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xR1 Fatal Instinct

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Posts posted by xR1 Fatal Instinct

  1. 1 hour ago, Rebel Virginia said:

    Heft is no more, and Heft never spoke for me. A day will come when you will eat your words and confess to the world that you were defeated. Now be quiet so that the rest of us can take heart of Invicta's demise. I personally am glad to see that alliance gone.


    So when can we expect you to attack The Legion?

  2. I await to see which Oculus nations outside of NPO come to fight if SPATR throws it down. 

    Shirley NG will be there in a heart beat. Wait... Your name's not Shirley.


    Hey so does DBDC still have the treaty with SPATR or nah

    it's been cancelled like five times now

    I don't believe it is, but many members of SPATR hold dual membership.

  3. Yes because asking MDoAP allies to fight each other is the smart thing to do. Let's be honest all of CnG share a mutual level tie to NPO. STA understood that they would be hitting their Mutual level allies Mutual level ally. So they said to ODN we will not be activating the treaty we hold with you as it puts you in a really !@#$ position.

    Its not only that, but the way NPO e-lawyered it, it would require the activation of the "oA" portion of the treaty, which in any affair is usually a stretch (unless you're NPO and want to get in on a curb stomp).


    GATO canceled their TIO treaty at NPO's request.

    How high?

  4. So, this is what's going to happen:

    You are no longer in control of who you fight your wars with: the last CHOICE you made with your nation was attacking Grub. From now on we are going to decide who you fight with, your nation will be in perpetual anarchy and our attacks to your nations will NOT stop until your infra is ZERO and your tech is ZERO. We may consider going on with the attacks until your Money is ZERO too.


    If we get into the current conflict (which may happen or not), once the current conflict finishes, our war with you will NOT finish (assuming that the current conflict will be shorter than the time that it takes to make both of your nations reach Zero Infra and Zero Tech).

    That's the "long" answer... The short answer is: No, for Polaris two rogues are not part of any "side" when they are rogues.


    Total Money: $8,332,589,354


    lol okay..

  5. Vintage Invicta.

    [color=#ff0000]R[/color][color=#e74417]e[/color][color=#d0842e]y[/color][color=#b9ba45]t[/color][color=#a2e25c]h[/color][color=#8bf973]e[/color][color=#73fe8b]G[/color][color=#5cf0a2]r[/color][color=#45d0b9]e[/color][color=#2ea1d0]a[/color][color=#1766e7]t[/color] why the sadness? Do I need to bring a few candles and some chocolates too?

  6. QcHydDe.png
    An Invicta Declaration of War
    On November 7th 2014, Doom Squad declared war upon Invicta without a proper casus belli. Many did not agree with this heinous act, but Invicta welcomed it, because we needed a new nemesis other than GATO. Time has passed since the uncalled for war against Invicta, Invicta has had time to rebuild, Doom Squad has had time to rebuild and formerly reform under the alias Doom Kingdom. Unfortunately for them, this does not excuse their previous actions and barbaric acts. The time has come for them to answer for their actions. The time has come for us to take a stand against oppression.
    So without further adieu, Invicta declares war on Do…
    Oops, wrong speech.
    My apologies, I am here to announce the Doom Kingdom - Invicta PIAT. So without further adieu, the Forged in Flame and Blood Pact:


    Forged in Flame and Blood Pact

    Preamble: This Peace, Intelligence, and Aid treaty is between the alliances of Doom Kingdom and Invicta, in the spirit of friendship, co-operations, etc.
    Article I: Peace
    The signatories of this treaty agree not to conduct any acts of warfare, espionage, or any other acts of violence against the other. If this happens, the signatories shall handle the situation properly and maturely.
    Article II: Intelligence
    In the event that one signatory gains intelligence on the other that could be vital to their security, they must share that intelligence with them.
    Article III: Aid
    At any time, a signatory of this treaty may ask for aid of any kind from the other. Although the other signatory has the option to refuse the aid with a reason specified, it is recommended that they send the aid as soon as possible.
    Article IV: Termination
    At any time, one signatory may cancel this treaty for any reason. If this happens, the canceler must give the other signatory seventy-two hours notice of the cancellation. Article I remains in effect for an additional one hundred and twenty hours after the treaty is cancelled.
    Article V: Review
    Sixty days after the the treaty is announced, both parties agree to review the treaty to determine whether to upgrade, cancel, or continue. If both parties agree to continue, the treaty will be reviewed again in sixty days.
    Signed for Doom Kingdom:
    Hapapants - Doomfather
    Gh0s7 - Doomanager
    White Chocolate - Doombassador
    Banned - Doomerchant
    Xavier - Doomarshall
    Franz - Doom Councilor
    Caliph - Doom Councilor
    Daeg - Doom Councilor
    Addaff - Doom Councilor
    Signed for Invicta:

    KingWilliam, President of Invicta
    rotty, VP, shadow gov orchestrator, Phate on IRC

    President Gunn, Chief of Staff, Minister of Love, and Learz's Playboy

    xR1 Fatal Instinct, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Interim Minister of War, Kiwi's boy toy
    Ordo, Minister of Awesome



    Your nuclear attack against Ceres Soveign was a success. Ceres Soveign lost 0 defending soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 231.840 miles of land, 77.28 technology, 217.93 infrastructure, 75% of their aircraft, and 25% of their nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Ceres Soveign will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.




    You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Ceres Soveign. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to incite the enemy population to desire a new government type. Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.

    Watch out... we have a bad ass over here :rolleyes:

  8. Number of Soldiers Lost: 101,795 Attacking + 226,517 Defending = 328,312 Casualties

    The only thing that looks "petty" is your casualty count, it's probably best for you to hide behind other alliances

    Shots fired.


    You should come back D34th. A daily "I told you so" would be worth putting up with to have you :D

    NpO turning into MI6?

  9. Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons that targeted your technology by CubaQuerida. Your fallout shelters have limited the damage caused by this attack. You lost 620 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 14.074 miles of land, 1,524.181 technology, 1,850.791 infrastructure, 50% of your aircraft, and 18% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience several days of economic devastation.

  10. Woohoo, someone else to fight me to hopefully damage me enough so I don't have to drop out of this war after one round.


    Let's see what you've got xR1, haven't fought you in awhile.


    E: Ah, off to a rough first round there buddy. Nixed a few boats though!

    Hit the other 2 first and had 35% and 26% odds respectively. Figured what the hell, I've seen crazier shit happen here.

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