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Everything posted by Janitor

  1. I think that would slip by a spell checker... personally, I go with all my mistakes and errors!
  2. Sethly, MHA defends itself well. You guys did not fold ever that I saw. I was the guy in round 2 (or was it 3?) that organized that MI blitz on MHA when you guys scared me with the number of nukes you had amassed. We were LUCKY you guys accepted the white peace! Mind you, nukes did a lot more damage back then. You held your own when attacked by LE last round as well... trust me.... WE (LE) don't believe MHA will ever fold like a house of cards. Just to set the record straight. And as many times as I've been nuked now... it was an HONOR to break Thai's nuke cherry! He was great about it! and his second or third largest guy (Korsun) kicked the crap outta me for doing it! Even better!
  3. As entertaining as this is.... ^^^^ You guys have hijacked my thread! TRG continues to defend and attack anew! Again, I tip my hat to you guys... the tenacity and timing of some of your members is amazing! While its true this is mostly just a crunch the numbers game, the timing can make a huge difference... some of you guys have it down to an art! WTG!
  4. Nice! You guys fight GREAT! Most standing their ground, more piling in... it's a thing of Beauty! I <salute> you guys... WTG. Kick our butts!
  5. You are mistaken. Reread the thread.
  6. make the wait period to launch nukes an odd number so it encourages people to log in more often at different times. Say, no launch for 30 hours?
  7. Change the length of day between resets to 22 hours so reset time would rotate through all timezones every 12 days. Update and blitz attacks would be thought out better depending on when the update ocurred real time.
  8. Why would that be a problem... reducing your NS to get out of a fight you are losing badly seems like a legit tactic to have in the game.
  9. we both won this war... the next guys either of us fights are in for some surprises. the opening blitz is important, paying attention to cashflow is paramount and all those stupid nations that join but won't fight are worse than useless. LE gets rid of them - apparently with good reason.
  10. Some of us got beat up pretty good. I think I gave as much or more than I took overall, but Thai, Jermula, Makabayan and especially Korsun smacked me around pretty good. Salute guys, was a great fight. Korsun haddled his cash flow much better than I did... I would have bill locked sooner than he which means I'd have had a steady diet of nukes for 2 more days.
  11. Apparently I picked up Thais nuclear "cherry" tonight. I feel a little awkward doesn't mean he didn't pay me a little retaliatory visit though
  12. In the fight of our lives vs MHA, ya right. You are not even on the radar. The point is still the same... if you want to talk, talk as a man. Try being who you are.
  13. time will tell smells like fear
  14. Beazy, you are weak. Tell us who you are, grow a pair I am roan, Janitor in CN, 109EE in round 3 when I was MOD for Murder Inc, Fokker in round 4 with LE. You talk a lot, do you have a backbone?
  15. No sir, we attacked the #1... that was our intent, nothing more. And Sethly, I apologize on behalf of the guy that sent that. It is not the way we do things. We respect guys that fight back, we expect it and want it! Internally we will deal with it. I think we've rejected 60 applicants so far... trust me we are discriminating. Again... I'm sorry... any message you should have gotten would have been towards your efforts to defend yourself.
  16. mpetes... Thai missed beating us by about 5 seconds or so... THAT was my point. He reacted faster than anyone I have ever seen move. It was a thing of beauty! And he still gave me a spanking after update... :lol: :lol: WE KNOW how big you guys are... thats the point. We want a hard fight. If we lose, thats good too. CNT is getting boring... this is fun. Good luck MHA... kick our butts!
  17. I think LE is beginning to take care of the gridlock issue? no?
  18. Nice opening moves Thaisport... we moved as quickly as we could and you moved only a hair slower! Damn, you are fast! WTG bud, you are impressive.
  19. This is an old thread now... LE is going to war, we have no friends amymore. don yer battle kilts lads and lassies
  20. I keep looking at the Sumo picture in the original post and I wonder.... last round the little guy was MI and the big guy Judgement, right?
  21. Lafayette Escadrille has begun to cull the ghosts in our alliance. Those who won't fight, or won't respond when PM'd we remove. As this scoring is based mostly on # of nations we should fall in the standings..... I suspect this makes us stronger though, not weaker
  22. My bad... I did not tell him no nukes, everyone else knew about it. I do apologize for that. LE has stated they will not fire a nuke at Aztec.
  23. I guess I don't follow this political stuff too well... and I realy only focus on the raid part BUT So some folks think if you put in your BIOS these are the raid rules, the "raidee" will agree? OR his Aliiance? Ain't gonna happen. Elbo, c'mon MI didn't let the big guys push around the little guys before, do you swing that way now?
  24. Interesting discussion... My take with MI last round and LE this round is simple... Attack one of us - raid, balls to walls whatever, and we will defend to the limit. You raid, its your call, I WILL sent in the troops. PERIOD. Just so we're clear... I enjoyed last round. I was 109EE with Murder Inc. This round I am Fokker with Lafayette Escadrille First round I was the Janitor SO write YOUR rules in your BIOS, we will respond with OUR rules.
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