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dark tyrant

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Status Updates posted by dark tyrant

  1. "Just get out of CNRP. Can't you see next to no one likes you? Why stay if your hated?"-Dark Tyrant

    "B/C I like to RP and I am getting better." Darht Kenobi

    Your hated by almost everyone. Your nation was killed. You lost all right to RP after you lost control of your temper and said "We hacked RA's nukes and nuked Ishiopia".

    Now get out of CN RP. NOW.

  2. Hey, err. Someone called "Vedran" needs to be masked to the CIS's side in the Star Wars RP.

  3. You are now on my hate lsit for couping GOONs...when I get nukes..guess who they'll be flying at?

  4. Coud you help me my valdation email ether hasn;t come or isn't working..could you PM a mod about it?

  5. I'm having trouble valaditing could you help..I'm desperate...I've already posted comments like this out there..but none have bore fruit yet :(

  6. I have a yahoo mail account..but I still don't recive a valdidation email..could you PM and mod about it?

  7. Top cat I've been waiting a day or two..my account has not been valadated..could you help me??

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