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Posts posted by arcticllama

  1. What?? you kill me??

    have you been subverted??

    We lemmings disapprove of the 5:1 odds of RE vs RD. One would think RE would try for better odds.

    ohwell.. their mistake... B)

    we will splatter ourselves all over the front of your war machine and gum up your gears.. :D

    I throw Cheesy Bacon in your general direction!

    wait!! give that back.. that was my last piece and I'm hungry...


  2. HEH.. I feel honored to see RD on the list of alliances:):)

    1: the creation of Wolf was the first time I heard several people talk about quitting the game. I think that WOLF was an interesting Idea, but doomed to be destroyed because of it's cross round nature.

    2: BG... But that's just me.. it was a toss up tho...

    3: I couldn't see RD on the list and not vote for them... In actuality, I think TPF, MHA, RE, LE, MI, and IDIOT are pretty well tied in my opinion...

    I remember the fight with IDIOT that ocurred just because I was on the Brown team, and the thrashing the 3 RD nations gave to 11 IDIOTs.. that will always be an influence on TE for me B)

    Thanks everyone for making this a memorable and enjoyable game -_-

    (except you ELB) <_< (jk)

  3. right now it seems somewhat unbalanced against OP.. we at RD have no desire to take advantage of OP in this condition and therefore will refrain from getting deeper into this. We offered some spy attacks to support our friends, and shall now cease. Thank you.

  4. Doch.. How could you???

    and in front of the kids even! :lol1:

    I support everyone in their being everyone else and feel secure in the knowledge that we are all unique, just like everyone else... erm... <_<

    and that I alone hold the honor of being not unique... :rolleyes:

    Cookies for everyone :D

    and free smileys B)

  5. It's very clear what it is.

    RD nations leave RD with perfectly fine nations to declare war on their current number one, lob a few CMs to keep the slot legal and keep their guy at #1.

    Further proof? The #4 nation (in TE) is at war with MHA and doing some pretty fierce damage but not even touching his "buddy" sitting at #1.

    While conclusions may not have exact evidence, everyone here can see what went down in backroom channels. If you want to win that way, then we'll take the rest of you down. Especially after a "rogue" hits our top two nations under the RD AA and we don't even get a word from yall saying he was a rogue. When that stuff happens at the big levels, you tell people he is not RD so this was not condoned.

    Combine that with it being hell week, we decided you guys are as good as anyone to hit since nobody wanted to play war with us. (Believe me, I tried)

    I don't think the backroom channels involved the leadership...

    and Rogue was pretty obvious.. You can see his lack of seniority... nobody hit him back, that's what confuses me??

  6. It seems that the mods have made their determination and The RD nation in question, and some others, were found to be abusing the system. We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused, and wish to let you know it was a series of nations who were with Rd for the first time this round. Had I known this was going to happen, then ti never would have happened under our flag.

    Re: the rogue...

    Sorry, I have too much going on in RL at times to get in depth searching out this stuff. That is why we share the leadership. Unfortunately this was a case of miscommunication and lack of action on many parts (not all RD, Why didn't you ask about it?)

    I hope this is not seen as an example of normal RD procedures, I just didn't want to say anything before the mods decided.

  7. well now, that is an interesting question.. Why hasn't the #1 gut been nuked??

    I know one of his attackers doesn't have any nukes...

    I also know launching nukes requires bills be paid first..

    that said, maybe that's the problem..

    maybe not...

    any speculation as to the reasons is just that: speculation.

    Please keep in mind that there was no discussion of concerns before the war with MHA started and I have since had very little (and very unproductive) conversation with MHA leadership.

    Also, these antics appear in the last week of TE??

    there's always antics in the last weeks of the round.

    So, I didn't get too deeply into a ghost hitting a high ranking nation, it happens often enough.. all over.. in many alliances..

    we aren't the only alliance ghosted to start wars, why is this a big issue... it's the way some people play..

    now, filling war slots??

    that is not a good plan, ever!

    RD does not condone this behavior by policy, so I want to be sure it is as you claim (you being anyone)

    unfortunately I can see many possible explanations that are not slot filling and have no proof that anything is being done against the rules.

    (yes, I have suspicions, and am pursuing them, but no proof)

    please feel free to jump to your conclusions, but please keep in mind that not everyone jumps to the same ones.

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