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Damaged Goods

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Everything posted by Damaged Goods

  1. Preamble: ANZAC Elite (hereafter ANZAC) is a predominantly white team alliance, but will accept members from other team colours. Nations who are a part of ANZAC Elite should do their utmost to assist the alliance in whatever ways they can, be it economically, militarily or politically. The main focus of ANZAC is the defence of its members through whatever means necessary, and also to assist members in achieving their maximum potential as a nation; both economically and militarily. Furthermore, it aims to create a fun, relaxed, laid back and enjoyable alliance for all members. Article I. - Naturalization Requirements In order to attain membership in ANZAC Elite, prospective members are to register/sign up on our forums, and post an membership application. Once accepted by ANZAC Elite Government the "prospective" member" becomes a fully fledged “ANZAC Nation” in ANZAC Elite. A ANZAC Nation is forbidden from joining another alliance without resigning from ANZAC Elite first. Any action other then this will be considered dual membership; which will be dealt with accordingly. Only ANZAC Nations can have government positions. Article II. - Leadership Section 2.01 Co-Founders/Joint Leaders who are the head of state for ANZAC Elite. They will oversee and manage the alliance as a whole. Powers Head of State - The Three Co-Founders/Joint Leaders who are Head of State of ANZAC Elite. As such the Three shall determine the political direction of the alliance. Makes the final call regarding Declarations of War. Appointments Shall appoint members to Ministerial or Directorial positions as he sees fit. Member Sanctions Determine sanctions on alliance members up to expulsion and ZI-list. May amend this charter at there discretion. Any powers not delegated nor prohibited by this charter are reserved for the Three. Succession - The Three are appointed for life. Section 2.02 - The Minister of War - The Minister of War is the highest military position in ANZAC Elite After the Three who hold the rank of General of the Army. The MoW reports directly to the Three. Duties War planning Military Policy and troop readiness Military communication Liaison with allied commanders Section 2.03 - The Generals - The Generals are noted as the military strategists of the alliance. There shall be one 4 Star General for every 100 members. The Generals report to the Minister of War. Duties Preparation and training of the troops for battle Training new nations how to fight via tech-raiding and small wars Military Planning against the enemies of ANZAC so when the time comes to go to war, ANZAC will be victorious. Article III. - Foreign Policy ANZAC Elite is a primarily forthcoming alliance, but acknowledges the fact that military operations may, in specific circumstances, be necessary for the safety and well-being of the alliance. In cases where ANZAC is bound by treaty, the Four are the only votes necessary for approval. In cases where ANZAC is not bound by treaty, a vote of the Four is required. Section 3.01 ANZAC will always attempt to resolve disputes via diplomacy first. Section 3.02 ANZAC will view any attack on our members as a hostile act and retaliate in kind. Inactivity of a member is irrelevant to our enforcement of this policy. Section 3.03 ANZAC will view any in-game spy operations against a member nation as an act of war. Article IV. - Tech-Raiding The use of tech raiding as a method beneficial to growth has been widely spread, and received, among the members of the Cyberverse. From these intentions, ANZAC Elite deems tech raiding an acceptable practice. It is also realized, however, that devoid of guidelines to govern such a sensitive practice. The following rules must be observed: Nations residing on Red team are considered off limits from raiding. Nations bearing an alliance affiliation shall NOT be attacked unless the alliance in question has a member count of 9 or less. Alliances that are a protectorate of another alliance. Any alliance larger than 10 requires the approval of the Four. Unaligned nations (Alliance=NONE) are considered fair game. If the tech-raid goes bad, ANZAC will not assist member nations militarily or financially. In other words, members will be on their own if a tech-raid goes bad, an we hope you can take as good as you get. And don't !@#$%* an moan to us. Member nations may only be involved in one offensive war at a time for purposes of tech-raiding Reparations ANZAC will not pay reparations to any tech-raid target that meets the previous criteria. If a nation belonging to an alliance of more than 9 members is assaulted, reparations to the effect of 100% or higher shall be allotted to the victim, along with an immediate peace. Members who continuously violate the Charter’s guidelines on tech raiding will be subject to member sanctions up to, and including, expulsion and being grinded into the dirt. Article V. - Espionage Section 5.01 As other nations consider espionage an Act of War, so does ANZAC. Any alliance that is caught spying on ANZAC will be met with hostile action. Article VI: Nuclear Policy Section 6.01 If a member of ANZAC is attacked with a nuclear weapon, ANZAC will allow the nuclear offender to be met with retaliatory nuclear strikes; no government approval necessary. Section 6.02 The release of nuclear weapons may only be made once permission has been granted by the Four. Article VII. - Amendments It is recognized that as ANZAC Elite grows, This charter may need to be expanded. Section 7.01 The Four may submit an amendment to this charter at there discretion. Signed, The Three Co-Founders/Joint Leaders, commandobunny dogsofwar roguetpr.
  2. G'day cybernation universe, Im here just say to hi and to introduce our new alliance and maybe see if you or your friends/associates would be interested in joining us in building a strong alliance. Myself an 3 other aussie mates have decided to strike out on our own and start ANZAC Elite the goverment is a hybrid off consitutional monarchy, The four off us are co- founders an joint rulers. We will always try to keep the rubbish you get with other alliance to a bare minium ie; no strict requirments, tests, interrogations tho you will still need to signup/register on our forums when its. Also over then next few days we will have a website up. We also hope to make getting help, advice and aid a hell off alot easier again with as little rubbish as possible. We will be offering 3mill joining package, And futher down the track we will be setting up infra jump packages aswell as mega jump aid packages. We also have a very benefical tech selling program where a seller would get 3mill for 80 tech only for in house deals. Also we will be readly available to help members set up in house alliance trade cirlces or basic trade arrangements We have our irc room set up ready for your use and enjoyment it is on the coldfront.net server, room name is #ANZACElite our tag is |ANZAC|, if interested, or have any questions or querries you can normally find me in that room most off every day. In closing i hope you will consider joing ANZAC Elite and be one off our 1st members to join and enjoy watching the alliance grow an become strong, self reliant and self surficient. All you need to do is change your aa to ANZAC Elite and pm me in game or contact me on irc to let me know you have joined also we have Generals Protectorate status with the Phoenix Federation, Which we would like to send thanks to Killkenny|TPF|MoW an tpf as a whole. Also 2 off our founding members came from tpf including myself an the other 2 founders have come from the Federation of Buccaneers. So in closing i hope to see you soon proudly wearing the ANZAC Elite aa. Our Formum is at, http://www.setbb.com/anzacelite/index.php?mforum=anzacelite Damaged Goods. Co Founder, Joint Ruler of ANZAC Elite
  3. hi mate our allaince is brand new an we dont have 50 members yet. but from your post you would be excatly the kind off nation with the military experience which could bolster our fledgling allaince both militarly an nation advising. an help in our recruitment drive. we would be honoured for you to have a look at use an myabe consider a short term stay or stay forever as i would like to see happen. cheers mate, Damaged Goods. Co-Founder an Joint ruler of ANZAC Elite. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=247340
  4. g'day all this is Damaged Goods co-founder off a brand new allaince on the white team with a GP from TPF. we have named our allaince ANZAC Elite. we have 4 founding members an a total off 7 nations. we the original 7 nations all hail from australia, an we wish to have a strong australasian membership base. as being aussies we want this to be a more fun an relaxed allaince. not to the point off never getting anything done or acheiving strenght an good values. in this i mean we will be less rules an requirements with more empazise on chat ie: irc, yahoo msg an such. we have a irc channel on the coldfront.net server called #ANZACElite. we currently making our forum site now an will add to this when its up. we are currently actively seeking/recruiting new/established nations. we will be organizing a 3mill sign up package an aid packages, tho this may take a month to set up correctly. but those that join now will not be forgotten an will get back paid any aid offers they are/where intitled to .any queries please feel free to visit me on irc or pm me in game my nation link is: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=247340. hope to be having alot off fun an growing strong together, Damaged Goods.
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