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Posts posted by arcticllama

  1. I didn't want to have to do this but i'll pull this out of the closet for you...

    RD bids 1 Alligator... not your average alligator though.. this one is stuffed.. but that's not all.. it is wired for light to make it a lamp too.. but wait, there's more.. his front claws are arranged to hold a golf club.. but it get's better.. we include free mukluks on his back claws (because the cat chewed them off)... ^_^

    (the saddest part is that I have really seen one of these) <_<

  2. fark has 2:1 odds on the nations in range and we are doing this for them. (if you drop the top 8 RD, the odds are much closer in average NS.. but they definately have the advantage in member #'s) :huh:

    actually, our top 8 are engaged with other targets :o

    the bigger guys are plenty busy :D

    there is no war avoidance going on here <_<

    in fact some of us were feeling left out before engaging and being engaged by the upper echelon

    Time for a beer, you want one? they brought enough for everyone.. B)

  3. Open Scene: Arcticllama at a Ceo desk with many papers on it and lemmings in the background loading weapons with cheesybacon and cookies.

    *rustle rustle*

    “It has come to our attention that the 30 minute war was a Lulz war because, frankly, that was in the declaration. In the spirit of this Lulz war we at Rodentia Dominatus salute the folks at Fark and thank them for backing off right after we got out of our war with RE. This said, we would like to let the fine folks at Fark know we are about as ready as we will get so we would like to reactivate the Lulz war with a Defensive retaliatory first strike of questionable character but total Lulzness.”

    “cookies and cheesybacon incoming! Fark is expected to bring the beer.”

    Camera fade…

    Tl dr: then you missed out on a fine piece of Lulz... go back and read it

  4. except for the fact that RE was growing for half their nations while we were fighting with all of ours..

    I expect it was closer to ~30 for RE and ~50 for RD...

    still not in our favor, but fun nonetheless :)

    I kinda didn't want to stop, except our mid-small nations were overwhelmed.. 5:1 odds are tough...


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