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xR1 Fatal Instinct

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Posts posted by xR1 Fatal Instinct

  1. Dog goes woof, cat goes meow.

    Bird goes tweet, and mouse goes squeak.

    Cow goes moo. Frog goes croak, and the elephant goes toot.

    Ducks say quack and fish go blub, and the seal goes OW OW OW.

    But there's one sound that no one knows...





  2. Swing and a miss old man. You seem to admit that over the years you had real threats....and done nothing but take it. Good for you guys. Now, an alliance comes along that tried to be a threat...and by your admission failed to get the bigger alliances who may have been their best shot, thus became nothing more than a noisy bunch of haters. So, you declare war on them for being "a real threat". It's pretty much beyond laughable Grub and I guess I have to hand it to you for throwing this out there and wondering if anyone would notice.


    Take into account that 2 years ago many of Polar's current government weren't in their respective offices and Dajobo wasn't leading (granted he was second in command). 2 years ago RandomInterrupt was making the calls. Dajobo is taking a more hands on approach. Perhaps we can attribute their lack of action (in 2011) due to a differing leadership than they have currently. Just a thought. Also, I'm sure there are quite a few other variables as well.

  3. Great arguments about peace mode. I've seen the light and I think I'll just go and surrender now. Or maybe not. I'm sure our leaders are just as eager to get their hands dirty at a better moment. The only thing I'm pissed off about is that it's still 2 weeks until I can buy a wonder again. If I could get my hands on an SDI right now, Rayvon could stay in peace mode for the rest of his life as far as I'm concerned.

    I think you overestimate how useful the SDI actually is. I will give you that there are sometimes when it is indeed useful, but those are few and far inbetween.


    When you're ready to stop bawling about peace mode, let's have this war. You've got TOP and Fark to lift for you against us little ol' dastardly Sith.

    Like you needed NPO and Shangri-La to "lift for you against them little ol' dastardly Kaskus?" I don't intend to start a spitting match with you over this, but I just found it as a hypocritical statement and I'm sure you will too.

  4. rsz_11ut6awfp_zpsa6488d9b.jpgrsz_1rsz_invicta1small_zpscf25f425.jpg



    Blazin’ Saddles Pact 2.0





    This document is to hereby establish our hatred for the Attorney General and our support of each other to rid the town of Mongo’s wrath.

    Article I - Peace

    Despite our differences, we agree to work together and give each other pie openly.


    Article II - Intelligence

    Invicta and SUN agree to work together and not let the church bells interfere with our communication.


    Article III - Aid

    We agree to lend a hand if we’re ten cents short.


    Article IV - Mutual Defense

    We agree to defend each other from the army of bandits.


    Article V - Cooperation

    Let’s both build a candygram for Mongo!

    Article VI - Cancellation

    Should we think our future in Rock Ridge will not last, we must notify each other by Monday before being hanged.


    Signed for Invicta:

    Rotty  - President

    President Gunn - Vice President

    Ellis - Chief of Staff

    xR1 Fatal Instinct - Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Jon32492 - Minister of Internal Affairs

    King William - Minister of Finance

    Contra - Minister of War


    Signed for SUN:

    Fen Dorbek, Emperor of SUN

    PSpiz, Imperial Minister/Foreign Minister

    King James II, MInister of Internal Affairs

    Paul Jacobs, Minister of Economics

    Shard, Minister of Education

    Relapse, Minister of Defense

  5. I think you're going to be tied up for more than a couple weeks.

    I don't doubt you don't mind war yourselves, but my guess is some of your old friends who are about to get shafted are hoping you can come back to help out with this impending "war" that everyone is talking about. Instead of getting picked off while you're alone. Oops. "Sloppy" doesn't even begin to describe things.

    DBDC has the strength and coordination to effectively take out most nations in their 200k+ range. I think you'll see that any alliances with a tier of similar stature are not going to do anything.

  6. I've been meaning to say (and I realize this is a bit of a crossover from the VE thread, and a late one at that) that, upon reflection, it doesn't really matter if GOP isn't truly neutral or if it's taking advantage of it's unique situation to wage war without serious threat of retaliation. GOP is doing something here, which is more than can be said of most, and it's doing things its own way. And that I can appreciate.


    I appreciated, too, the rumors (by way of Invicta from what I hear) that Kashmir intended/intends on declaring war on GOP. We all had a good laugh.

    You can use that as a cb on us if you want.

  7. Arguing that CCC defeated MK in war is beyond stupid.  Using your logic, Zulu alliance defeated MK in war.  


    Yes, it appears in the document, however those with half a brain and the ability to properly reason know the distinction.  

    Ok, let me use a different example. A few years ago I decided to rogue UPN. A few (3) Athens guys decided to quad me at update for past transgressions (londo, wickedj and maybe rush?). Anyways, really good warrers. They knew their shit. UPN on the other hand had nations 60k sending 40 bombers at me. UPN was doing no damage. I looked to the future and realized that I didn't want to let my nation burn for Peggy Sue, but I knew going into it that UPN wouldn't be able to take me and they weren't able to. I took zero damage from UPN guys. In the end, I still surrendered to everyone I was at combat with. People gave me endless shit for surrendering to UPN, but they did no damage to me. Athens defeated me in war, not UPN.


    Someone who offered a TIAP to another alliance really shouldn't get to lecture anyone.

    If I remember correctly it was a goof up Katskip made in query to a Minister in MK (I think it was MK). Then we all joked about it.

  8. Stop.  PPO was killed beyond recognition and only the fact that they recruited several Knights of Ni nations were they able to mount any kind of relevant attack.  DBDC promptly followed those nations home and stole their milk money.

    Were PPO even in range of DBDC? :P


    Lol keep telling yourself that bud. Only a handful of alliances were really deserving of receiving the defeat admission. 

    I think you're missing the point. Allow me to elaborate, if you read Potato's post he cleary states that CCC wants to (finally?) win a war against MK. Now, let me lay out last war. CCC declares war on INT and ODN. MK declares war on CCC (and GOD for that matter). At the end of the conflict, MK surrendered to the alliances they were at combat with. One of those alliances was CCC. This has nothing to do with damage taken, this has to do with the fact that MK surrendered to the alliances they were at war with. Which means CCC won. Granted, I do see where you're coming from with the stated conclusion.

  9. CCC attacked MQ. Not the other way round. MQ attacked TDO. CCC (who isn't allied to TDO), for no good reason, thought they could finally win a war and figured now would be the best time to attack a former enemy, since they didn't have the balls to do earlier.




    The collective forces of Umbrella, Mushroom Kingdom, the Goon Order
    of Oppression Negligence and Sadism, the Orange Defense Network, The
    International, the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, The Last
    Remnants, The Order of the Paradox, the Viridian Entente, the Order of
    the Reaper, The Sweet Oblivion, Alchemy, Non Grata, Nordreich, Deinos,
    House Baratheon and the Everfree Union
    hereby referred to as the "Umbrella Coalition" admit their defeat and surrender to their respective combatants facing them from the collective forces of Anarchy
    Inc, the Independent Republic of Orange Nations, The Order of Righteous
    Nations, Argent, Molon Labe, The Grand Lodge of Freemasons, Aurora
    Borealis, the Global Order of Darkness, R&R, the Nuclear
    Proliferation League, the Random Insanity Alliance, Delusions of
    Grandeur, the Mostly Harmless Alliance, Sparta, Farkistan, the Coalition
    of Royal Allied Powers, the Christian Coalition of Countries, the
    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, the North Atlantic Defense Coalition, the
    Apparatus, The Templar Knights, the Zulu Alliance, Sengoku, The Empire
    of the New Evolution, The Outlaws Republic, the New Pacific Order, The
    Imperial Order, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Nusantara Elite
    Warriors, The Phoenix Federation, Death Before Dishonor, the Dark
    Templar, Nebula-X, the Libertarian Socialist Federation, Ragnarok,
    Invicta, the New Polar Order, Avalanche, The Legion, Cult of Justita,
    Confederatio Aesir, SNAFU, The Grämlins, the Union of Communist
    Republics, the League of Small Superpowers, the Federation of Armed
    Nations, Guru Order, the Pirates of the Parrot Order, United Equestria,
    and the Global Democratic Alliance
    , hereby referred to as the "Equilibrium Coalition".


    Ok then.

  10. This isn't necessarily a bug (atleast I don't think so), but I had a donation coincide with my back collects (donations sent at 19 and 20 days respectively). My last donation to receive is in a pending status and has to take 5-7 days to clear. Is this something new? I haven't had this happen before and I was hoping to have my donation give me an extra boost for income.


    [20:20] <@caustic> ties are developing between TOP/Umb/and Polar
    [20:20] <@caustic> once platysphere ties to polarsphere
    [20:20] <@caustic> they will come for NPO
    [20:20] <@caustic> and CnG


    We're coming for you NPO and CnG...
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