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Blog Comments posted by Liltrekkie

  1. You apparently don't know our sphere too well then. None of us were required to hit the biggest threat, we wanted to hit the biggest threat, because we believed in defending our allies no matter the cost. Something CN has completely lost, we arennt called the moralist sphere for nothing. We aren't just allies, but true friends who have been there despite the overwhelming odds stacked against us. 


    Speaking of, there were a number of times we wanted to branch out into other spheres, but we were always shot down from those outside, usually by those big and blue, or friends of those people, we've been threatened even, for considering ties or actions that went against a certain spheres agenda. This created a lot of political instability within ourselves, because we feared being isolated by that side. Anytime a military conflict arose, it was our leadership following the coalitions wishes, to put it bluntly, we were cannon fodder for those bigger than us. At best, we were treated as irrelevant, and at worst, like garbage. In hindsight, we should have said screw it and did what we wanted anyway. 


    It is actually more deeply rooted than that, and stemmed from a "pacifica bad, polar good" type of thing. Although, staying close to one of those spheres cost us more than we ever, ever benefited from it. There is quite a bit more details I could share, but I'm sure I'll have pissed off enough people posting this as is.

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