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Gabe Logan

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Posts posted by Gabe Logan

  1. The recent days have seen the cancellations of many treaties between allies. Those in the know seem to understand the events which have taken place leading up to the heightened tensions and rumors of war all across Planet Bob. Many of us in the region belong to alliances which are not directly, or for that matter, even indirectly involved in the backroom meetings taking place between nation leaders and thus have only the outsider's view looking in on the happenings around us. I am one such leader and the people of my nation, the great US Republic, have been clamoring for days as to exactly what is taking place.

    Our proud, but small nation lies in rubble and as the building efforts continue, we are still cut off from the mainstream with no way of receiving daily news on world events...other than what we learn from the occasional wanderer who crosses our territory. Even as I try to calm and reassure my people that all is well, our resident prophet, Samuel, sends warnings to our people claiming the end is nigh!

    And thus, I set out on the last means of transportation available within our walls...my faithful mule, Opus, and rode for days until alas, I reached the Congress of World Affairs. Now, I am here, asking for just a hint of knowledge as to the true meaning behind the recent events that continue to unfold. It is said that friends have betrayed friends and others have ran in fear to join sides with which they feel will protect their people.

    We simply do not know what to make of all this. We are not even clear of how many sides there are to this apparent conflict, much less who is who's side. Perhaps someone here can offer some insight to the people of the US Republic and their allies, as well as those other alliances who sit and wonder if and when they will see the dark luminescent clouds of radioactive doom looming over their territories. And if this is to be, then why? And what can be done to prevent it?

    Is there no hope?

    tl;dr Alot of us don't have a clue what's going on because we don't know the right people are don't belong to an alliance involved. Anyone willing to shed some light on the situation?

  2. Congrats to my friends in CDC especially Semp and Gabe, ive known you guys close to two years. Keep it going guys you'll do great.

    Thanks BMTH. If anyone's watching our stats, don't look for much right away. We're not recruiting until after the conflict ends and we pull our nations out of anarchy. Until then, we're on leave and tearing up the local beer joints.


  3. The following alliance has been rated



    You may have already heard of the CDC due to a recent conflict which took shape before we actually got our feet on the ground, but for those who haven't, this is our official Declaration of Existence. I had actually intended to hold off on this until we had a couple more slots filled in our government, but no harm, no foul.

    The Central Defense Corps is a multi-colored military themed alliance, loosely structured after the rank and file of the Marine Corps. As the name implies, we are a defensive alliance, and as such we do not promote aggression. Despite popular opinion, we also do not condone spying...ever.

    We invite you to visit our forums or you can find us at #cdc on coldfront.

    You may also view our Charter here.

    This thread is solely for the purpose of our declaration. Please do not re-open discussion pertaining to the current conflict.

  4. The long story short...one of our members was apparently spying on NSO for someone else...not us, and we weren't aware of it. Rather than bringing it to my attention and allowing me to deal with it, we were declared on. That member has since been removed from the alliance and this "war" is a 7 day run. When it's over, we'll get back to business.

    When that time arrives, if you're still looking, please consider us. We are, in fact, honorable and do NOT tolerate spying or any other acts of espionage.


  5. Where is the change that the NSO would supposedly bring?

    Change began with the ideals of not accepting irrelevant PIATs and weak treaties that tie them to the clusterweb and force them to honor and defend other alliances principles and ideals that may differ from their own. This was a great start. The next change came with introducing a limited war as punishment against an alliance without seeking to completely obliterate them.

    Now, you may be wondering why I'm posting here considering my disagreement with the way NSO handled the situation with my alliance. Despite that disagreement, and other things I disagree with in the NSO, I do like that someone out there is trying fresh and creative approaches to a game that is growing ever stagnant. For that, I give credit to the NSO.

  6. Ok, so we've been experiencing a little pre-alliance existence warfare fun, you know, just to toughen up our leaders. Soon the conflict will end and we'll return to focusing on growing the alliance. I don't recommend joining just yet, but keep us in your pocket if you haven't found an alliance in the next few days. Feel free to contact me in game or via pm here if you have any questions. You can also find us on irc at #cdc or visit our forums.


  7. I believe the only posturing was done by him, NSO is fighting. Of course he was challenged by us, he tried to publicly support an alliance who was SPYING on us. I'd love to see what you would do in that situation honestly.

    CDC wasn't spying on NSO. One member appears to have been spying on NSO for Blackstone or whoever. He was kicked from the CDC. A founder, not a founder, doesn't matter. All that matters is that we will never condone such actions and had no knowledge of it. CDC was built to be an honorable alliance and yes, hilltopper had a less than honorable history in the game, but I made the mistake of believing I could trust him and that he deserved a fresh start. I won't make that mistake again. That's all that's really left to say.

    We do appreciate NODs offer of financial assistance. It's very honorable.


  8. I still remember you Reagan. I think you and cflames came over from BoSS, right? I still remember our early problems with BoSS's leader. Anyone remember who that was?

    All I remember was BoSS being a democracy in which everyone began to challenge the leadership and it was chaos in the forums, and finally the bulk of the leadership walked out. Most went to NPO but I think a couple of others went elsewhere. Several others stepped up and tried to hold on, but eventually BoSS disbanded and I believe the core group formed GOLD not too long later.

  9. I was briefly in GOLD, though under the name of Reagan back then, I believe. Most won't remember me, my time there was short. I came over because I knew a few people from my first alliance in CN, BoSS. Something interesting you might not know...I actually recruited cflames88 to CN and to either BoSS or GOLD. He was a part of the SPAWN boards (collecting) with me and I talked him into coming over. He was a good guy. I remember he was a post whore...good times.

  10. A spy is a spy.

    If you wanted the evidence, instead of making a !@#$%*fest thread and making yourself look like an idiot, you could have done the sensible action and calmly talked to Ivan or a Dark Lord about it. There's definite proof that he's a spy and just because you can't see it doesn't make it untrue. You're like a cat, hiding your head under a piece of furniture won't make the "big bad meanie person" go away and it certainly won't help you.

    I could have talked to Ivan, but he wouldn't have retracted the war. NSO could have done the sensible action and approached me directly to give me the opportunity to handle it. At this point, I'm inclined to believe he was spying because the evidence presented to TOOL was apparently significant enough for them to believe it. That's why he was banned from our forums and told to remove the CDC AA in game, although he hasn't done it yet.

    There's right and there's wrong. I would rather go down defending what's right than cowering under oppression for fear of what else might happen to me.

    Like I said, the only thing I'm really concerned about at this point is the public viewing CDC as an alliance who spies on people when clearly we do not.


  11. My biggest concern at this point is that CDC is being painted to be an alliance who spys. You people are twisting the truth. IF we had a member who was currently spying on ANYONE, we DIDN'T know about it and I don't tolerate spies in my alliance. Anyone can point a finger and say they think someone is a spy, but I'm not giving anyone the boot based on allegations from an alliance that already has a poor track record with me.

    Now, there are those of you here saying I should be glad it's not worth arguing when I'm being treated oh so fairly considering that my alliance spys on people. Also, get this straight. IF he was spying, it wasn't for CDC.

  12. A provisional protectorate isn't official. IF we gave them official protectorate status, we would not be sitting around watching them get attacked, and it would probably be blown into a much bigger war, especially with treaties coming in. It's not worth it over a wrist slap, considering the accusations.

    My views do not represent TOOL as a whole.

    You can clearly see in the OP that your leader told me to consider ourselves protected by TOOL. An alliance is only as good as the word of it's leaders.

  13. I herd TOOL lieks to betray protectorates.


    So, TOOL said they are provisionally protecting CDC, until they vote. NSO attacks before the vote and TOOL never informs CDC that the protectorate is invalid.

    TOOL, you lost all respect. You betrayed an alliance you said you will protect. Grow balls TOOL, stick to your words. Honor them, or do not speak at all.


    Nor, as our protector did they step up and say hey, let's give Gabe a chance to handle it. No, it's not worth it to TOOL because of our alliance size. The problem is, and what everyone wants to overlook, is that the game is about people, not pixels. It should be about doing what's right, regardless. TOOL is not the just alliance I thought they were. As far as I'm concerned, they did betray us.

  14. I saw the screenshot posted before it was removed. I've never said it wasn't possible that hilltopper is the one who took it and posted it. Granted, ips can't be posted and I did not seek further verification that they were a match. The war had already been declared and there seemed to be evidence enough to me that I banned hilltopper from our forums. This is the same action I would have taken had it been presented before hand to me and there would be no cause to declare on CDC. That's my only issue here. But what's done is done.

  15. All I would have liked from TOOL is for them to bring the "evidence" NSO was presenting to me if NSO wasn't going to do it. This could have concluded peacefully, but since the only ones hurt here are a small alliance no one cares about, then no harm no foul. I get it.

    Even I agree this is getting old. Have fun, NSO.

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