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King Boris

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Posts posted by King Boris

  1. I've grown rather fond of my lead trade actually. I have gold and furs native, but I've never bothered to head down the FJ/AP route. My normal trade set is beer, construction, microchips, scholars, fish and uranium.

    Oil and lead enable microchips and scholars. So, between lead, oil and uranium, I get: +$3, +2.5 hap, -2.8% infra bill, -60% nuke bills, -20% nuke cost, -38.4% navy bills, -14.5% navy cost, and +10% soldier eff.

    Well other stuff too, but none of it matters (-7.5% tech? wut?)

    Admittedly, this mix is a bit light on pop boosters, but at least there's fish and wheat. Ah, for my old pre-nuclear days, when I had cattle there instead in my ideal mix. :)

    Ours do. At least the ones that read our guides. Collecting with 50 is one of the perks of being a tech seller; when you're new, buying tech is somewhat expensive. For a seller, it just comes with the territory.

    Sorry bro, your circle sucks. With only fish and wheat for population all your other so called benefits just partially make up for the income you could be getting from the extra citizens.

  2. Someone should have told me to reroll a long time ago, oil and wine. With these resources I will never fit in an "ideal" trade set and I only keep reliable trades through charity from alliance mates. Before I was put in a trade circle despite my oil screwing it up I never made it a week with a full set of trades....

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