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Neo Uruk

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Everything posted by Neo Uruk

  1. That's definitely a side. I realize that you aren't going to speak against NAAW politically at this time, but even military action shows support for your alliance, which would detract from your neutrality.
  2. I sympathize with this. If only learning went hand in hand with practicing at all times.
  3. Well, if Blackwater believed peace was necessary, as would the belief in Black unity should have led them, then they should have accepted the white peace that was offered.
  4. Nice to see MHA out of their war, which was started over a pretty pointless message. At least grudges have been set aside on Pork Shrimp's part.
  5. Very nice document. I want my name fixed though
  6. In fact, we've been raided by a M*A*S*H nation, George, since that little incident. I never received information of a letter of apology, although he seems to have moved to TPF.
  7. There has to be more "I hate you'"s than that.
  8. Your technology level: 67.27 Your cost / technology level: $25,390.41 Do you have the following resources: Gold: Yes Microchips: No How many University improvements do you have: 0 Do you have the following wonders: Great University: No. National Research Lab: No. Space Program: No.
  9. I'm so happy to see you referencing what you think of me and a superior in your posts, Sea Junky. It's quite heartwarming to know I'm lodged into an IDIOT's brain.
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