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Posts posted by Cairna

  1. [quote name='Icewolf' timestamp='1355952223' post='3065974']
    Can I amend that to you should not be drinking stella artois?

    Christmas is a bad time for war. Christmas should be a time of goodwill. I remember last December asking those fighting opposite me if they wanted a Christmas day truce. None of them responded which I kind of felt was sad.

    Nothing wrong with stella. Nothing. It's good even when warm.

  2. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1355943574' post='3065923']
    i have to ask...looking at the war screen did NSO blitz Kaskus or did Kaskus blitz NSO with NSO having a few stragglers?

    looks to be a fun war though

    Kaskus retaliated for our attacks on Unknown Smurf, what you'll be seeing until update is varied response, depending on whether people can...you know, do update hits or not I guess.

  3. [quote name='ComradeR' timestamp='1355937165' post='3065873']
    So another war started to get back at someone. Seems like every alliance is becoming [b]gay[/b] to each other now a days. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

    ...Ladies and gentleman, the thought-powerhouse that is ComradeR

  4. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1355928623' post='3065810']
    Maybe pummeled is too strong of a war. Though I did not check every single 24 declarations, the few I did check, NSO nations were in anarchy.


    Congratulations on being an idiot and a terrible troll.

    This is the courtesy we gave to Kaskus - we have now received their official response and will respond accordingly.

    Looking forward to this Kaskus guys. My assumption is that after Smurf has taken his beats we'll be down to talk.

  5. [quote name='bigshow8891' timestamp='1355840981' post='3065315']
    thats what I said about my house. I will invite all my friends who are girls to the CN convention. Besides my 20 or so friend girls, I know 3 girls that are DTF anyone for like, no reason.

    Doesnt sound like much for a convention for hundreds of players, but you know barely anyone is really gona show up

    ITT this guy tries to give CN STI's.

    Nice try, sir, but we all know sex isn't real.

  6. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355795726' post='3065209']
    Smh, you know this happens every year with the same categories right? I did it last year..

    @Crymson -- yeah my bad. I confused the winter war and dave war. I'll still give it to the legion though -- because afaik NSO didn't participate in the dave war either.

    We deserve points for holding back imo. It was only at allies' request.

  7. [quote name='Cerridwyn' timestamp='1325993353' post='2895346']
    One thing that works is for people in a particular area to meet for a cup of coffee or a beer. It means people can come and go as they want.

    For those who are involved in gaming conventions or sf conventions or something similar, set up a CN meet and greet. They are fun to have, have done them for other games/reasons and met some really neat people over the years.

    I know Randalla and I are planning coffee again, 3rd time we've done it, in February (southern California). and wouldn't mind anyone else showing up. Location is still TBD, but greater LA area, Venice and Pasadena are on the drawing board. We usually do Intelligentsia cause they got rocking good coffee.

    This one's got the right idea. Only way a CN con would work is more or less a piggy-back on an already established relatively popular convention.

    On a sidenote, I could never see myself dating someone met online (at least while I'm young), but I have met a few online friends, gotten drunk with them and loved it. I met my best friend to this day about 4-5 years back in WAPA's IRC channel and we make a point to see eachother 1-2 times a year if possible.

    And wow there sure are a whole lot of internet tough guys up in this thread.

    [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355795867' post='3065211']
    Dude you realize that most CN people suck at life right?

    Also, on this I'd say speak for yourself. I've noticed a fair number of the OWF dwellers and big alliance/CN personalities are actually pretty well adapted fully functioning human beings

  8. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355488396' post='3063715']
    [color=#0000ff]For all MK's problems, they have never sentenced entire alliances to PZI or chased people out of alliances on a regular basis. I assure you, allow NPO back into power and you will quickly remember why those were unpleasant years. I see the same arrogance and madness that led to those past abuses in the words and actions of NPO's present leadership. Nothing has changed.[/color]

    Sounds like fun where do I sign up?

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