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Everything posted by Tak178

  1. [quote]Seems like the closest thing to saying we effed up without actually saying we effed up. So...no 57th sigs, that tells me 57th probably wasn't involved with any of these "agreements". GLOF sure is premature, I hope you're not married. [/quote] There was no "agreement". Since the leadership of the 57th wanted to carry on with obfuscation and semantics, I think our leadership was getting tired of having useless discussions. A true conversation and negotiation only applies if you are not talking to people in whom the understanding of the situation at hand seems to be as thick as a brick wall in conceptualization and demeanor. GLoF is done with this, as our Grand Master stated. Time to let this one go, and go forward.
  2. Time to kick $@! and chew bubblegum...I all out of gum... Good luck!
  3. Tonight, in true AZTEC revelry, we dine upon the flesh of our enemies...ok not so much... MASONS! WE RIDE!
  4. Insulting a member of the alliance that just accepted your apology for your own admitted actions doesn't bode well for you, Modus. Nor does it show a scintilla of honour. It seems that you haven't understood what mercy we as an alliance have bestowed. This is why you will never understand what it is to truly be a Mason. This is most regrettable, and a sad day indeed. Happy trails, Modus.
  5. Goodbye, Modus. You've certainly burnt your bridges this time. In my opinion, your actions were unconscionable.
  6. Modus Operandi, and the nation of New Helena will be dealt with on GLOF's terms.
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