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Posts posted by DonVox

  1. That looks like a sound logic. The problem is that I don't remember to have read you using it when the suicide charge was aimed to bring down Hegemony back in Karma. Or when your block needed SF/XX to bring down TOP/DR. Or when you joined forces with NPO, DR and the like to smack down SF/XX. So, as long as it's your bloc and any of the other two blocs taking on the third, it's all logical to you. But when it's both the other blocs takin on yours, then you shuddently don't uderstand them at all. Uh?


    If you really want to understand the actions of your enemies, you should begin with thinking from their point of view and from their interests, not yours. DR has been rolled by you lot before. SF/XX has been rolled by your lot before. NPO has been rolled by your lot before, the last time just because they where rebuilding too fast. Dire peace terms, be it in harsh reps or forced warfare, had been imposed with the clear objective of weakening their high tiers and slowing their reconstruction.


    The trend is clear. What would come next? another curbstomp against SF/XX with absolute no CB? or another strike at NPO/DR just to keep their numbers under check? You say that SF/XX was scrapped and DR/NPO looked well-built. Given your past actions, the most reasonable prediction was another roll on NPO/DR. But it doesn't matter who would you attack first, because sooner or later both would be attacked and rolled, again. So, both blocs have joined forces to take down the bloc that has proven to be the main threat to their existence: Yours. You can't pretend to be able to go on playing the same trick, time and time again, forever. It's not so difficult to understand.


    Anyway, I understand your point of view, and why you are defending it. In order to win this war, it's in the interests of your bloc to attemp to break the Equilibrium coalition. And, due to NPO's ties to some of your allies, you perceive them as the weaker echelon of the chain. Hence all the campaing in the forums targettied at spreading paranoia between NPO and the rest of Equilibrium. The main problem here is that actions speak louder than words, and DH's past actions are loud enough. If NPO bails out of this war, your side will roll them in the next, as they have proven to be a threat to your hegemony, and you are not the kind of people that let threats exist. They allied with your enemies and declared war on you. Your bloc destroyed SF/XX for less than that.


    You can try to sweet-talk them all you want, but we all know what would happen in a few months.


    In conclusion, leaving "moralism" aside (I leave that to the professionals - like our beloved Schattenmann), and under your own bloc "realpolitik" logic, NPO has four good reasons to keep the war against you:


    1) Revenge from Karma

    2) Revenge from DH-NPO war

    3) Power grabbing

    4) Just plain long-term survival


    Any of the four is a perfectly valid reason to keep doing what they are doing. And they shouldn't worry about the next war, because your bloc has all the numbers to be the next target again.


    This. The main goal of the war is to stop the cycle of DH beating down the rest of CN's upper tiers. Just because NPO/DR has allies on both sides does not detract them from the original aim of the war. That's why its the Equilibrium War. The massive political rout that DH has suffered in the leadup to this war is a consequence to the vast inequality it has created since Karma. 

  2. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1294142131' post='2563011']
    I think Wicked covered it pretty good. Sure it sucks, but the blame is on UPN and not on Peggy here. Something with a donkey and a rock.

    While Peggy had every right to cancel payments for the forums, it was totally unnecessary to a) delete the old Zetaboards forum, which Peggy didn't need to pay for. b) Put up a near-NSFW picture and insulting text on cnupn.net, c) blackmail UPN for forum data. Blaming UPN is like blaming a rape victim for being raped.

  3. [quote name='King John Philos Vi' timestamp='1293916313' post='2560261']
    I misjudged you, my bad.

    If you can manage to get free from the innards of Altheus's backside and you decide to talk realistically, you know where to find me.

    Let's see if your mind can somewhat fathom the future.

    What happens when Altheus doesn't like the direction you are taking with HIS alliance?

    Let me take a step back.

    What happens to this facade called a "triumvirate" when it doesn't suit his needs to mandate his will through the use of half or less minded puppets?

    Let me give you a tip: never grow a brain.

    Also, when your usefulness for UPN's PR is over, don't let the door hit you on the backside on the way out.

    The same thing goes to Kev as well.

    Give Altheus a break, please. UPN was a foundocracy, as acknowledged by Altheus himself, not a pure democracy. The democratic component of UPN didn't serve it well. UPN has little to lose now, so some experimentation with a triumvirate won't hurt. If it doesn't work, an autocracy is the next step.

  4. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1292812453' post='2545323']
    I surely hope your protectors at Pegasus don't have to endure as much crap as we had to endure from you when DRAGON split off UPN. I mean, you ended up doing just the same thing.

    this. In addition, I hope the UPN people will not have to endure any problems from Pegasus

  5. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1290909091' post='2524996']
    Root cause; Alliances splitting, and those splitter alliances splitting, until we have ~170 alliances and only so many over even 1m NS [whatever their member count]. Almost all of them want to achieve 'the top' and be big deals/big alliances but next to none of them ever will be, and failing to realize that dream will destroy the morale of everyone in the alliance and get them to quit, ultimately.

    Solution; Start discouraging splits and start eradicating incompetent and poorly organized alliances as opportunity presents. If crappy alliances disband I think there's a reasonable assumption (based on the aftermath of the old wars - GW2, 3, the ones prior) to be made that the members won't just all quit; that they'll disperse into other alliances. Therefore, eradicate the GGA and GGA-clones of CN and you're left with a much better population inhabiting the landscape.

    And while I'm obviously biased towards my side, please note that I am well aware a number of them fit that description. I'm not excluding them.

    I agree, but the alliances that are in the position to eradicate these splinter alliances are not doing anything.

  6. The history of both alliances diverged over time, I don't see why this cancellation is so shocking or bad. If UPN and FEAR happen to be on the opposite sides of a future conflict, there won't be an entangling treaty between us. On the other hand, if they end up on the same side, the absence of a treaty doesn't matter anyways. Both FEAR and UPN get more room to maneuver.

    All UPN knew was that we cannot have the same situation where allies landed on two sides of a conflict. Friendship is a different matter and needs no treaty to represent

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