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Posts posted by Engel

  1. * Applicant Q&A and pre-screen: Nemesis also utilizes a Q&A system to pre-screen all applicants as we emphasize quality over quantity when it comes to our membership, so your potential membership at Nemesis will be something to be proud of. Don't be afraid though, our Q&A isn't strictly busines, we focus on getting to know you instead of how well you know game mechanics. :P Once accepted as a member of Nemesis, your opinion on applicants will be factored into the application process so you will always be a part of that decision as well.

    I will admit, that typo is vexing me :P

  2. rapturetribunejune.png


    Hello, Welcome to the City of Rapture's Newsletter. in here you will find all the updates on our alliance, not to mention some interesting news. some fun facts and other stuff.

    Which brings us to our First Subject

    Alliance News

    Rapture Reaches its first Milestone!

    Article by Ada *15th june*

    The city of rapture is proud to announce it reached the 1.00 scoreline.


    *Engel invades Ada's paper to bring an announcement:

    Greetings! I am Engel, one of the founders of City of Rapture. While we haven’t been investing too much time with Foreign Affairs, I am pleased to announce that our focus on Internal Affairs and mainly growing the nations we have has become a success. Our recruitment has brought us to 37 total nations, finally reaching a score of over 1! I’m glad to see this milestone being broken and we anticipate more in the future!

    With our new growth, I’d like to congratulate Zeke. Without Zeke, our membership wouldn’t be where it is now.

    Also, CoR has been electing ministers over the past few days. We are proud to present new additions to our government. Our current government now includes:





    Vasili Suvrov, Minister of Central Control (War)

    Zeke, Minister of Apollo Square (Members)

    Xnenai Xyinaa, Minister of Farmer’s Market (Economy)

    Sauge, Minister of Olympus Heights (Foreign Affairs)

    FA Direction

    Article by Souge *14th June*


    Well CoR has now has the first Minister of Olympus heights which is me Sauge. Cor's FA will now begin to grow in FA so that we can improve our relationships with

    other alliances. The first alliance we will be looking to inprove relationships is with Greenland Republic. We are also proud to have a treaty with MK. We are also looking forward to having more tech deals with Kronos and improving relationships.

    City of Rapture Minus City of = Rapture.

    Article by Ada. *10th june*

    For the first week i received a few numerous annoying messages about the Maroon alliance 'Rapture' and our alliance the 'City of Rapture' if your a bit blind you'll see that they are Totally Different. The next person that sez it i swear will literally be slapped with a trout. Rapture was going to be our original name. then we noticed them. =( it was a sad moment. Here are the logs.

    [10:31] <Engel> no, i just like the concept

    [10:32] <Engel> such as if we could model it after bioshock

    [10:32] <Engel> have big daddies and little sisters

    [10:32] <Engel> that would be sick

    [10:32] <Engel> call it rapture

    [10:35] <Thunderstruck> there is just one problem

    [10:35] <Thunderstruck> http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance...lliance=Rapture

    [10:37] <Engel> DAMMIT

    [10:37] <Engel> WHY THE **** WHENEVER I GET A GOOD IDEA IT'S ALREADY ****ing DONE

    Yes. it was upsetting =( But City of Rapture is good enough for us.

    now that i think of it, It would have probably meant our 3 letter Acronym to be Rap. i would have to kill myself otherwise >.> no offence intended to Rapture of course.

    Whats Shroomy, but is called a Toad?.

    Article by Ada. *10th june*

    Mushroom kingdom recently became our protectorate. i have received a few 'i dont like mushroom kingdom' Comments :P. tbh I Love our Friends out the Shroomy Kingdom for all there help, they have Helped alot. We will also love to push ourselves forward with them. I have made contact with a few alliances of C&G to get to know MK's Allies a bit better. Athens Gratefully gave me a Embassy. and ive Nicely added -along with Athens- #GR, #Vanguard, #Fly. (sorry Lost, its not you, its us)(Its you) We also think NOIR is a good option. and hope to become part of the black unity treaty.

    Ada's Rambling On.

    This part of the news is were i ramble on about something. and Ramble on i shall. this month i chose the Karma war and what it means to the treaty web.

    The Karma War

    Article by Ada. *10th june*

    I think the Karma War still dominates most of the CN headlines. New Pacific Order dropping slowly, but dont think they will leave the war until the other four alliances decide they have had enough. (Echelon, The Phoenix Federation, 64digits and Avalon (source Wiki)) I suppose its a question of when, not If. Karma has maintained that they will not Deplete NPO. will it uphold? i am not sure. NPO are far from any more real damage, mainly because 80% of there Strength is in Peace Mode. so i guess its the slow Erosion over time that will deplete them further. but ive heard rumour they wont go till the other four leave the war, and all the while other alliances such as IRON have started to put the war behind them. and start rising.

    --- What side would have City of Rapture been on, In there Minds as well as there treaties ---

    I Feel that (speaking for myself, not Engel) if the war hit us, we would have atm with our current treaties. Have seen what Shrooms would have wanted. at the moment we are 2 weeks old. Not exactly prime time to run into a war. but if MK ever needed us (which they probably wouldn't have needed us in there stint in the Karma war) we would have been on standby. I want to hold treaties as best as possible. and i want to hold them for the right reasons to.

    The Karma war has taught CN Alliances that Signing Treaties with Everything that moves, and some things that don't. Like NPO did (no offense) then your not going to have all the backing you think you have. If you maintain 'Get out' Clause. instead of the Cancellation. i think it will do good.

    If not, then ask yourself. Why sign a treaty if you think you'll Cancel in times of war?.

    suppose its on the odd chance that the 10% likely chance will come, that will side with you.

    Treaties are signed for few reasons

    - Friendship

    - Power backing

    - Moving out into Planet Bob.

    too many times have people signed it for the power backing, and to many times have the people stated that its for 'Friendship' when a month later they don't talk at all to the others about there problems. then 5 months later expect them to go to war. Simple solution, start prioritizing your treaties. LET your other partners know where they stand. i think Get out clauses should be a good way to begin, make these MDAP's a bit more watertight for your alliance. Sure alliances with closeness such as MHA and Grämlins should always be supporting each other, such is the closeness of there friendship, but with alliances that are so far apart, that the first time they speak and ask for a treaty, change it so it benefits your alliance protection needs. and doesn't start people rambling on about cowardness. such as:

    - If one Signatory doesn't give the other signatory notice of an attacking war, the defence of this treaty becomes optional.

    - Either Signatory has a right to investigate matters before activating there treaty (such as, not find out when getting hammered that your ally was in the wrong.)

    - If Either signatory is found to have committed/supported an offence to an alliance that is very server in nature (Hacking, Spying, Cheating ect name the other severe ones here) then this treaty becomes optional

    I move these new Treaties be called, Adamdap or OMDAP :P.

    If the Friendship comes closer, Release the idea of the Get out Clause. but why should you put your alliance at risk for an alliance for an alliance your not willing to defend.

    That is my Ramble for the week.


    That Killed Kenny!

    Article by Ada *14th june*


    That killed kenny is an Award given by City of Rapture, to the Most Shocking/stunning or idiot topic on the CN forums for the month.

    This topic is chosen by me (ada) and also based on its number of posts.

    The First winner of the 'Killed Kenny Award'

    goes to

    Trotsky's Revenge for his Imperial Decree from NPO post involving the Release of the Moldavi Doctrine, this topic sparked also a Troubled argument over Reparations given. no offense Trots. but the topic sparked major controversy atm almost at 3,000 posts.

    This indeed, was the topic that Killed Kenny

    Enjoy my Crappy Microsoft Paint Trophy


    A Motivational Pep talk

    Article by Engel *14th june*

    Engel interviews Xnenai Xyinaa, new Minister of the Farmer's Market (economy)

    How do you like CoR so far?

    I love CoR, its fricken awsome, small but great community and fun as promised by Ada when i first applied.

    Would you prefer to be stuck in an elevator with Barbra Streisand or on a tiny island with Ada?

    Since i dunno who the hell Barbra Streisand is, i'd rather be stuck with ada, although if he gets a little to close for comfort i might hide in a tree or dig a hole.

    What do you think of CN?

    Chicken >_>

    If you had to sum up your experience with CN by using a song, which song would you choose and why?

    Really? One, i wouldnt sing and two, there is no two.

    How would you react if you are transformed into a fish?

    I'd probably try eating a shark. Y not =|.

    You have recently been promoted Minister of the Farmer's Market. What do you plan to do to serve CoR? What are your goals?

    I plan to set people up with great trade circles, and get all of the younger nations to participate in tech deals, so we can bring in the cash and grow CoR etc, Thats my plan in a banana peeling. (Screw nut shells, i hate nuts)

    If you are a god what would you do to the world?

    Honestly there are some many things i would do (some you would wanna no of) others to complicated to explain, some to simple. Although i do know one thing - I would turn all of the GODAMN COMMUNISTS INTO CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!.... i hate communists.

    What do you consider the most important/most memorable event in your CN career so far?

    the most memorable event i got was the first day after collecting taxes, said something about a bridge collapsing and if you did any of the 2 choices or did nothing then you'd lose a crudload of money... "

    Special Thank you's

    Article by Ada *14th june*

    I would like to give a special thank you to Shroom kingdom for being a good protector, and always answering our questions when we ask.

    I would also like to give a Special thank you to Nolissar and the Open Source alliance for the terrific support for us. as well as helping us getting into NOIR.

  3. Now that I got your attention...


    Forums: Rapture City

    Public IRC: #CoR on Coldfront

    Greetings, Cybernations!

    We are Engelstruck and we are here to ask you a question:

    Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

    No, says the man in Washington; it belongs to the poor.

    No, says the man in the Vatican; it belongs to God.

    No, says the man in Moscow; it belongs to everyone.

    We rejected those answers. Instead, we chose something

    different. We chose the impossible. We chose...



    CoR is a alliance that is envisioned to become the next friendly and powerful playing alliance. All its members are to obey this document and to agree to work together to keep the rules and regulations of this document so that together we can work hard and strive together in unity.

    Chapter 1: Structure

    Article I. Basic Structure

    1. The City of Rapture will be governed by two unelected leaders (Engel and Ada069) and a few other elected leaders to split power.

    2. The elected leaders’ tasks will vary, mainly overseeing trivial Internal and Foreign Affairs.

    Article II. Inner Council and the Ministers

    1. Inner Council is composed of Engel and Ada069.

    2. Inner Council will make decisions on important affairs and will also act as the court system, reviewing cases on a case by case basis.

    Article III. Engelstruck

    1. CoR will be overlooked by Engel and Ada069. They will not be elected nor will their term ever expire. Should either choose to step down, their spot will not be filled.

    2. These rulers work will have the power to veto any proposed treaties, review any objectable material CN and other alliances present to determine a proper course of action, act as the court in reviewing specific cases on a case by case basis to insure that every nation is being represented fairly. Should an instance of war ever arise, these rulers will determine whether or not to become involved.

    3. Ada069 will overlook the Central Control so that all nations will be protected militarily.

    4. Engel will overlook Apollo Square to insure that all nations will have adequate CN knowledge and proper training.

    5. Both Ada069 and Engel will overlook the Farmer’s Market and Olympus Heights.

    Article IV. Ministers

    Each sector (below) will have its own Minister. The Minister will be responsible for the efficiency of their sector. Failure to show any progress or evidence of the ministry becoming less efficient may result in replacement

    1. Each minister will be elected by the CoR membership. Terms last until the minister steps down/promoted or the Leadership decide to dismiss them. Possible dismissal reasons include: Inactivity, Breach of Charter, Breach of Conduct and failure to run their sector efficiently or failure to hand in monthly sector reviews.

    2. Ministers must submit a full sector review at the end of each month. This review is to contain what their sector has worked on and reviews of their staff.

    3. Ministers may appoint staff to help them in the subdivisions of their sector.

    Article V. Honorary Advisors

    1. Honorary Advisors will be given to members who have shown there brilliance for the alliance. Honorary advisors will have the same rank as normal Members but will be allowed to participate on discussions of the inner circle, and post there advice/comments. They will NOT however be allowed to vote or act as part of the government.

    Chapter 2: Ryan Industries

    Ryan Industries are composed of Olympus Heights, the Farmer’s Market, Central Control, and Apollo Square.

    Article I. Olympus Heights

    Olympus Heights is the Foreign Affairs sector for CoR. The Olympus Heights' goal is to maintain the communication between foreign nations and CoR.

    1. Olympus heights will maintain the Embassies.

    2. Olympus heights will need to conduct regular activeness on CoR treaty-pact alliance forums, and make sure we are constantly active in CoR's embassies on those forums. Non-Treatied alliances are not compulsory.

    3. The Minister of Olympus Heights will sign on all treaties (unless one is not available).

    Article II. The Farmer’s Market

    The Farmer's Market is the Economy sector of CoR. the Farmer's market goal is to create and maintain nation growth in CoR.

    1. The Farmer’s Market will control CoR’s bank.

    2. CoR recognize the need to conduct ongoing tech deals, thus will provide a section pertaining to external CN nations wishing to conduct deals with any CoR nations.

    3. The Farmer’s Market will also provide a trading area for nations having difficulties finding and maintaining a stable trade circle.

    4. The Minister of the Farmer's Market will sign on all economic pacts (unless one is not available).

    Article III. Central Control

    The central control is the War sector for CoR. The Central Control's goal is to maintain the defense of CoR and its members.

    1. Central Control overlooks all militaristic issues in CoR and CN.

    2. With the approval of Atlas, Central Control will decide whether it’s imperative to determine war in a given situation.

    3. Any nations being sought by CoR militaristic ally will find themselves confronting Central Control.

    4.The Minister of Central Control will sign on all War Declarations (unless one is not available).

    Article IV. Apollo Square

    Apollo Control is the Membership Sector for CoR. Apollo Squares' goal is to increase the membership and maintain contact with CoR's members.

    1. Apollo Square will overlook all member services in CoR.

    2. Apollo square will conduct the acceptance or refusal of any applications.

    3. Apollo square will maintain Point Prometheus (Academy).

    Chapter 3: Membership

    Article I. Signing Up

    1. Any nation (regardless of size) may join CoR.

    2. Before a nation can wear our AA they must sign up in the appropriate thread on our forum. Any nation who is found "ghosting" our AA will be urged to join our alliance. They will have 48 hours after PM is sent to join. If not, they will be declared a ghost and will be explored militarily by our Central Control.

    3. All nations (especially newer nations) are urged to join the black sphere, but this is not necessary.

    Article II. Member Services

    1. By joining CoR, your nation is entitled to help and advice where needed. We offer aid in cases of desperation, but mainly look at tech deals as a great source of income.

    Article III. Friendliness

    1. In order to keep CoR a friendly atmosphere, we do not tolerate any types of discrimination (such as ethnicity, religion, background) on our boards or IRC channel.

    2. If any case of such abuse is found, the case will be reviewed personally by Engelstruck.

    Chapter 4. Acts of War.

    Article 1. CoR View on what is war

    1. Declaration on Any CoR nations or any attempt of any in game spying regardless if its harmful or not is considered an Act of War by that nation alone.

    2. Spying on our Forums is regarded as an act of war by the alliance that the spy is from.

    Article 2. Attacks on CoR nations

    1. An attack on a CoR nation is considered an Act of War by that nation alone. Central control has the right to have more nations declare on this nation and attack. Although when agreements are met between alliances, they are banned from attacking any further.

    2. The price of attacking a CoR nation is reps and a PM'd apology. Reps will be dismissed if damages are not above $1 million.

    3. A diplomat will be sent immediately to the other nations alliance to try and get peace. However, this will not stop CoR nations declaring.

    4. If the nation is found to have a legitimate reason for attacking, CoR will apologise for all attacks and have reps sent. Such legitimate reasons are as follow(s): a hidden spy Op, serious OOC attacks, taunting by CoR member. These cases will be reviewed by Engelstruck before a consensus is reached.

    Article 3. Unauthorised attacks by CoR members

    1. A CoR nation fighting an unauthorised war will be punished by the Central Control team. The CoR nation will be asked to pay reps back to the nation it attacked. If the other alliance agrees to not pay reps. then half the damage cost is to be sent to a nation target as CoR's punishment. They will also need to apologise to the other nation.

    2. If the Attack is deemed on purpose, they will also be required to pay their nation strength x 100 to the Farmer's market.

    3. Any nation who attacks when peace is declared with a rouge nation will be subjected to the above AS long as PM's have been sent and attacks are not within 5 minutes of the PM's being sent.

    4. If any nation fails to respond within 24 hour of being PM'd about an unauthorised war or fail to pay damages they will be declared Ghost and will not receive ANY support from CoR nations. They may also find CoR nations declaring on them.

    Article 4. Alliance wars.

    1. Any Alliance Declaration of War will be immediately engaged by all CoR nations. the Minister of Central Control will then act accordingly to try and defend from attacking alliances. Treaties will be asked to be honored.

    2. All Declaration of war will be approved and voted for by the CoR Leadership with a 75% vote. All declarations will be signed by all members of the Inner Circle and the minister of war, regardless if they agreed or disagreed with war declarations.

    Article 5. Tech raiding

    1. CoR DOES NOT allow tech or land raiding of any kind. Even if it was agreed to be done by the two nations.

    Article 6. Zero infrastructure.

    1. CoR does not believe in Permanent or Eternal Zero infrastructure on a nation or alliance. We feel that when there is enough damage dealt and when we are satisfied they have been punished enough. We will show mercy and allow them to play the game that we all love. If that nation is set on revenge and trying to get back at CoR, he will not be shown mercy.

    Chapter 5. Treaties

    1. CoR wants to remain loyal to all alliances involved in signing a treaty. Therefore we will consider requests for treaties, but want to ensure that we a lot about the alliance before signing. We believe this will lead to less cancelled treaties and will maintain friendly relations. We will conduct ourselves to not have an extensive MDP and use ODP's when we can. CoR will live up to all treaties signed as long as our allies don't compromise or underrate the treaty.

    2. In the event of treaty clashes, CoR Leadership will then vote to decide whether to go to war on one side or the other, or remain neutral. If however we do decide to fight on one side of the war, CoR WILL NOT fight its own treaty partner directy.

    3. Treaties will be signed by the Government, the Minister of Olympus heights, and also anyone involved in writing or organising the treaty

    Chapter 6. Violations of Charter

    1. Any violation of the Charter will result in punishment. Punishments are decided on a case by case basis by the Inner Circle. Such punishments include banning or being declared on.

    Chapter 7. Disbandment.

    1. If CoR government decide on disbanding, it has to be approved by a unanimous vote by the Government before a 75% result in a membership vote. 70% of the membership must at least vote in this poll.

    Chapter 8. Amendments

    1. For an indefinite time of CoR's existence, all amendments will be in the power of Ada069 and Engel. When this period has passed, the Inner Circle will overlook any further changes needed within CoR. Ministers will not be allowed to vote, but will be allowed to suggest and make changes as we ratify the Charter.

    2. All members may have there say on what can be brought into the charter, we hold no problems with it. but we also wish that each member respect that some things may not turn out as good.

    Signed for City of Rapture,

    Engel - The "Engel" in Engelstruck

    Ada069 - The "Struck" in Engelstruck

    Some more official stuff...


    Preamble - Rapture Needs its Shrooms

    In the interest of promoting friendship, knowledge and good times, City of Rapture has agreed to let the Mushroom Kingdom take good care of it.

    Article I - Lets get Trashed on Shrooms

    Neither party shall take offensive actions, be it in game or political maneuvering, against each other.

    Article II - As the party Grows, so does the Shroom Supply.

    The Kingdom shall strive to do all it can to provide the tools needed for City of Rapture to grow and prosper. From guides, to advice and aid, it shall be given.

    To ensure that the help is put to its best use, the Kingdom will appoint an advisor to help institute any changes and oversee the distribution of education. That advisor shall be Portugal.

    Article III - Lets Sign a treaty with GGA

    City of Rapture will keep the Kingdom informed of all foreign policy changes and additions.

    Article IV - Dude, Drop Bears are sooooo real.

    As long as City of Rapture upholds the clauses outlined in this treaty, the Kingdom shall protect them from those who would do harm.

    Article V - Don't make the mistake of waking up next to a sheep, with wool inbetween your teeth.

    If either party wishes to cancel this agreement, notice will be given in private. After a period of 72 hours has passed, the class shall be ended.

    Signed for the Mushroom Kingdom,

    Archon - King

    SirWilliam - Prince

    Potato - Lord High Envoy

    AirMe - Retired Lord High Envoy

    Azaghul - Lord High Treasurer

    Joker - Lord High Vanguard

    Signed for City of Rapture,

    Engel - Goddess of Sex

    Ada069 - Engel's Sex Slave

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