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Eretz Yisrael

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Everything posted by Eretz Yisrael

  1. The difference between us and them is that proportionally, we have far more nations fighting than they ever did.
  2. You are aware that your leaders told everyone time and time again that peace mode is cowardice when they engaged alliances that used that tactic, right? You are aware that when they used it, everyone tried to hide in peace mode, right?
  3. I doubt the karma alliances have what it takes to keep fighting us for years. Not to mention it flies in the face everything they've said when they wanted peace to be given to FAN.
  4. Will it? Those instructions did not say anything about when real terms would be offered - remember those are just instructions to receiving terms.
  5. Actually it's because I needed to go to bed due to being sick.
  6. The longer you fight us, the smaller your will becomes. I look forward to your surrender. Please give me whatever you are smoking. Also Goodbye When was the last time you fought a long war? Let me see.... oh yeah, never.
  7. You chose to read this, I didn't force you. You've only got yourself to blame for wasting your own time in reading this and then commenting on it.
  8. Enlighten us - how are we to rebuild if everyone's infra has been demolished? It goes a lot faster with bank nations.
  9. I bet in one or two years you'll be crying "FREE PACIFICA" just like the rest of your fickle brothers in delusion.
  10. Karma, what goes around comes around, you guys sure picked a name guaranteed to backfire on you in a most spectacular fashion.
  11. It's called "bank nations" and "nations re-arming." Gee, I think I mentioned somewhere previously that only 30% total is in peace mode. No comments on the other 70%, eh? Don't worry, we'll fix that selective memory for you right in a jiffy!
  12. My, how quickly your stances change. Nothing changed. Had NPO only declared war because of valid reasons it wouldn't be so hated. Ah well you guys are apparently quite intent on not learning anything in all of this. One can tell that the NPO membership is generally quite deranged by all of the comments to the effect of "karma must be getting desperate." LOL. So declaring war against an alliance that confessed to conspiring with Blackstone Collusion, an espionage ring, and then refusing to punish their member is invalid? What?
  13. night everyone. this sick jew needs bed rest
  14. *note: I have to take a bathroom break, as diarrhea sucks. I'm also only up to the end of page two, so if i suddenly stop posting, you'll know why. *
  15. So it's justice when you do it, but evil and cruel when we do it? Oh how many times this kind of hypocrisy has been exposed! If you say it enough times the lie will be correct, right? This isn't comparable because 1) Some extra money/tech is a whole lot less harsh than perma-ZI 2) YOU STARTED THIS WAR WITH AN AGGRESSIVE DECLARATION, so the punishment is fitting the crime. Your trying to say we are doing the "same" thing as you is like 40 years in prison for attempted murder is the same as execution for petty theft. One is proportional, the other is not. Exactly how does declaring war on an alliance in which a member of government conspired with the Blackstone Collusion fit this kind of "punishment." Enlighten me.
  16. Didn't stop you from threatening perma-ZI to GATO nations who used it, right? It is cowardice when you have "bank nations" who stay in peace mode the entire war and lots of nations going into it with few coming out. Cycling in and out and one thing and a legitimate tactical strategy, staying there indefinitely is not. First there is a way of "acting honourable". Now we have to fight according to your standards as well. Would you like my password as well? The point is we want those nations to fight at all. Indefinite peace mode isn't a strategy for fighting. "FREE FAN"
  17. I agree 700mil+ a day on top of an unknown figure is quite reasonable. The point isn't to have that amount be paid, but to have your nations come out and bring the war to a conclusion. And for an alliance your size and the aggression committed, it really isn't. It's approximately 233 slots, for an alliance with 800 members that's not a lot. Didn't you just contradict yourself a few comments up?
  18. I agree 700mil+ a day on top of an unknown figure is quite reasonable. If it's unreasonable then the smart thing to do is accept it and then work on getting peace. The offer is a heck of a lot better than those given to FAN and GATO when they were in hippy mode. You have strange definitions of "smart thing to do." But I suppose that's to be expected when you're blinded by hate.
  19. Looks like I persuaded the second person to comment pretty well.
  20. Didn't stop you from threatening perma-ZI to GATO nations who used it, right? It is cowardice when you have "bank nations" who stay in peace mode the entire war and lots of nations going into it with few coming out. Cycling in and out and one thing and a legitimate tactical strategy, staying there indefinitely is not. And you're arguing... against us?
  21. Tell that to FAN, an alliance in which 95% of it's members hid in peace mode for the entire time during their "war." Now tell that to the 70% of the Order in war mode, who happily lob nukes, bombs and bullets every day back at the fraudulent coalition of cowards. I was referencing the comments FAN would often receive. You decided that they would have to exit PM before they could ever get peace, just as those fighting you are doing now. Be grateful they're not demanding they leave PM with the threat of PZI a la GATO. The difference is that not every single member of the Order is hiding in peace mode. We are fighting. Couldn't say the same for FAN, which remained mostly sporadic target practice for Alpha Battalion.
  22. So it's justice when you do it, but evil and cruel when we do it? Oh how many times this kind of hypocrisy has been exposed! Well, at least you've learned something from history - if you can't trust FAN to police their own members for disarmament violations, then you can't trust anybody, least of all IRON! Congratulations on that precedent-setting article, "karma."
  23. The longer you fight us, the smaller your will becomes. I look forward to your surrender. hahahahaha Enjoy your permanent war, and I'm sure TPF will too after this. We'll enjoy it. The question is, will you?
  24. Tell that to FAN, an alliance in which 95% of it's members hid in peace mode for the entire time during their "war." Now tell that to the 70% of the Order in war mode, who happily lob nukes, bombs and bullets every day back at the fraudulent coalition of cowards.
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