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Posts posted by Lackistan

  1. The Revenge Doctrine is undoubtedly just. The Moldavi doctrine is not really something you can assign morality to. You can say their enforcement of the doctrine is just (the don't just shoot first and ask questions later). But is it "moral" to not allow an alliance to colonize red? Sure, if you really need an answer. There are a dozen other teams to occupy, most of which are superior anyways (in terms of trades, unity, etc).

    It would be immoral if EVERY team had such doctrines, however.

  2. You posted a whole lot of words for someone whose alliance has nothing to do with anything. In the immortal words of Hamlet, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

    Oh my, it's like rain on my wedding day, this post.

    Also, Citadel vs. Q theories have been going on since Q was created. Keep it up, and it might eventually be the only rumour to outlast an entire blocs existence!

  3. I had no idea that Opethian's purpose was to entertain you. I think you ought to go tell him that you're no longer amused by his antics. He's sure to care very much.

    Also, Rebel Virginia senses a bitter reroll.

    Bitter? Of course not. Just disappointed that nothing has changed on these forums in my time away.

    Though my original point, however, was that he evidently cares about the motivations of who attacks him. Otherwise, they would be no point to this.

  4. I salute you for this post. CN is serious business, and fun is not to be had by anyone. You show Opethian good. It's worked wonders in the past. Amirite or amirite?


    1) I hardly have to show him anything, as I don't really give a crap.

    2) PPF was great for a long time, but he seems to have passed the line from "unique and awesome" to "attention-seeking and annoying" a while ago.

    3) War is fun as well, AMIRITE?

  5. Just kidding of course, I enjoyed my time working with the alliances in tC and I hope to see the bloc endure for all our sakes. Don't let Vox win.

    A tC breakup hardly equates to a Vox victory. Especially since it is inevitable it will fall, like all things in CN.

    The only way Vox can win is if NPO completely annihilates itself, and its closest allies. Which is unlikely in the near future.

  6. Heh, why do people pick MHA? They have like a super-treaty with NPO at this point lol, with a one year cancellation clause. They would gain nor lose nothing from leaving Q unless they planned to break the treaty first. =.=;

    I voted Sparta o:

    Wai nawt?

    There are other alliances in Q besides NPO, you know. One can leave a bloc and still maintain their separate treaties with individuals in it.

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