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    New Beginnings
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    New Pacific Order
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  1. I am in. Coat and Wheat! I will change to Orange.
  2. we lost about 500-600 during the FAn war and about 90% of those were ghosts. Thank you Praetorians Source
  3. This wreaks of desperation. I vote we stay the course until some reasonable terms can be presented. You can have my pixels. You CAN NOT take my NPO Family.
  4. Very well put Brutal Psychoticus! I really feel that you put to words what many of us are feeling. o/
  5. You feel the current offer in Reps doesn't cover the current damages suffered to Karma?
  6. You have to admit this has been fun. CN was getting stale for me. In two years, I think we will be ready for 3.0
  7. A question I can't seem to get answered today, "Aren't the true spirit of Reps to pay for the damages of the current conflict"?
  8. Thanks for straightening that out for me. I could of sworn that I read somewhere the Karma Coalition would dissolve after the war. So two years from now. NPO will piss off an entirely new group of AAs. That will form Karma 2.0? Hypothetical situation -- if NPO was to accept all Karma terms night now. Do you think all that hatred would subside? I tend to believe it wouldn't.
  9. I wasn't here 3 years ago. I can't answer that. But isn't two wrongs...still a wrong. I am not talking about white peace. I am just asking if Reps should be for the past three years or just the current conflict.
  10. Am I understanding you correctly? Karma is now the watch dog of CN. A force that will not dissolve at the end of the war?
  11. In no way was I making threats. Through a "A hypothetical situation", I was trying to show where this was going. Am I saying that NPO should be given White Peace? No of course not. But the true spirit of Reps is to pay for damages take during the current conflict. Not perceived damages from three years ago. It is an ugly trend that will take over CN. With that logic, you should not stop until NPO is disbanded.
  12. I have faith that NPO will rebuild to her former size and glory. It will not happen over night, but take years. A hypothetical situation -- Two years from now, NPO goes to war with an AA that is current a part of Karma. NPO wins that war. During peace negotations, NPO states, "Remember 4/21/09 and the Karma war? We want all those Reps back plus all the current damages." Isn't that what is starting to take shape here at the end of the Karma War? It is a thin line to walk.
  13. I personally have no hatred towards any AA in Karma. Nor do I have hatred for the 18 or so nations that I have fought since it all started. Or am I upset about the 16 nukes I took. Karma played a great game. I lost that game. But it all boils down to a game. I believe that 3 years ago, some Karma nations forgot that important point and it became very personal. I have been with NPO for 316 days. I wasn't a member during the start of the GATO, Mushroom Kingdom, or FAN war. I can't speak for NPO environment during those times. I can speak of current events. I feel that Karma is much more interested in what happened three years ago. Only serious playing this game for 316 days. Answer this question for me. Aren't Reps to pay for current damages cause during the current war? Karma is crossing that line and having NPO pay for things that happened three years ago. Is that really the road we want to walk in CN?
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