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Posts posted by Nemhauser

  1. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1294273567' post='2564983']
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Zeppelin(?) may be the person who can fill you in. Our Kaiser is probably already in bed. (And if he isn't, he should be! tsk tsk tsk)
    I already filled Craig in. And you know I only go to bed right before sunset. Last time I stayed up too long and the neigbours complained about the smoke.

  2. [quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1294269260' post='2564864']
    I know nothing of this blackmail attempt, and would again reiterate that such an action could not be the fault of the entire alliance, but the individual(s) that initiated such a deplorable action, in which case some name-dropping would be great right about now.

    I'd just like to point out that had it not been for these idiotic squabbles between our alliances (generally due to extenuating circumstances and lapses of reason), relations would be in a different place right now. In other words, things need not continue in such animosity, and I, for one, would like to move off of this deathly collision course.
    I think your government knows who gave us the logs, he's even gov himself.

    And yes, I agree. Without all the stuff that happened in the past year, NoR and TGE could've gotten closer together. In fact, it did when Martens and K-Fred settled their old fued. But then other stuff happened and, well, everything went downhill from there. My stance on TGE has gone from [i]neutral/moving towards slightly positive[/i] to [i]strongly dislike[/i] during my period as Reichskaiser. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that some members from TGE that visit our boards are friendly in our faces, but that those same individuals have said to others to avoid Nordreich because we're a bunch of... you know.

  3. [quote name='CnaedmacAilpn' timestamp='1294269170' post='2564860']
    You were also clear about the fact that your alliance connections were linked directly to Stormfront when you signed up with Nordreich and that no objections came from them.[/quote]
    Interesting. Musso told me he didn't even knew what SF was.

    [quote name='CnaedmacAilpn' timestamp='1294269170' post='2564860']I agree that perhaps we were a little tardy about releasing information, however we did expect an Alliance with Nordreich's history to be aware of such abbreviations, titles and links, also we wanted irrefutable proof first. [/quote]
    TGE was in possession of this evidence for many months and gave it to us less than two days after we signed with them.

    [quote name='CnaedmacAilpn' timestamp='1294269170' post='2564860']So TGE wholeheartedly apologises for not not telling, spelling and pointing out in minute detail that a NS nation or a ruler called Germania88 may be bad or that openly advertised links to stormfront could cause embarrassment to any protector and that fascists may not necessarily be the politically correct people wanted by Nordreich.[/quote]
    Don't patronize us, Wilhelm. You know very well we don't care about political correctness, but that we do feel certain elements have no place on Planet Bob.

  4. [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1294267871' post='2564818']
    Have I got this right, TGE knew about this and said nothing but then planned to to discredit Nordreich? How do Nordreich know this?[/quote]
    You'd know if you'd read.

    [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1294267871' post='2564818']ooc: choosing the odal as your logo ( a neo nazi symbol used by groups from the UK to South Africa) and people are going to think your a bunch of ravers whether you are or not[/quote]
    Another example of 'missing the point'. The odal has nothing to do with it.

  5. [quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1294266243' post='2564767']
    I know how you feel about TGE and, yes, there is a small group, mostly from NoV, who hates TGE for their roll in the destruction of NoV. I have tried to put an end to this fued myself and put out a request to be respectful to TGE members and gov, back in september 2009. Since then, several incidents occured, all tracking back to TGE. This last blackmail attempt ("I respect NoR, so have a look at these logs" quickly changed to "drop the treaty or I'll put this on the OWF") was just another attempt to smear NoR's reputation. It is Nordreich that has moved on, while TGE keeps trying to get that wooden stick between our wheels. And this time, the stick richocheted back into TGE's face. Or, as one of my colleagues said: "We took the hand grenade they threw and shoved it down their throat."

  6. [quote name='President Hardin' timestamp='1292886304' post='2547131']
    i was surprised myself when i heard their punishment toward Ty. I think Michi is just as odd as Ty could ever be, if not more so. This shows that these children can't take a joke, even from their own member. If he was that much of a threat you throw him out and be done with him. So yes NOR showed their collective ages to total about 12 years old and acted as such.[/quote]
    Nordreich is not about jokes.

    Sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I was playing with my LEGO.

  7. [quote name='Dingo' timestamp='1292797231' post='2544965']
    !@#$%^&*. You have denied my applications based on reasons concerning my personality, opinions and sexuality, even though I have never been offensive towards Nordreich.

    Fair chance? Nah. Old grudges and fueds were put aside? I don't think so.
    Your applications were denied with the best interest of the alliance in mind. For me, it had nothing to do with you personally.

    [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1292804765' post='2545140']
    I started laughing pretty hard right about here.

    Wow, really? He accepted information from his own alliance's government? God [i]damn[/i] stop the $%&@in' presses it's an atrocity.
    Ty did not accept information from the government, but from one individual with government access. Leaking classified information to regular members is forbidden. Ty should've reported it immediately. Instead, he shared it with others and, upon discovery, refused to name the person who leaked the info.

  8. [center][img]http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/8489/deskpa.jpg[/img][/center]

    Ty Glitchblade was a member of Nordreich back in our 2006/2007 period. After a spy incident which involved him, we destroyed his alliance, The Glathen Union.

    When Nordreich reformed in 2009, we agreed to give everyone a fair chance. Old grudges and fueds were put aside. Ty was also given a second chance in our great community. We all knew Ty was something of a goofhead, with his "I'm a boy, no wait I'm a girl" thing. While it confused some of our newer members, we let it pass and had a laugh over it. Then Ty started to use abrasive language in our public and private IRC channels, for which he was warned.

    And warned again.

    And again.

    And again.

    Then came the case in which he violated a handful of Nordreich's rules by accepting classified information from a Nordreich government official, refusing to mention his source when ordered to do so by a superior officer and insulting various superior officers.

    [quote][22:16] <Thor|NoR> who is giving you information
    [22:16] <Ty_Glitchblade[NoR]> secret
    [22:17] <Thor|NoR> once again who is giving you information
    [22:18] <Thor|NoR> I order you to give your source.
    [22:20] <Thor|NoR> One minute to answer.
    [22:21] <Ty_Glitchblade[NoR]> just zi then
    [22:22] <Thor|NoR> So be it[/quote]

    Nordreich did not ZI him. He was let off with a penalty and a warning.

    [quote][14:40] <@Ty_Glitchblade[NoR]> i know i genuinely f*cked up a few days ago but all those other times i got in trouble were kind of dumb
    [14:40] <~Thor|NoR> yea but the last time was really bad
    [14:41] <@Ty_Glitchblade[NoR]> yeah i know
    [14:41] <~Thor|NoR> normally i would have killed you for it[/quote]

    Ty promised to better his attitude. It went alright, for about a month. In november, we recieved yet again a complaint about Ty's IRC behaviour. And again last week.

    Anyone else would've been kicked out and killed off a long time ago. Thor and myself have given him chance after chance to better himself. He chose not to. After all the jokes about the holocaust, people with various religious and ethnic backgrounds, and member's deceased mothers, our patience had come to an end.

    The conviction of Ty Glitchblade is a Nordreich internal affairs matter.

    We do not like outsiders interfering with our business.

    We will not respond to your plee for Ty's life.

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