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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. [b]New Highway Construction[/b]

    TIDJIKJA (AP) - A new highway, linking the city of Nouakchott on the coast to the city of Tidjikja in the interior has been recently completed. The area between the main highway will serve as a passage to open up business between the two cities. The highway would also facilitate domestic trade between the two cities, and thus share economic prosperity throughout the nation.

  2. *Private Message to Atlantis Arms and Associates*

    We are wiling to accept a loan, we can further discuss the matter at a later period.

    Federal Aid Commissions Act passed

    The Mauritanian President, Mohammed Aziz has signed into law the Federal Aid Commissions Act. The act, which was the first act of the overall Financial Reforms acts, was passed by the Mauritanian Parliament 72-33. The Act allows the Mauritanian Ministry of Fianance to independently sanction Aid to countries who needs it, as well as raise the cap of aid to be delivered to foreign nations by up to 50%.

  3. Mauritanian Parliament Begins Financial Reforms

    NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - The Mauritanian Parliament is currently debating on the need for financial and economic Reform. While the Mauritanian economy is initially stabilized, President Mohammed Aziz stated, "If there is no way to balance the national bank, then all the industrial strength that we have built up will be meaningless." The UR recommended a lassez-faire styled economy with a strong free-trade agreement for all nations, while APP Representative dispute the UR, calling for an Interventioalist policy, and maintaining some degree of state control over Mauritania's industrial base. They also call for a limited protectionist policy, limited free trade to just the nations within the African Union.

    The debates, which also include the possible establishment of a Federal Aid Commission is set to be voted on later this month.

  4. (I apologize if I did not get to respond to some requests, my modem broke and I had to order a new one...)

    -A statement from Mauritanian President Mohammed Aziz

    We welcome the opportunity for foreign investors and manufacturers to set up shop in Mauritania, to invest and establish new forms of industrial and high tech industries and to help raise the economic value of Mauritania to levels matching those of other African nations.

    [b]Foreign Ministry Building Opened[/b]

    NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - The Mauritanian government, which recently created the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others, has recently confirmed the purchase of a ten-story building to be re-purposed as the Foreign Ministry Offices for the Mauritanian government. The Ministry is now open to allow Ambassadors into their country and formally engage in diplomatic relations with the many nations of the world.

  5. (Classified Response to the Principality: We will be willing to offer samples to your government for study if you like)

    [b]New Scrapyard Opened[/b]

    NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - The Mauritanian Government has begun construction of a scrapyard to be built on the Northern part of the city along the harbor. This dockyard will be used to scrap down old military and civilian hardware into scrap metal which will be sold to other nations and thus help build up the struggling Mauritanian economy. Mauritanian Economic Minister Abdullah Ouid Sisullah spoke, "The challenges we are facing are shared not by the government but by all people in this world. We must find our place in this world, and in order to do this, we must make any and all options available to us." The new Scrapyard will begin operations in the coming weeks.

  6. [b]What Did You Eat?[/b]

    NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - A Man, aged 35 was discovered on the outskirts of Nouakchott with a barrel full of funny smelling, but fine cut diamonds. The man, Sid Ould Sidi was asked where he was able to mine such diamonds, and was reported to have said, "It came from my bottom." At first we thought it to be derogative, but then he showed us just what he meant. While describing how he did is unsanitary, it can be simply said that he showed the capacity to poop out diamonds. This rare phenomena, a cause of this to be determined, allowed him to digest food normally and turn it into fresh cut diamonds to serve as a light resource for the fledgeling Mauritanian economy.

  7. [center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b5/Sidi_Mohamed_Ould_Cheikh_Abdallahi.jpg/200px-Sidi_Mohamed_Ould_Cheikh_Abdallahi.jpg[/img][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5e/Mohamed_Ould_Abdel_Aziz_-_August_2011.jpg/220px-Mohamed_Ould_Abdel_Aziz_-_August_2011.jpg[/img][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b9/Messaoud44.jpg[/img][/center]

    NOUAKCHOTT - This week the Mauritanian people will elect their new president of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The election will be as intended, monitored by an election commission to be sponsored by the AU. The incumbent acting president of the new republic, President Abdallahi will be running as in independent against Right-wing Union for the Republic (UR) candidate Mohammed Ould Abdel Aziz and Left-wing candidate, Mwassoud Ould Daddah of the Popular Alliance for Progress Party (APP)

    The choice that the people wield will be set to dictate the path that the new Mauritanian government will start upon.

  8. Elvire nodded on that arrangement. After all, God alone can't solve the problems of the people. As she stood up, she said, "It is indeed true that we cannot leave the work to the Lord. As long as the people are happy only can we live in a just and fair society." She smiled, "However, I do not know what I am to do on the matter. Our fief is small, our soldiers few, and our allies are none. What is to stop any of those who wish to force their beliefs on us to come and run us down?" She sat down on the bench, lamenting her current situation. "I feel like a helpless mouse, trapped between lions."

  9. OOC: I'm rerolling as per agreed upon by the members of the AU. Please disregard the DoE for the Kingdom of New Auvergne



    Nouakchott- Today, following negotiations with multiple African Union leaders, the Tuareg and Berber peoples of West Africa has been allowed self determination. Calling themselves the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the new nation state is to be governed from its original capital city of Nouakchott, south of the AU Firebase Opie in Nouadhibou.

    Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi will serve as acting President of Mauritania until elections are held, again, under AU supervision to ensure fairness.


    Our current claims:

  10. “I understand that quite well, Madame” Elvire said calmly, returning the smile given to her earlier. “Most people just usually go on their merry way these days.” Elvire would then soften her smile however when she was reminded about the situation in France. She would sit on one of the bench on the opposite end of the aisle, her expression forelorn. “Nonetheless, I pray for our people, how they must suffer while others fight for personal gain. And yet as a noble, I bet I am no better as far as the people must think of me for.”

    Getting down on her knees, she would clasp her hands and her eyes closed, “I just hope, for our future, that we can see peace, before there isn’t a France left to live in.”

  11. As Elvire walked down the aisle in order to pray, she couldn’t help but notice another praying by the front. From the look of this person, it seems that it was someone of high rank, but she had never met the person before, and she was not informed of any nobles from other fiefdoms to come here. As the burnette walked closer to the front she felt more and more uneased.

    Finally as soon as she saw the person in question, she said calmly, “Bonjour, I’m surprised there are others praying this early in the morning.”

  12. (OOC: I sent a PM to Curristan regarding the matter, and he said it was okay from IRC, of course, something tells me I should've just waited on him to return the PM to me.)

    IC: We thank those who have recognized our existence and we will be willing to cooperate with the African Union so that any problems with our existence can be cleared up.

  13. Elvire calmly made her way down the main roads, with several aides walking by her informing her of the status of her fief and also the situation in France, with Regency troops moving down Lorraine, most likely in an attempt to retake the lands of the old Burgundian Dukedom. If there was one thing Elvire knew well was in her history of the French nation. She knew very well that Eastern and Southern France will be caught in turmoil, while Paris and the rest of Ile-de-France was looking to be a Republican stronghold. As long as it was far away from Angoulmois it would not matter that much.

    Elvire made her way to the cathedral. Pious as she was, she couldn’t help but turn to the church to pray for peace, to create a united France once more. But little would she know that she would see an unexpected guest come to meet her at such an unexpected moment.

  14. [b][u]Angoulême, France[/u][/b]

    Elvire awoke the following morning to a calm morning. The winds of war had yet to reach Angoulême, and yet it was so close she could taste it. She had every reason to be precarious of her position, an aide briefed her on what she had possessed in terms of defense, few men and ever fewer Francs, any potential defense of her domain fell largely on either support from the outside, or Arming the citizens from inside, and even then, it would not field an army large enough to defend her fief.

    And yet, the Duchesse was calm as she ever was, putting on her clothes and dress before walking around the Hôtel de ville. Such walks were made to calm the mind, she knew that someone will come to her, but how should she respond was the main question. Her aide suggested taking a side, but her stubborn desire to not to bring suffering and war to her people put her off on such matters. But even she knew that it would be a matter of time where remaining neutral would no longer be an option. “If I only knew what I must do.” Elvire thought in her mind.

  15. Angoulême, a quaint little town overlooking the River Charente, was largely away from any major political fighting since the conflict started. The fief remained neutral, attempting to avoid entanglements from the Regency Council, the Valentinist Radicals and the Dalianists. However the conflict was not out of necessity or pragmatism, but for the case of Elvire Isabelle d’Orleans d'Angoulême, the young and unmarried Duchess of Angouleme, it was a fear of choosing a faction, only to be let down. Ever since her mother passed away and she inherited the fiefdom, Elvire had acted in a pragmatic tone, doing what she could to help the people there in such difficult times.

    She had little trust in the Regency Council, which she believed, was taking its sweet time in finding an heir to the throne since Charles Louis was incapacitated. Most of all, she despised Aymar Le Baume-Pluvinel, the head of the French Regency, and wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

    Then there was the Valentinist faction, the Communists seeking to overthrow the Monarchy and institute a Revolutionary Republic, and from what she heard, had already seized control of Paris, and forced the Regents to Orleans. Had this been another faction within France she would’ve cheered privately, but she was rather deathly afraid of the Radicals who took power, who sought nothing more than the death of all who bore titles like hers, to create a republic that would shake her country to the core.

    And then there were the Dalianists, who sought to end the Salic Laws concerning succession and install Josephine as Queen regnant. Elvire believed that she could’ve ensured a successful French succession had the Salic law not been in the way. However, what support she would have for them was not there. Elvire liked the ideas that Dalian had preached, but lacked the stomach to support them, in fear of losing her lands and her head should they fail.

    Thus, the Duchess turned to God, and at Angoulême Cathedral, she turned to pray alone at the altar, believing herself to be safe from harm. The dreaded cold air could be felt within the church walls, as she prayed for the safety of her countrymen, in the hopes that her countrymen would shed little blood in this dispute.

    “Madame, it is time we depart to de ville.” One of the Duchess’ aides said as he entered the cathedral, and the burnette haired woman stood up, and turned around. “Very well, has there been any further news of the situation?”

    “The Dalianists has achieved a victory over the Regents at Auvergne, they have secured control over the region and have most likely confirmed support over Bourgogne as well.” Elvire closed her eyes and nodded, remaining calm of the situation, but struggled to keep from scowling over it. “That means that either Madame Dalian or Monsieur Le Baume-Pluvinel will be arriving here to try and convince me to support them.” She took a deep breath and began to walk down the aisle, continuing her conversation. “If that is to be the case then we will greet them, but I will try to reaffirm our neutrality, we may support the next ruler of France, whomever they may be, but these are still my people, and their lives matter to me.” The pair opened the doors leading out, the dark skies looming overhead as the pair would head to the Hôtel de ville.

    “Your decision to remain neutral might hurt you should one or both of them become unreasonable, you know this, do you not?” The aide said in a serious tone, stroking his grey beard as he pondered.

    “I know…but I do not know what I am to do on this matter, do I continue to support the Ancien Regime, or support the new order that Madame Dalian continues to preach?” Elvire said calmly, a hint of nervousness and fear in her voice.

    “I will support you no matter which path you choose, Milady.” The pair would reach the Ducal residence, and where the aide would part ways, “I know you will make the right decision, I shall retire for the evening.

    “Farewell.” Elvire said with a weak smile before the timid young Duchess too began to head inside and see about retiring to bed herself.

  16. [center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120321213716/althistory/images/9/93/France-limousin-alternate-flag_595.png[/img]
    Declaration of Existence of the Kingdom of Nouvelle Auvergne

    Today is a joyous occasion for the people of Tunisia. For the first time in many years, the people have declared themselves the right to self government and independence under the African Union. Queen Jeanne d'Auvergne, Queen of this new nation, New Auvergne, is to accept the crown of the New Auvergne at the Cathedral of Saint Vincent de Paul, where delegates are invited to attend.

    A new government, complete with constitution is intended to be completed in the coming weeks.[/center]

    OOC: I'm back...hopefully to not die again.

  17. Edmund and Baigan got caught up in the gunfire as guards fired their Sub Machine Guns at the two. The two of them could not lay suppressive fire as more and more guards arrived to lay down their fire. The two of them were trapped, and there was no way to go. Both of them knew what was going to happen next. “So, this was going to be our last run, huh Ed? Baigan said as the guards got closer, in an attempt to flank them.

    “Well, we all have to die sometime…” Edmund said as he fired his M1 Carbine rounds and killed a guard. “I hope the charges are ready.”

    Baigan said, pulling out the trigger. “I hope so too. Either way, it’s been fun comrade.” Baigan pressed the trigger before he disappeared in a bright light, alongside Edmund and all the guards in the building.

    The resulting explosion was large in scale and scope, taking out the entire west wing of the national mint, where the printing press and most of the money not in banks was being kept.

    Breaking news has been reported in the capital building. A Terrorist unit is believed to have evaded guards and police and detonated a suicide bomb within Parliament, killing 25 people, including the Prime Minister and Chief of Staff as well as many nobles and cabinet members. Another 40 were injured and are being sent into the hospital.

    We’ve also received word that crowds of armed civilians have stormed the gates of Baron Castle, we do not know the full details of the situation but there have been full scale clashes between the rioters and the police and army units, with some of the rioters armed with what is believed to be hunting rifles. There has been a few deaths reported but it is unknown as to what will transpire out of this, or what the government will shape up to be now that members of the current government is confirmed dead.

  18. The two terrorists infiltrated the national mint. Security was minimal due to the National Guard being deployed across Baron, a mistake now being capitalized on now. The printing press was shut down and the plates were located in a secure area in the back of the room. This was the only challenge to it. Using welding material that some allies on the inside had left behind began cutting open the safe. The process was tedious and if caught it would be impossible to cut through while getting shot at. Fortunately, the guards were either oblivious or stupid, as no one noticed the sparks of light from cracking the safe for what seemed like hours. After 45 minutes, the terrorists broke through the safe and were able to access its contents.


    Cecilia looked down to the ground, tears on her face as the news was broken in. King Arthur was dead, and she would be the heir.

    “We will have the coronation and funeral once the situation settles down. Until then, the people need you.”

    Cecilia nodded, “I…I understand.”

    The doctor said as the royal guard arrived, “For now, we’ll transport you and the King’s body back to the castle for safe keeping. With that, the doctor left. One of the Guard’s said, “Right this way, Your Highness.”

    With the plates in their bags, Edmund said, “Alright, let’s get out here before…” Before he had a chance to finish the sentence, the alarm went off, alerting all the guards within the mint compound.

    “F%#$, let’s get out of here.” Baigan said, aiming his StG-44 and firing a few rounds at a guard who unintentionally walked in too far and got shot in the head for his troubles.

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