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Everything posted by greyproc

  1. This bump brought to you by highways closed by snow and grumpy CSP officers. Snow balls are indicative that you need medical attention.
  2. Thanks much! And thank you to those who responded ingame. I appreciate it.
  3. Hi. I'm looking for an alliance. I was with ODK. ODK was _awesome_. Great people. We merged with DE. Neat people in DE, I suppose. It's not my playing style. I don't play games to have random people I don't know make demands of me. So, anyway, I find myself looking for an alliance. I want one with the following attributes: Black Team Mature-ish members. Peaceful --- an alliance that doesn't start trouble for the sake of trouble (ie, mostly defensive) An alliance that is happy to have _active_ nations, but don't require forum activity. Preferably an alliance with a well thought out theme. Thanks!
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