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    Pegasus Prime
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  1. [quote name='The Great One' date='17 February 2010 - 08:34 AM' timestamp='1266417298' post='2187538'] #1. Fail. Try again. [/quote] Umm no. JPEG compression is consistent in what it does to an image. The first Bracket around the IP was a clear example of a bad match job. No one has proven those screenshots aren't faked. Well you are just taking one persons word for it huh? [quote] #2. Fail again. Have you actually read anything that has been discussed on these boards on the issue? It has been proven fake quite clearly. Even GLoF members have admitted that the command board screenshot is fake. [/quote] Never said it wasn't. I still haven't seen a real comparison being done against the real thing. Please feel free to PM me a link to such a screenshot. I really want to know for my own purposes. [quote] #3. Sorry, you fail. AGAIN. Believe it or not, most people actually would talk to an ally before declaring war on them. [/quote] Yes there should have been a discussion, that is my personal opinion. But then again what would have talking accomplished? Take the command board screenshot out of the picture. How do you explain the original very faked IP screenshots? Again point number 3 is the true issue here. How would you approach such a discussion? Originally the 57th was given the benefit of the doubt. [quote] #4. Fail attempt at character assassination, trying to say we have no honor or integrity? I can't tell, but you fail either way, it's pretty clear to everyone that GLoF is the one lacking in honor and integrity. It's better if GLoG doesn't post again unless it's an admission of guilt. None of your pathetic attempts to justify this war float any boats. [/quote] No, I was commenting on how people question the honor and integrity of a whole alliance. It is easy to talk about the high values and morale's of honor, integrity and ethics. But most people just talk it. Go read human history for proof. Sometimes the most difficult decision is the most ethical and morale. All I know is this, should it come out that all that GLOF went to war over was true. True for the masses to see, many here would be feeling pretty foolish. So no I was making no character assassinations. I was simply defending myself and those who I know are good people. You obviously failed to comprehend the over all message. For that I am truly sorry. Anyway, I am done. Once again flame baited into debating with those who do not want to debate and refuse to look at all sides. This is my true failing here. Good day.
  2. [quote name='The Great One' date='17 February 2010 - 08:06 AM' timestamp='1266415610' post='2187508'] So I'm wondering how much 57th is going to be getting in reps. I mean, the CB for these wars was even worse than a tech raid. Imo "I am going to steal your tech" is a better CB than "YOU LIEZ TO US" especially when it's proven that there was no lie. [/quote] The self proclaimed righteous continue to harp on the "supposed" faked screenshot of the 57th's command board. Yet no one wants to really admit that the screenshots submitted by the 57th are to every much in question and haven't at all been proven to be genuine. Those screenshots got a member in good standing expelled. Close up inspection of those images clearly show a bad attempt at changing the IP. You can see the poor job of pasting over the area in question. However, so called experts agree that the command board screen-shots was a fake. With no real proof, no comparison of what the internal board of the 57th actually looks like. So which is it? I do not care what anyone says here. Most of you would have done the same thing. Yes, yes you would have. To say otherwise is to deny the human condition. In fact I am pretty sure most alliance leaders would have done the same thing. Real wars have been started over less. Do not preach about honor and integrity when you have no idea what the concept truly encompasses. Sideline quarterbacks are worse than anything. Personally, this whole matter has left sour taste in my mouth. It has also soured the whole CN experience for me. Right or wrong I know for sure GLOF was manipulated. It started with the screenshots that got a member expelled. If the command board was a fake than even more assured the original IP screenshots were a fake as well. We will never know the whole truth here. CN politics and the hypocrisy that surrounds it is indeed a mind numbing thing to be exposed to. One thing is for sure [u][b]no one here is qualified[/b][/u] to judge my own integrity and honor.
  3. [quote name='DesertSon' date='16 February 2010 - 10:04 AM' timestamp='1266336260' post='2185647'] Everyone's point entirely, and our former ally attacked us over very questionable content. EDIT TO CLARIFY EARLIER STATEMENT: The screen shots even your leadership has doubts about are those that are supposed to be of a topic on our forums. [/quote] I think its quite clear that yes this is a mess. I will concede the concern and opinion voiced in this thread. I am but a peon . I hope it all works out. After all I can log off of CN and not care at the end of the day. I just do not appreciate the paintbrush tone being used in this thread. Have a good day.
  4. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='16 February 2010 - 09:56 AM' timestamp='1266335775' post='2185634'] here you go Treborprime [img]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/7313/treborprime.png[/img] [/quote] lol ok Good one Thank you for proof of concept. I can see some question around Rebel Virginia - nice btw. Did a good job on the water-board and awesome. Not so good on chickin. But a very passable fake. Would be nice to try this on something other than a white background? Png format is your friend and does not suffer the same problems as other graphic formats. The command board screenshot fake or not is in JPEG format and does not have a white background. It may seem trivial but it is important when trying to detect pixel issues around modified text.
  5. [quote name='DesertSon' date='16 February 2010 - 09:50 AM' timestamp='1266335416' post='2185629'] I think you need to get in contact with your own leadership as even they have all but conceded that the supposed screen shot from our forums is a poor fake. A quick browse through the logs from day one of the talks will show you that as well. I will thank you though for helping point out that the other screen shot is fake as well, you might want to bring that concern up to your leaders while you are talking to them. [/quote] If the other screenshot is fake then that doesn't sit well for the 57th does it? Since well that is what Veneke presented to GLOF for having Iyeman expelled from the Lodge. Either way there is questionable content with this whole issue. I do not believe the command board to be a fake. [u][b]But that just like everything else in this thread is an opinion.[/b][/u]
  6. [quote name='SWAT128' date='16 February 2010 - 09:43 AM' timestamp='1266335027' post='2185620'] The one of the Veneke post one is fake because it doesn't conform to the format of the 57th forums. There is supposed to be a larger gap between where his post ends and the signature spacer is. Read the GLOF DoW topic and you'll see that it's faked. [/quote] We have a comparable screenshot taken before Feb 10th? Which board software do they use? It would be easy enough to verify. In a situation like this "[b]supposed[/b]" isn't good enough.
  7. [quote name='The Great One' date='16 February 2010 - 09:10 AM' timestamp='1266333019' post='2185575'] You are aware that that screenshot was comprehensively proven false correct? . [/quote] Ok I will play this game with you. which one in particular? The IP screenshot initially submitted by Veneke. Which we originally took at face value? Or the internal command board? In order to fake something like that there would be a lot of pix-elation distortion. You would lose quality from the original screenshot and there is no graphic editor out there that can overcome these issues [u][b]totally[/b][/u]. I see no [u][b]discernible distortion[/b][/u] in the image. If someone created and manipulated an image than well I take my hat off to them. If that is the case someone still needs access to a base image to manipulate ( sorry can't do that from scratch ). The question still begs to differ who from the 57th took that screenshot? Still though I see no way how the command board image could have been faked. I can definitely see how the IP images could be misinterpreted. One observation on the IP screenshots - the distortion shown in the IP screenshots is [u][b]inconsistent[/b][/u] with JPEG compression. You should have uniform distortion throughout the image and not just around the text. It looks like someone did a bad job matching the color around the text. *shrugs* The command board screenshot seems to be imo the only valid thing in this whole mess. I imagine that would make just about any leader in this game angry. What happens afterwards... that I guess is the real debate here?
  8. [quote name='The Great One' date='16 February 2010 - 02:31 AM' timestamp='1266309071' post='2185276'] GLoF, if you need even more proof that you are wrong. NSO and I agree here, seriously, I'm agreeing with NSO. That's when you know you have to be wrong GLoF. After dozens have pointed out ways in which it becomes clear that the IP wasn't faked. All GLoF says in response is "ITS FAKEZORZ GTFO THEY LIEZ TO US WE KEEL DEM". Yeah... when dozens of people have shown that it likely isn't fake, and you haven't even come up with a rebuttal to that. It's pretty clear that they are not fake and you are afraid to admit that in attempts to save face. Little bit of info for ya, you aren't saving face, you look like bigger idiots every hour that passes. [/quote] Of course there is the screenshot of their internal command board. That would be just about impossible to fake, [u][b]yes actually it would[/b][/u]. If I were the 57th I would be worried about who sent that particular screenshot. Even if the IP screenshots weren't faked this would further complicate things. I will not pretend to understand the politics coming into play here. All I know is that there is a lot of armchair photo-shoppers in this thread and commanders for that matter. Remember this is just a game.
  9. [quote name='Chron' date='15 February 2010 - 07:15 PM' timestamp='1266282948' post='2183818'] I read through 15 pages of folks pointing out your provided screenshots of Veneke saying anything were fake. So yeah, I have. Thanks for playing. The crux being you declared war over fake screenshots before getting them verified. With very little time between getting them and the actual declaration. You all may have your own side, but since it mostly consists of character attacks justifying your eagerness to declare on your ally, then I think it's not worth taking seriously. [/quote] Eagerness? I am very absolutely sure there was no eagerness. You obviously missed the part that Veneke purposefully left out. The screenshots he [b]originally submitted to us[/b]. So pray-tell which one was fake and which one was not? This thread was to serve one purpose and that was to flame bait. If you can't see that well... You simply aren't qualified to judge the merits of this conflict.
  10. [quote name='Chron' date='15 February 2010 - 07:05 PM' timestamp='1266282323' post='2183797'] [b]Yeah, except the "evidence" showing that 57th did anything is apparently faked.[/b] Back off, and may I suggest not starting anything when you haven't actually looked into the context? kthxbai. [/quote] Have you? You just confirmed what was being said. GLOF was submitted a screenshot was first taken seriously and later shown to be faked. Interesting how there is two sides to every story eh?
  11. [quote name='Hydro' date='15 February 2010 - 07:01 PM' timestamp='1266282089' post='2183787'] Really Chron? You're going to stick up for 57th? The treaty would have been considered broken by 57th after they were caught spying on GLOF. Last time I checked, the NSO had a very similar response to spies to GLOF's current one. [/quote] Hypocrisy is an easy thing here on the ole net. Veneke knew that bypassing the process by posting here would put himself in the drivers seat. Screenshots or not, the logs themselves are rather incriminating. Anyone can spout honor. But to live it is another thing all together.
  12. Another question is this At what tech level should you start purchasing tech? Once you reach 3999 infra; as in how much tech should you buy from your own funds before starting to buy? I guess the obvious answer is when it is too expensive to buy myself eh? Thanks
  13. Can someone tell me why I cannot sort by nation or see all of my history here? As it is the game seems to randomly cut off the history so at times I cannot tell if I have already met my tech commitment or not. In one particular case I am not sure if I am still on my first 50 tech trade or the second one for a particular nation. It has cut off the expired trade that shows when I first received payment from them. I of course can drop the guy an e-mail but it seems strange that the game doesn't have the tools to do this already. I of course could be missing something here.
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