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White Chocolate

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Blog Entries posted by White Chocolate

  1. White Chocolate
    BOSTON BRUINS of BOSTON has been PM'ing random people trying to cause trouble. Common things he sends is requests for tech, requests that someone attack him (because I told him he can't attack others, it's against our rules), offers to spy on nations behalf and other types of messages designed to cause drama.
    I think he may be a re-roll of "waffleman" - if any of you remember him. Can't prove it through.
    He is the type that is looking to cause trouble and can be rather annoying. Thus we're taking extreme action and ignoring him. In fact, the reason I'm NOT putting this on the OWF is because he'd probably love it. On the other hand, I'm getting tired of explaining this to representatives of the various alliances he send silly messages to. Thus, next time it happens, I'm just making a link here.
    IF he attacks anyone (which is against our rules) - feel free to turn his nation into one giant hole. Tech trade at your own risk. I wouldn't suggest it.
    He's signed up on our forums as a member. However he has no power at all.
    To quote The Godfather II
    "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
    If anyone wants him and thinks they can deal with him, feel free to recruit him.
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