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Posts posted by Omniscient1

  1. riaflagg-2.pngSCFlagNorm.png

    PIAT between TSC and RIA!

    Agent Lemon makes the best Chicken Mootle Soup in the world.It was so good that after one bite it literaly "blew my mind".After a brain surgeon put my brain back into my head and told me I would never be the same again,my alliance mates checked me into the insane asylum.They then sued Agent Lemon.They were able to settle out of court with this fine treaty.That way everyone wins! except for me. <_<


    The two signatories agree to this treaty to secure the friendship and mutual cooperation of their respective alliances,Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) and The Shadow Confederacy(TSC).


    In the signing of this treaty, it must be clear that both alliances and their members will remain separate and sovereign entities.


    All forms of in-game aggression between the members of RIA and TSC are deemed illegal. This includes, but is not limited to, sanctions, war declarations, aiding nations at war with either alliance, and all forms of espionage, whether in-game or out.Both parties also agree to respect of members of the signitory alliances on the OWF.


    In case of a conflict involving an attack on a signatory alliance by a third party. The attacked alliance may request assistance in a military, financial, or vocal nature. The other alliance is not required, but encouraged to do so. This article can be enacted by either alliance.


    Both RIA and TSC pledge to keep their lines of communication open to the other. Diplomats are encouraged to sign up and contribute on the other alliance’s forums, where it is expected they will be treated with courtesy and respect by the host alliance.


    In the event that either alliance wishes to cancel this treaty they are required to give a 48 hour written notice in which the Non-aggression clause of the treaty will remain in effect.

    Signed for RIA:

    Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Puppetmaster of Chaos

    Agent Lemon - Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance

    SWAT128 - Head of Foreign Affairs

    C-zom-Head of Military Operations

    cctmsp13 RIA Head of Economics

    Aaron - Head of Internal Affairs

    Signed for TSC:


    Omniscientone-Grand Vizier

    Rudeland-Director of Public Relations

    I wanted to give Lemon the title of The Fearless Fruit, The Courageous Citrus,bt he would not let me. :(

    You will always be the Fearless Fruit to me though Lemon! :wub:

    Thanks for reading.Be sure to give your congrats below this post.If you don't we will blow your mind out also :mad:

  2. We interupt this broadcast for.........A birthday announcement :D

    We would like to thank all of you reading this.The Shadow Confederacy is celebrating its first birthday today.We are so proud to have made it to this point.Anyone who wants to join in on our party or come and eat birthday cake feel free to stop by our irc channel #T-S-C.There will be free birthday cake.

    don't like the cake then that is more for the rest of us.

    We were going to list the people that had helped us along the way,and give them medals on our forums.However,on ACF's birthday they gave medals out on the OWF.We are going to be copy cats and do that also.I listed them by alliance so I could remember them better.Don't like that idea? who cares? not us or anyone else in/on planet Bob.This is the medal the following have recieved.


    The Most Honorable Award of The Shadow Confederacy (ATSC)

    Awarded for the recognition of the meritorious service of foreigners to The Shadow Confederacy

    Amazon Nation:

    Randalla- Randalla has been one of TSC's greatest freinds and she is just-super awesome enough said.

    Larethiel- Larethiel is my favorite Amazon she is very fun to have on IRC.

    Amarynth- Ama is the best book writer I know and is going to be rich one day.

    Elbyran- for always being as perverted as possible. :P

    Dark Fist:

    Starcraftmazter- SCM has helped us out from the begining and was one of our first MDoAP partners via the BPI.Thanks a whole lot SCM.We are glad to have you as one of TSC's best freinds. :wub:


    Mecha Sheik- for being the brainiest diplomat I know.Thanks for being a freind Mecha


    Sharduke- There is no way we could ever repay Sharduke for all that he has done for us.I first met him back at CIS.He created our flag for us.He done our first skin for our forums and even put in our cool info bar.We are very glad to have Ravyns as an MDP partner.


    Lonewolfe- Rain or shine LW is always on our irc.He helped me create my awesome Omnibot and is one of my greates freinds.ACF was TSC's first treaty partner and we are glad to still have that treaty alive today.Do you think


    Prather- Prather helped TSC with our first problem when we had a member go rouge.Prather has continued to be a good freind to our alliance.


    Demag- Demag is our ambassador from NOVA our former protectors.Thanks for always being there Demag.

    HM- Hm4A1 Thanks for being one of our greatest protectors.


    King Wilkinson- KW has always entertained me with his constant SPAM wars and his good knowledge of Foreign Affairs.

    and finaly


    King Crowe- Kc is another good freind of TSC who is a SPAM maniac!

    There you go! I have nicknamed these the un-lucky thirteen. ;)

    and wait don't leave yet!

    TSC passes the 500k NS mark!

    500k NS past!

    ok guys that is it.

    lets re-cap what happened.

    TSC had a birthday.Gave medals to a bunch of cool guys and then announced passing the 500k NS mark,but Omnihad to put it in a link because he was to stupid to take a screenshot <_< .Then you guys gave mindless hails and talked about how cool we were.Thanks and have a nice day.

    AND now we return you back to the war!

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