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The Pansy

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Posts posted by The Pansy


    Technically correct. The carnage on the battlefield however doesn't reflect the need for it.

    Look, everybody knows the goal of this war and your coalition is not just to eliminate evil aftermath. Then it's logical one assumes moves are made to make things run according to a plan. And there's nothing wrong about that, I'm puzzled why everybody is so defensive when people bring that up.

    Need or not is irrelevant, why should NPO take more damage than they need to when they have a fresh ally on the sidelines who can lighten the load. If this all has a knock on effect and someone else comes to party, well then lil' ol Reavers might get to party too.

    It is all pretty obvious there is the usual game of treaty chess going on, I am shocked you can't see it happening both sides.


    I'm not involved in your planning, so I can only guess what your role exactly is.

    I see the facts: you joined a war on an alliance that already was massively overpowered in a coalition that already is massively winning. I think that stretches the term 'support'. Technically, indeed you came in support.


    Perhaps I'm a bit paranoid, but as an observer, I would think the planners did not request your 'support' just to finish off aftermath.

    I'm gonna take a stab here, having NG and friends hit SNX takes the pressure off NPO so they can focus on other alliances who have declared on them whom it doesn't make the most sense to counter.

  3. Only reason I am still not at a neutral is because of Tito's death and the leadership vacuum left in MoD. That vacuum has been filled by bringing up fresh blood through Krihelion (Unkajo), Duderonomy & the return of Banslam.

    One day I intend to return to a neutral and retire from CN activity & let my nation grow old.

    Goddamn it Stewie, you'll never retire bringing people like Unkajo through


    I am sure we'll have our share of your blood before this is over, don't worry. The wait only adds up the interest.

    I doubt it, Umbrella has 20 nations under 60k NS with at least 75% in war mode, and they still haven't touched them.
    You don't expect them to sacrifice their top end on you, do you?


    Or is this all kinda not wanting to risk triggering TOP *looks shocked*

  5. Lol. Yes your adorable. Now don't let it get to your head. But we both know we're using same dog pile tactics but different ways.

    Both? Man, this has been used in best part of every war there has been on this planet, We all know that's the truth, I just can't see why anyone still tries to use it to put down their enemies.

    I'm in a micro these days, so am not privy to the finer planning and allocation (that suits me just fine by the way) but it's painfully obvious the triggers that are being avoided, and the triggers that are being set up here.
  6. Lol your cute. Well no offense to umbrella or DBDC but outside a handful of nations there not much they can do to us. So why have AFM hit umbrella or DBDC? Doom squad can be covered between invicta and SNX. So NPO it is.

    I am cute !!

    Tactics, you are using them, so why !@#$%* about others doing them same, oh that is right it doesn't fit your agenda.

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