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The Warrior

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Posts posted by The Warrior

  1. 8th-Birthday_zps0b42ec16.jpg

    The Independent Republic of Orange Nations formally announced it's existence to Planet Bob on April 28th, 2006. It has been a long ride, full of ups and downs, but IRON continues to thrive today -- 8 years after our founding.

    A couple thousand nations have called IRON home during their stay on Bob and every single one has helped shape the alliance in their own way. To anyone that this may apply to, we want to thank you for your service!

    To our friends and allies: Thank you for your support and friendship throughout the years! We certainly appreciate it.

    Please join us in #iron sometime in the next couple days to celebrate this milestone with us!

    Signed for the Independent Republic of Orange Nations,
    The Warrior - President, IRON Councilor
    Third King - Secretary of State, IRON Councilor
    Blade 619 - Minister of Defense, IRON Councilor
    Montosh - Minister of Internal Affairs, IRON Councilor
    Ali bin Turban - Minister of the IRON Vault, IRON Councilor
  2. Hello, and Thank You. I am sorry for acting out. But together we shall form a group, us as royals, and we shall show strength and will together. If you accept, I will hereby form the... BROTHERHOOD OF KINGS! and we shall start with a treaty. contact me in-game if you accept, we must not reveal our plans to our first enemy...

    Esteemed King, Knights111, if you will permit me to offer you some advice, I know of two warriors who will gladly join you in your quest to vanquish all of these heathens. Seek out and recruit Buckaroo13 and Yamuliss post haste. They are two of the best. They shall assist you in your quest. Do not allow Kaiser Auctor to beat you to the punch. 

  3. I found this on !@#$%* randomly. Who made it? I want to thank you for thinking I mean anything  :v:


    Macro Players:

    1) TBRaiders

    2) Auctor

    3) Stewie

    4) Chim (+MI6)

    5) Salajol

    6) Auctor

    7) Canik

    8) Bob

    9) WarriorSoul (+Ego/Garion)

    10) Berbers


    Honorable Mentions: TaylorJ, WC, Lord Hershey, Goldie, Farrin, Cuba, SCM, OsRavan, Sardonic, Berbers/NATO, Xoin, NascarFan/Thrash, Cuba, Rayvon

    List needs at least 3 Auctor's to be legitimate.

  4. Duckrollfinalrp1_zps5e581cee.png






    On January 19th, 2009, a new standard in allied military cooperation was born. Duckroll was not a bloc. There were no defined clauses that mandated or quantified the relationship of the signatories and how they were to behave with one another. This cooperation was born strictly out of a strong friendship and desire to prosper and devastate on the field of battle.



    First signed in 2009 by TORN (the Playmaker), IRON (the Big Hitter), Molon Labe (the Sniper), and Valhalla (the Agitator), Duckroll has had several iterations and additions over the course of the last five years:

    • January of 2011 - addition of BAPS
    • May of 2012 - addition of Olympus
    • July of 2012 - addition of Anarchy Inc.
    • November of 2012 - addition of Argent



    The gradual decline of our world has affected every individual, every alliance, every bloc, and every group of alliances in one way or another. Duckroll has not been exempted from this reality. Inactivity became the bane of Duckroll's existence. This along with that other worldly monster (RL), has laid claim to many who once rolled under this banner:


    • bigwoody
    • Calderone
    • Heft
    • Coursca
    • MCRABT
    • Oedipus Rex
    • Pansy
    • Lord Curzon
    • Richard Rahl
    • William Blake
    • Shayne Rivai
    • And many more..




    The ideals and friendships that bonded this group together will live on, but the official grouping itself will not. Effective March 7th, 2014, the Duckroll Project ceases to exist.



    The Independent Republic of Orange Nations, Argent, and Anarchy Inc hereby pledge to defend the Molon Labe AA indefinitely as a protectorate. Leave them alone.


    For the last time: Quack! Roll on.






    Signed for the Independent Republic of Orange Nations,

    The Warrior, President, IRON Councilor

    Duelking, Secretary of State, IRON Councilor

    Montosh, Minister of Internal Affairs, IRON Councilor

    Blade 619, Minister of Defense, IRON Councilor

    Ali bin Turban, Minister of the Vault, IRON Councilor



    Signed for Anarchy Inc,

    Board of Directors:
    Buffalo Niagara
    Buffalo's Minion:



    Signed for Argent,

    The Great and Powerful Lowsten (James Spanier) - Emperor

    Otter (Aeternos Astramora) - Regent

    trimm - Minister of Finance

    Omniscient1 - Minister of Internal Affairs

    deathman1212 - Minister At-Large



    Signed for Molon Labe,




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