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Fyfe XIV

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Posts posted by Fyfe XIV

  1. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1295148269' post='2576551']
    You should reconsider, join Kerberos Nexus if you want

    Shameless plug after shameless plug after shameless plug. It never gets old.

    Meh... at least you'll stop making useless topics.

  2. [quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1294815685' post='2572899']
    Ok, I've been playing a bit of Bingo with this announcement but I'm going to need some help to win. Here's the [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/293710/Bingo.png]original board.[/url] I made it with things I remembered seeing in here, things I thought I might see, and eventually I kinda skipped down the top ranked alliances list to fill in some spaces.

    Here's the board now:
    As you can see I'm pretty close to a bingo. Could someone lend me a hand?

    Sorry this is so late but who had the Athens threat, Londo or Rush? And careful how you answer... it could turn out poorly for you (see what I did there :awesome: )

  3. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1294693224' post='2571300']
    I have been a member of VE, on and off, since I started. I have heard and seen death threats daily against several alliances when I was a member of each and when I was not, including VE. Most of which have come from the most vocal members of those two alliances. If you have a problem with me hating on them, go sit with the others that do. Maybe write a petition while you're at it, "Teddyyo stop pissing on MK and Athens it might hurt their feelings!" if it makes you feel better.


    So your solution is to do exactly what we we're supposedly doing? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :smug:

    Edit: were, we're... [OOC] after a !@#$%^&* BCS game like that, who the $%&@ cares [/OOC]

  4. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1294632868' post='2570719']
    In the past several months, your alliance dumped its treaties and then re-signed most of them. I guess that can be called "shaking things up." I do not.

    Valhalla is a bit over 100 souls with about 4 million in NS. We make very loyal allies, enemies you'd rather not have, and try to avoid suicide charges.

    That doesn't put us in the same position as you. MK is in a position to push the action on Planet Bob, but instead it does not. If anything, you seek ways to prevent others from doing so, whether it is through a continuation of the convoluted treaty web or reparations that keep key alliances on the sideline.

    Plainly spoken, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. You are not alone.

    So basically you don't like the way that MK does stuff and your solution is to complain about it? It seems like that's been your game plan for a while, how's it going for you?

  5. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1294632831' post='2570716']
    Alliance Announcements are for real alliances. Technically even by my standards BoS is an alliance since it has two or more nations on the AA.

    But, Damsky is so fail that he and his alliance only waste space with every stupid announcement after every failed endeavor they take on.

    Nobody cares about your standards for alliances. Also, pot calling kettle black :v:

    Congrats on peace BoS.

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