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John Warbuck

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Posts posted by John Warbuck

  1. [quote name='mco119' date='27 March 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1269744925' post='2238809']
    Is Warbuck currently a member of your administration? Does he hold a government office? Yes or no?
    My position is the Lord High Sentinel Emeritus, which is a fancy way of saying that I'm a retired Lord High Sentinel that advises the current administration.

  2. Anyone that believes ADI is complaining or "bawwing" about this situation is mistaken. This was an announcement informing the world not to aid these rogues. The actual handling of the rogue situation has been going on, for 4 days mind you as well. Anyone wanting to turn this around and say we are whining is only doing so due to their need to take pot shots at ADI for whatever reason.

    [quote]And I clearly stated that some of my members could have expressed their opinions in better ways. [/quote]

    It seems to be ok to continuously promote the stigma of ADI of days gone by despite their change of leadership and to continue to impart your grievances against our old leader in every single ADI thread that goes up, but when your alliance is judged on the actions of one of your members, who mind you, you didn't exactly stop, you believe there is some sort of injustice.

  3. [quote name='phillip110' date='26 March 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1269587895' post='2237172']

    4. Those reasons will be given to the public very soon when we feel the time is right.
    Actually, one of you, can't remember who, already told one of the nations helping us what your reasons were and I found them to be quite misguided if they were in fact the true reasons. But the vandalizations of ADI wikis have made me question the integrity of any statements that have been made by you guys.

  4. [quote name='phillip110' date='26 March 2010 - 02:06 AM' timestamp='1269587179' post='2237168']
    Awww, come on. You're going to nuke us after a bunch of people post some hate about ADI? We didn't even respond yet! lol. May your nukes be blocked over and over, just like mine were the other night by Warbuck's SDI.
    What, you can't take a nuke from someone with more tech than you? You sure can dish them out at people with lower stats than yours. I'm sure if I attacked someone 20k NS lower than me with 4k less tech I'd win all the time too ;) (Talking about mco vs Bobogoobo, not you vs me)

  5. [quote name='Rush Sykes' date='25 March 2010 - 11:55 PM' timestamp='1269579323' post='2237059']
    Im POSITIVE Hoo is behind these attacks. Give ADI a couple of days, and they will manufacture logs to prove as much.

    Also, roguing could not have happened to a more deserving group.
    ADI has not attributed these attacks with any alliance, and none of these rogues have any prior connections to Van Hoo III or to RoK. We did not come here to point fingers- only to inform the public that these nations are rogues and not to aid them.

    [quote name='teamcoltra' date='26 March 2010 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1269580150' post='2237073']
    Actually... I now have gathered enough intelligence to figure out the problem:
    It amuses me when people find a reason to troll when the topic doesn't even concern them.

    [quote name='shadeslayers09' date='26 March 2010 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1269580180' post='2237074']
    we have confirmation that one came from Kronos, and one from TDO
    These nations did not "come from" anywhere. Their statements thus far reflect that they are acting independently and unless any evidence surfaces that connects them to an entity, they are considered independent and will be treated as such.

  6. [quote name='teamcoltra' date='25 March 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1269578857' post='2237047']
    Meh all you guys are, is a bunch of whiny little girls. Sounds like you guys need to keep better track of who is, and is not in your alliance. You had it coming. Kudos to the attackers.
    Aside from the spy who came ahead of time, these guys ghosted us right before the attacks. We know who is in our alliance and who isn't.

  7. I just want to give a shout to those who have helped us, where we do not have a large number of nations. FEAR, NEW and UPN have provided us with high level nations that have helped a lot, and we've received financial assistance from GUN and UPN among other sources. Kronos has also provided some nations, and we didn't even request them to. So a big thank you all around to those who have helped. :)

  8. [quote name='My Name Is Romance' date='20 March 2010 - 12:50 PM' timestamp='1269107408' post='2231373']Ive never liked protecting alliances to tell the protectorate who they can and can not be friends with, militarily. [/quote]
    [quote name='President Sitruk' date='20 March 2010 - 04:11 PM' timestamp='1269119459' post='2231524']
    i'm sure it's simply a way to keep treaty chains from getting tangled.
    This ^

    ADI doesn't mind our protectorate making friends. We just don't want to be placed in any weird positions is all.

  9. [quote name='Auctor' date='17 March 2010 - 06:39 AM' timestamp='1268826280' post='2228168']
    I think, Mr. Warbuck, you've to understand Mayz didn't enter this thread until you went about throwing threats at WAPA around. He's been pretty restrained about his responses and only entered when it became his business.
    Wait, hold the phone. When did [b]I[/b] threaten WAPA?

    Edit: After discussion with Dumarest in private it is clear that there have been misinterpretations on both sides of this, and everyone should be willing to "live and let live". Posts on WAPA forums by Andover have ceased two days ago, and he has been advised to let it go. No threats of violence were made to WAPA.

  10. [quote name='Mayzie' date='17 March 2010 - 05:47 AM' timestamp='1268823183' post='2228152']
    When Andover repeatedly claimed ADI were abandoned by WAPA? [b]When you stuck your beak in this thread, spouting nonsense?[/b] When you once again stuck your beak in, threatening WAPA on IRC because they said bad things in a thread about your protectorate? Choose one.
    I see. So when WAPA gov members spout nonsense to an ADI protectorate it is ok, and when I tell that protectorate that I'm happy for them and to not worry about the [b]nonsense[/b] that is nonsense. Point of the matter is that this thread is a repeated facepalm, and I'm beginning to want to replicate Baskan.

    I have nothing to judge LoIN on other than the conversations that I have had with them, and I don't see what warrants the flamebait and harassment toward them. michigan's own hasn't been unpleasant at all to me, and I can't think of anything negative to say about him. You are telling me that I'm sticking my beak in while neither you, nor WAPA have anything to do with either of the alliances that signed a treaty here. And yeah, I don't really appreciate it when a friend of mine is smacked around verbally, despite Dumarest's explanation that it isn't about ERA. It sure didn't look that way at all, and it wasn't explained that way to me privately when I was basically told by WAPA that I should let them trash ADI's protectorate publicly.

    So instead of sticking your beak in, why not let LoIN and ERA celebrate their friendship with each other and use your energy for something more constructive than an endless no u argument? And this is still not about ADI, btw.

    [size="1"]The opinions expressed in this post are the opinions of the poster and not necessarily the opinions of his alliance[/size]

  11. [quote name='Rey the Great' date='16 March 2010 - 04:51 PM' timestamp='1268776629' post='2227634']
    I like how ADI, who can't even honor their word directly after they give it, tries to demonize WAPA who got into a war because they didn't agree with the other coalition.
    When did ADI get pulled into this? A protectorate of ADI signed a treaty in this thread. WAPA decided to come out and spit insults at said protectorate. Yes, ADI canceled a treaty on WAPA in the past, but it had nothing to do with defense or aggression, or sides in a war. WAPA attacked another ally of ADI and didn't even have the consideration to discuss it with us before they did. That is why the treaty was canceled, despite any other spin you choose to put on it.

    My only part in this thread is to support our protectorate, who deserves to be able to go their separate ways from WAPA, who, may I state the obvious here, they have disagreements with. However, to my knowledge, those disagreements were settled, and thus, no longer need to be thrown on ERA every time ERA raises their head out of the sand to speak here.

    Yes, ERA needs to learn a few things, like when to stop carrying on in a pointless argument, but they also deserve to be left in peace unless they have directly done something to WAPA or someone else that warrants the smacking. To my knowledge, this is not the case, and Andover of ERA has been through trial by WAPA, and the result of all of that is now cleared. So I don't see the point of not just walking away.

    Lastly, this is not about ADI, and I would appreciate it if you would not make it about ADI.

    An after review edit: @Andover- WAPA never abandoned ADI in the C&G war- they just hit an ADI ally. Their choice of side didn't matter to us.

  12. [quote name='Burnsey' date='14 March 2010 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1268573478' post='2225293']
    An ODP to represent how optional it is for you guys to fight? Sounds familiar.
    Yes, quite familiar considering who is making the statement. Calling the kettle black much?

    [quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='14 March 2010 - 08:41 AM' timestamp='1268574417' post='2225298']
    Yep! You nailed it.

    If this is an ODP then the D stands for Desertion !
    I think you guys should just let ERA go about their business and stop acting all butthurt over this. From my experiences on this type of thing, no one wins in these situations. All that results is the whole of Planet Bob joining each other in one gigantic facepalm. Someone has to be the better man and move on.

    *Looks at Andover*

    Hopefully ADI's protectorate can be the better ones in this. You guys have made a new friend and should focus on that. Don't concern yourself with what any of the jerks say- don't give them any fuel. Just move forward and prosper. And congrats on this treaty. I can't say I am impressed with the wording, but it is the meaning of it that matters.

    o/ ERA
    o/ LoIN

  13. Despite the issues that I have had with Van Hoo in the past and the hard feelings RoK may still have toward me, I would like to state my condolences regarding this hacking. There is a point where a person goes too far, and whoever did this to RoK far exceeded that point. If there is anything that I can do to help, you know where to find me. Hope your new forum transition goes well.

  14. For the past 5 months, it has been an honor for me to lead the wonderful people that populate the Aqua Defense Initiative. We have seen great accomplishments, difficult trials, and two wars. We are still here, and we are stronger than ever. When we hit 1 million total NS in a short three months, I knew that this alliance was going to make some noise. Some of that noise hasn't been the greatest, but we live and we learn.

    I am passing the torch of leadership off for a while. [OOC]I just got promoted at the job and my life is about to be really hectic, so I want to make sure that the alliance is cared for until my schedule becomes more stable.[/OOC] I'm not the only person who is facing a busy season, as we have Archon Daverin retiring from his Arbiter seat, and a new Judicator due to Yuurei's departure from ADI. So I'll be announcing a pretty different government, but a very capable one.

    I have appointed Lord Tri as my successor. Lord Tri is intelligent, hardworking, and he has a level head. I feel that he will lead ADI down the right path and have full faith that he will continue to lead ADI toward our ideals. Replacing him at Lord of Foreign Affairs will be Shadeslayers09, another hardworking member with a great head on his shoulders.

    Also, as our new Judicator, we have Kaplechistan who has shown nothing but loyalty to ADI. He always stands for the membership of our alliance an their needs, so I am happy to see him promoted.

    Nathan Grant and The Masheen will be our new Arbiters. Both of them have contributed hard work to the alliance both in wartime and peacetime.

    So therefore, I announce ADI's new government.

    Lord High Sentinel- Lord Tri
    Judicator- Kaplechistan
    Arbiter- Nathan Grant
    Arbiter- The Masheen
    Lord of Foreign Affairs- Shadeslayers09
    Lord of Defense- Kingly
    Lord of Internal Affairs- Magister Populi


    Let the world recognize our new government.

    o/ ADI

    P.S Before anyone gets started, this has nothing to do with pressures from RoK or company. ADI is a sovereign alliance and does not allow outsiders to dictate our internal governing. I simply do not have the time I once had to properly fulfill my duties as the Lord High Sentinel.

  15. [quote name='Joe Stupid' date='20 February 2010 - 04:30 PM' timestamp='1266705051' post='2194171']
    Are you aware of how fail ADI is? I hope your not counting on these reps for something important.

    Still you have missed my previous point it's not the amount of reps you're getting it's the fact you're getting reps at all which makes me sick.
    I love how even in a peace announcement, in where ADI has remained quiet and taken their consequences honorably, that RoK still takes the opportunity to throw a jab.

    Edit: What's going to be next? Attacking us while we are paying reps?

  16. [quote name='jerdge' date='19 February 2010 - 06:18 PM' timestamp='1266625125' post='2192682']
    We have way too many treaty partners and I have way too little time for that stuff. But there are others among us that know ADI very well (ScutterBug for example has always been near to them). It's not that I needed to do everything in person, even if I had any relevance...
    To the credit of jerdge, he has riddled me with questions in the past in private to understand ADI and the situation better. He is far from a mindless banner waver.

  17. [quote name='Lord Tri' date='19 February 2010 - 04:51 PM' timestamp='1266619894' post='2192553']
    I believe this thread has served its purpose. Simple fact of the matter is this: people on Planet Bob believe what they want to believe.

    [b]To the Aqua Defense Initiative: I request that all members of every rank, cease all posting in this announcement.[/b] This is not an order, this is a request.
    Although it was sort of a necessity to allow ADI members who have been told in the past to just remain quiet here on the OWF to speak up in this thread, I too believe that this argument has once again, become a circular argument. I do think that the points that Lord Tri and the masheen have made are great points, and for that reason I wanted them to be heard. I know for a fact, that not all people are blindly biased. I can only hope that more people will try to look at this from both perspectives and investigate the situation in its entirety.

    Whether that actually happens or not is to be discovered. But at the request of our Lord of Foreign Affairs, I am telling ADI members to please cease from responding to this thread. We've made our point and there is no use continuing this argument. Thanks.

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