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Everything posted by hueylewis53

  1. By the way, is this intended to be a long-term deal?
  2. I will sell if the Seller C slot is still open My nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=258898
  3. If all aid transactions were processed on the 30th, then the current round of tech dealing ends tomorrow (Jan 9)- which is in about fifteen minutes according to the game server. Are we processing the next round tomorrow?
  4. Trade circle now complete. To the five members currently committed, I will send you information shortly. To other players reading this thread, you can still sign up as a reserve in case any of the trading spots become vacated.
  5. Added. Just ONE more to complete.
  6. Added. Need three more to complete.
  7. Added. Need four more to complete.
  8. Status: Disbanded Overview Base Resources: Aluminum, Cattle, Coal, Fish, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Oil, Rubber, Uranium, Water, Wheat Bonus Resources: Asphalt, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, Steel This trade circle is designed specifically for growing nations. Its primary purposes are to minimize the cost of infrastructure (both purchase and upkeep) as well as to provide a sizable increase in population. The specific benefits are listed below. Since the population increase is so high, it is more beneficial than raising citizen income and thus becomes a better overall deal than many of the 8-BR trade circles in terms of total net income. It is encouraged but not required that you join the Orange Team because that is where most of our members are and you will get the most happiness for your nation by residing with Orange. Also, I ask that if you decide later to leave the trade circle, please notify me at least 72 hours in advance so that I can find a replacement for you in order to keep the circle together. One last order of business. This trade circle can only be completed if all nations involved have a harbor improvement. For any nations that do not have a harbor improvement, PM me in-game and I can send you the aid necessary to obtain a harbor. Reply Format If you would like to join, you can either reply here or PM me in-game. I ask that you reply with: 1) Nation Name: 2) Nation Ruler: 3) Nation Link: 4) Resources: 5) Should I leave this circle, I agree to leave a resignation notice at least 72-hours in advance (Y/N): Benefits Infra purchase: -42% Infra upkeep: -26% Pop increase: 21% Happiness increase: 9 (this number will be higher after team color bonus) Environment: +1 Soldier efficiency: +38% Soldier purchase: -$6 Tank upkeep: -10% Aircraft purchase: -16% Aircraft limit: +10 Land area increase: 35% Land purchase: -25%
  9. If this will be long-term then I would love to sell Nation Name: The Illuminati Nation Ruler: hueylewis53 Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=258898
  10. Nation Name: The Illuminati Nation Ruler: hueylewis53 Trade 1: Rubber Trade 2: Uranium Nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=258898 ------- Edit: Never mind. No lead&lumber players would commit, I personally tried to recruit several of them. By dropping out, this opens up the possibility with any players with any combination of lead, lumber, rubber, and uranium can join. Sorry for the inconvenience to the players already committed to this circle.
  11. Hold on. You've added both me and Drew to the list. If you're looking for twelve resources and we both have rubber, there's no way the circle can fill with seven required resources left and only three trading slots left.
  12. If this can be aqua, I'll join Nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=258898 Resources: Rubber, Uranium
  13. Hey guys, Starting during the next round (December 2nd), I will no longer be selling tech. As my nation continues to grow I am now looking to buy tech. Right now I don't have the income to shell out $3M every ten days but when I reach that point I would definitely like to come back here if possible. Thanks to everyone that I participated with during my time here and thanks to Lars for setting this up and keeping it running efficiently. ~Huey
  14. Tyanet, If you haven't already, check your in-game PMs. I sent you one the other day in interest to this circle.
  15. I'll sell http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=258898
  16. I'm up for it, I'll be ready to start again tomorrow.
  17. When will the first round start?
  18. I'm in, and don't worry about me backing out this time (sorry about that a few days ago, lol) Seller: hueylewis53
  19. Actually, I think I need to back out of the deal... sorry
  20. Post here (name, resources, nation link) or PM me in-game if you wish to join. Aqua team preferred but willing to accept other colors). Here's what I'm looking for: Aluminum: Coal: Gold: Iron: Lead: Lumber: Marble: Oil: Rubber: hueylewis53 Water: Wheat: Uranium: hueylewis53 Bonus resources: Asphalt, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Steel, Scholars
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