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Marshall Galbatrox

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Everything posted by Marshall Galbatrox

  1. Got the iron and lumber trade this is his page. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=270510 He says he wil join.
  2. Sent out some messages not getting anything back yet.
  3. So all thats left is lumber + alum
  4. This looks like a trade circle with promise i have marble and spices any chance i can join? This is my link http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=165177 Please contact me if you need help finding people to fill the spaces.
  5. I have spices and marble contact me in-game if more people join the circle.
  6. Marble and spices plus ill pay you if this goes big.
  7. I have spices and marble please put me in.
  8. Maby we should look for some-one to replace him just in case. Also my hunt for water+aluminum is not going well.
  9. filling up all we need now is water aluminum uranium and sugar. Bump*
  10. Im in this one for the long hall. I will look for some people to fill the gap.
  11. These resources make a great trading circle. Resources in red are the ones needed Marble-Haruson Fish- Iron- Aluminum- Pigs-FFX Cattle- Wheat- Uranium- Lumber- Sugar- Water- Spices-Haruson
  12. If you have any of these resources and are looking for a very long lasting trade then please leave me a message here and one in game and i will add you to the list. Please do not ask me to alter the list, i know its a let down to some but its for the good of the circle. Aluminum - Marble - Lumber - Iron - Cattle - Wheat - Water - Fish - Spices - Pigs - Sugar - Lead/Uranium -
  13. I may also have a guy to fill aluminum and oil. its a friend of mine http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=270540
  14. Iv got marble and spices and my trade circle is falling apart sign me up.
  15. Ok i was trying to send forign aid to one of my friends however in the forign aid menu it said i had 0 in every type of aid avaliable. ex Financial Aid offereed: 0 ; 0 of $0.00 avaliable. Is this because my nation is new?
  16. Ok quick question If i delete my current nation, can i create a new nation to take its place? Or will i be banned? Im new to the game and i put in the wrong name for my nation, so as a noobie i was wondering if this is allowed. If not ill continue with the nation i have.
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