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The Crimson King

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Posts posted by The Crimson King

  1. The Phoenix Federation wishes nothing more than for a time of peace to overtake this wartorn wasteland we call our home. However today is not that day. We are deeply troubled in having to wage war on a fellow white team alliance, however we promise to make it as short as you'll permit. Our goal is simply for you to stop attacking our MDoAP partner NATO. We take no joy in what we must do and can only hope our bit of blood spilled will help bring about all our allies and friends to peace that much faster. The Phoenix Federation declares war on WAPA.


    Everybody get up it's time to Slam WAPA now
    We got a real jam goin' down
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam

    Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam
    Come on and slam, if you wanna jam

    Hey WAPA, watcha gonna do
    Hey WAPA, watcha gonna do
    Hey WAPA, watcha gonna do
    Hey WAPA, watcha gonna do
    TPF in the house lets go
    It's your boy "mhawk" aight so
    Pass that nuke and watch me flex
    Behind my back, Perth knows what's next
    To the jam, all in Perth’s face
    Wassup, just feel the bass
    Drop it, rock it, down the room
    Shake it, quake it, space [b]KABOOM[/b]...
    Just work that body, work that body
    We’re about to hurt somebody
    Get wild and lose your mind
    Take this thing into over-time
    Hey DJ, [b]TURN IT UP[/b]
    TPF, gonna [b]BURN IT UP[/b]
    C'mon y'all get on the floor
    So hey, let's go aight

    Wave your hands in the air if you feel fine
    We're gonna make Perth mine
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam

    C'mon it's time to get hyped say "NUKE there it is"
    C'mon all the fellas say "NUKE there it is"
    C'mon one time for the ladies say "NUKE there it is"
    Now all the fellas say "NUKE there it is"
    C'mon WAPA, run, baby [b]RUN[/b]
    C'mon, C'mon, do it, run WAPA run
    Yeah, you want a hoop...so shoot, WAPA shoot
    C'mon and SLAM, and welcome to the jam
    C'mon and SLAM, if you wanna jam

    [size="6"]Slam, Bam, Thank you ma'am
    Get on the floor and jam
    It's the TPF on the microphone
    WAPA you got me in the zone
    C'mon, C'mon and start the game
    Break it down, tell me your name
    We the team, I'm the coach
    Let's fight all night from coast to coast
    Just slide, from left to right
    Just slide, yourself the night
    TPF, drop the base
    3-point-1 all in your [b]FACE[/b]
    Jam on it, let's have some fun
    Jam on it, One on One
    You run the hole and I run the "D"
    So C'mon WAPA just jam for me[/size]


  2. I once had this dream to re-roll and not make Carthage rather go into Athens. Work my way up being a lackey of Londo and slowly bring down Athens using poor decision making and lack of tact.

    I now realize that I am not needed, Athens seems to be doing a pretty good job of this by themsevles.

    This post just made my night :lol1:

  3. True I said sorry so i get peace then I re-roll and attack you guys today lets stop going in circles here.

    I hate to break this to ya stud, but your political maneuvering is about a subtle as a fart in church.

    See here is the thing there Sun Tzu, it really does not matter what kind of grandiose plans you thought you were laying. What does matter are the logs we have form last night, and the fact that history has a funny way of having a selective memory. So seriously sit back and ask yourself, what do you think everyone is going to remember from this little go around, your oh so stunning stunning political guile and expertly crafted triple break off flank attack, or the logs of you on your knees groveling like a !@#$%* for mercy?

    So please do continue down this road of conversation, as I am sure it will end well for you.

  4. As a general rule, Trouble just seems to have very poor sportsmanship.

    Immediately from the start of the round until now.

    Just saying.

    Well when you send your MoW into our chan the first night threatening us, it does not exactly open up the opportunity for political discourse

    Just saying

  5. I don't even. What?

    I'm here for the fun and the fights. Unlike people who are just to here to cause trouble, I can respect people who do well. You guys are pretty pathetic, y'know? I don't care if you done this before or not. You have no idea what TE is all about.

    Wait...somehow your definition of us being pathetic is 2 of our guys in anarchy (one of which was there yesterday) and 7 of yours?

    This has me a bit confused

  6. Vietnam was neither Rogue nor Raid... And still it was undeclared. Undeclared - as in "never officially declared".

    Would anyone like to attempt to reconcile "simple logic" with major historical facts?

    Which cycle was that war fought in here on Steve? I don't recall it

  7. I've anarchied one Trouble and beat the snot out of another. I'm hearing how many of you are begging for peace, and one of my wars have already offered. All we've heard from you is talk and lies and weasel moves. You clowns have been picking this fight since the start of the round. Enough with the words. The time for talk is over.

    Let's see if you can walk it as well as you talk it.

    Come and get us, cause we're coming to get YOU.

    Wow one whole anarchy


  8. Our charter says we do not raid white team. Interesting how well you claim to know our charter, too. At any rate, that doesn't mean we protect every white team member in all of TE. That's a pretty pathetic and self-serving interpretation. More lies from an alliance of lies.
    Since you avoided my question, "Did we raid you?" You obviously are lying about us raiding you.

    Here is my proof. Please by all means show me where it says "Raid" or Raid/Peace sent.

    Ok time for a fact check




    All of the above are TPF nations, all of them attacking someone on white, and all with war dec's that clearly state "Raid" or "Peace Sent", so therefore all would be in violation of your charter.

    Perhaps in the future you would actually be better suited checking up on what your own alliance is doing before coming on the OWF full of righteous indignation.

    Just a thought

  9. While I certainly cannot hope to match the eloquence of OBM, I too would once again like to offer my sincerest thanks to all of our friends who stood beside us both during the conflict, and who reached out their helping hand in our time off need. You have our eternal gratitude.

    I would also like to extend my thanks to those on the opposite side that I dealt with directly during the reps repayments, namely Choader, Syrik, and James for not only allowing for a smooth and easy transition of the reps, but also for conducting our dealings with class. Thank you gentlemen.

    Finally, a huge thank you to all them members of TPF, and especially all of those who handled reps repays on the inside. Your diligence and efficiency was astounding, and for that I can only offer my sincerest thanks for making my job easy. At the end of the day we are nothing without each other, and it is an honor to stand beside you all in what I feel is the greatest community in all of Bob. Onwards and Upwards my friends!

    o/ Freedom

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