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Posts posted by Meterman

  1. Error's expulsion was stated in the private GPA forums, admittedly not publicly.

    Our government has really dropped the ball on this whole issue, and I as a regular GPA member would like to apologize for its failure to get its act together. People are right to be dissatisfied with it, but I have faith that the newly elected government which will be in place in a couple days will do better.

    We are getting very tired of this answer. How about some action on the current issue not the future. We are pleased that in the future this will supposedly not happen but what matters now is the issue at hand.

  2. I am the Director of Communications, I can announce things too. In fact, I usually do.

    And no change in AA: we have a ghostbusting squad, him having the GPA AA doesn't prove anything.

    You are being very selective about my words.

    I understand your point. That is why I included the fact that there has been no official GPA announcement of his expulsion and Thomas/Diplomat has not contacted us that he has been expelled. If you can speak for GPA then make the announcement so that we can get on with his ZI.

  3. The nation that aided the GOONS is no longer with us - so there goes your reason for withdrawal.

    So why are you withdrawing after this has happened for the reasons you cite?

    I am not so sure unless I am missing something.


    And even if he is/was gone does not make up for what GPA has failed to do.

    GDA has made a tough decision (as we in IRON have) to not be a part of GPA's false declaration of neutrality. It is not something that either alliance wanted to do but were forced to by actions and inactions of the GPA. I could be wrong but I think anyone who has removed their signature from GPAs DoN would like their relationship with the GPA to be fruitful in the future if at all possible.

  4. YAY IRON!

    Ferro Credimus (what does it mean? :o )

    Also yay for all the others who got awarded , and especially our very own kashy :)


    ferramenta : tools made of iron, or shod with iron.

    ferrarius : of iron / a blacksmith / iron mines.

    ferratilis : in chains (slaves and prisoners).

    ferratus : a soldier in armor / in chains (as a slave) / furnished with iron.

    ferreus : made of iron / hard, unfeeliing, cruel, unbending.

    ferrugineus : rust colored, dusky.

    ferrugo : the color of rust.

    ferrum : iron, sword.


    credo : to believe / trust, commit / trust in, rely on/ think.

    promeritum : desserts, merit, credit.promissio : a promise.

    Basically it means Trust and believe in IRON

  5. If you would read my post on page 14 it answers your question. That person was prob kicked under my or another leaders term as Pres.

    While I can appreciate your experience in the past as GPA leadership, with all due respect the question is to the current leadership as to why they did not uphold your past precedent? Are you saying that they changed the laws after you left leadership or just interpreted them differently?

  6. Seriously that is why I never bother to rejoin GPA with my nation because I know someone will single me out and say HEY GPA that's a goon ...OH NOES you are harbouring the enemy. It is a flimsy excuse and you know it. You guys are out for blood and using any excuse to get it while looking self-righteous.

    There are quite a few former GOONs who joined new alliances. They have just complied with the ToS.

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