, please come get us. Pretty please.

    Yeah.. you are literally an alliance so inactive that ghosts took over.. somehow i doubt NPL will need much help.

    [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1340437105' post='2993423']
    What I want to know is why prominent members of GOD are joining R&R. GOD not planning on entering? I thought the cornered dog bites, and all that.

    Just the one, which really isn't something to worry about if you look at the ghosts MK is getting and Umbrella hitting nations in alliances they aren't even at war with.

  5. [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1340210450' post='2990118']
    Since when were we in the same coalition as LSF?
    Fighting NoR was last year.

    Yeah don't see the connection either, just messes up the stats for the MK-CSN war especially with IRON declaring on LSF now as well.

  6. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1340118384' post='2988884']
    TLR was the first alliance to pledge support to INT in whatever decisions we decided to make. Then again, getting the facts before you go and make a fool of yourself isn't exactly your forte. So whatever.

    Being the first ally to pledge support when being in an MDAP bloc with an alliance is like asking your wife to marry you though :S.

  7. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1340095068' post='2988702']
    You haven't changed your FA, but others have. I think it's a weakness to be holding on to the same alliances over and over if you know you will get into conflicting situations.

    I guess this falls on deaf ears considering your history of being in two blocs at once.

    I can't even see the end of that stretch, allies drifting apart politically hardly has anything to do with being in 2 blocs. In this situation we would have to sever ties with most of our allies and basically have put our entire FA direction based on INT/C&G..

    If anything being in 2 blocs has kept our allies talking and looking in the generally same direction over the last months..

    But I know you really dislike the 2 bloc idea so don't get discouraged, just keep posting BS and i'm sure you will stumble on something that makes sense someday.

    Ps. where are my manners, I totally forgot to congratulate TLR on their 1st anniversary :| So bit late but still congrats!

  8. [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1340081405' post='2988564']
    Remember that time RnR was on the polar opposite side of the world from Int and didn't rectify it, and then a bunch of other alliances acted all butthurt about it?

    I've seen Spartans, D34th, and people from CoJ complain about it, but 0 to very few people from R&R complain.

    Well you been LEO gov, you know our favorite saying

    ROLL INT :)

    More serious, a while back we had a Q&A with GATO and in that Q&A i told them GATO was one of the alliances I would love to fight 1 on 1, not because I have a grudge against them but because we have a similar tier distribution (granted it shifted to GATO's favor since last war) and some other similarities.

    MK we never pretended to like, and TLR seems to be in here for the chain, so honestly not to much we should complain about.

    [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1340082073' post='2988579']
    Coming from CoJ, I'll take that as a compliment, so thanks! :awesome:

    Or maybe they accept the fact that by placing themselves at the polar opposite of Int's FA, they did this to themselves?

    R&R obviously has the right to chose their own FA path, but no one should act surprised when alliances in rival blocs fight each other.

    Well I have to disagree, apart from signing Sparta and NATO we really haven't had any big changes to our FA in a long time, so unless you want to go so far back as when we canceled on ODN over 2 years ago we haven't exactly placed ourselves opposite of them, R&R has been in SF much much longer than INT has been in C&G, so it just slowly evolved that way.

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