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The Warrior

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Posts posted by The Warrior

  1. Bones,


    Until Monsters Inc explicitly requests peace, how are we supposed to know that they are even interested? To my knowledge, no such request has been made of NPO. Claiming that they are being held at war by Pacifica is a bit disingenuous considering that Pacifica didn't even know that they wanted peace.

  2. When did IRON burn exactly? I know NPO got theirs, when did you?



    January 30, 2010 --> 13,846,575 NS

    February 8, 2010 --> 8,811,850 NS

    April 16, 2010 --> ~3,100,000 NS


    If losing more than 80% of your nation strength doesn't constitute one "burning", I'm not sure what you would define as "burning".

  3. So, like you.
    You're doing something?
    I didn't know getting on ones knees and begging for mercy, desperately trying to deflect ill intentions on others to prevent being slaughtered for your past crimes was doing something.

    Not everyone fails at FA as hilariously as you have. But, apparently, having a functional FA plan and team in place to enact it can only be explained by you as "begging" or "sucking up". Unlike you, we were willing to own up to our failures and vowed to correct our issues. We did.

    What actions are those, exactly?


    Calling you out for being a bunch of daisies?


    Grow up.

    Yeah, that's what I was talking about..  :rolleyes:


    To my knowledge, nobody within MI6 has performed spy attacks on anyone.  Myth is not a member of MI6.  To be blunt, knowing Sengoku's warchests is a hell of a lot less relevant for us than knowing MI6's appears to be for them. 




    And his title?  "Non-Member".  He has no forum or IRC access, and is basically on the AA because he's got no interest in going elsewhere.


    Who MI6 keeps on its AA is none of your concern.  And, just for clarity's sake, neither are our warchests.

    Who MI6 allows on their AA isn't anyone else's business.. until it is. Allowing someone to sit on your AA as an approved member unfortunately means that their actions reflect on your alliance as long as they are there. It is what it is and as far as everyone else is concerned, myth is a member of MI6.



    I am simply pointing out that there seems to be a pattern of Sengoku attempting to push its position using the strength of others. If I was a serious alliance like NPO I would be looking at whether such people might be political liabilities in a stability-based bloc. But maybe you guys offer something in backrooms that us commoners can't see.

    NPO appreciates your concern about their allies I'm sure. They are probably very glad to know that you are watching out for them.



    Isn't goading people to get swords to fall what Mi6 has done pretty much for the past year? It's pretty much been an endless circle-jerk of "we're so awesome at war, nobody can touch us - oh, but they all want to roll us because we're awesome - oh, but they won't do it because they are scared of how awesome we are". 

    Come on man. Nothing is their fault.

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