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Posts posted by Venizelos

  1. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='23 March 2010 - 03:34 PM' timestamp='1269347649' post='2234137']
    Yes, during the Continuum time there were a few senior TOP members (on and off gov) who did not seem to be putting Citadel at no. 1. I remember some heated discussion about that. But the fact is that when TOP was required to make a choice, Citadel [i]was[/i] put at no. 1, despite the fact that Grämlins explicitly broke a clause of the treaty.[/quote]

    in other words, TOP chose infra>friends. if they wanted to protect RON they should have joined in on their side and gotten rolled in karma.

  2. [quote name='magicninja' date='26 February 2010 - 09:34 AM' timestamp='1267169908' post='2204663']
    Well anyone caught outside the AA while launching attacks will be deemed a rogue, a sanction will be requested, and if they use nukes during that time they will be subject to ZI even after TSO and GATO peace out. Fair warning.

    this really needs to become official policy for everyone in the war. tons of people are doing it.

    its funny that LM who went on about how cool he is and how after a couple of days there isnt going to be anyone in his range blah blah blah is trying to avoid staggers.

  3. [quote name='astronaut jones' date='09 February 2010 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1265736197' post='2170766']
    ...but MK above all other alliances is in a position where asking for more than nothing wouldn't be seen as greedy/opportunistic. I think you guys, if you got TOP to surrender, could easily ask for about 600 million and .. 10 000 - 20 000 tech[/quote]

    20k tech? lol... we've lost a lot more than that. im not the one making the rep requirements obviously, but if it were up to me it would be way more than 20k tech.
    and GoD will certainly ask reps from Polar.

    [quote name='bigwoody' date='09 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1265737369' post='2170795']
    [quote]we promise to isolate you by taking away[/quote]
    Has been done this war.[/quote]

    for example?

    [quote name='bigwoody' date='09 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1265737369' post='2170795']
    [quote]or rolling your friends[/quote]
    Attempted on TPF[/quote]

    u mad~

    [quote name='bigwoody' date='09 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1265737369' post='2170795']
    [quote]declare on you for a fabricated reason[/quote]

    the reason wasnt fabricated. it wasnt the most amazing CB ever, but at least athens felt it was correct. also, the war didnt even happen in the end. nobody got rolled or had to pay insane reps. you cant compare apples with oranges.

    [quote name='bigwoody' date='09 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1265737369' post='2170795']
    [quote]and proceed take you out in an 8vs1 curbstomp next time.[/quote]
    If you could, you would. As it is you're pulling out every alliance you can. Of course, this is kinda how war is. But since you brought it up...

    actually, no, we wouldn't. you cant just assume we're like you, because you're so bad you cant even imagine that someone isnt as !@#$%* as you are.

  4. [quote name='FreddieMercury' date='09 February 2010 - 06:48 PM' timestamp='1265734101' post='2170713']
    Funny, by that line of reasoning MK shouldn't have even asked Polar to help them out with TOP.

    we asked them to come in before they had re-entered, and were extremely surprised when they did, on the [i]other[/i] side. we expected them to come in on our side.

  5. [quote name='goldielax25' date='09 February 2010 - 03:44 PM' timestamp='1265723055' post='2170492']
    My logic might be flawed here, but C&G feels "threatened" by TOP if they get off lightly, therefore they will keep defending their nations? Sound about right? Why is it ok for TOP to attack MK for the primary reason of crippling a strong opponent. I mean it is not like C&G had ever attacked TOP, they simply felt threatened by non government members posting on the OWF. TOP felt threatened so they attacked prematurely, C&G feels threatened so they will not allow their opponents out lightly so they can be preemptively struck again while they rebuild.

    Make sense? Does to me.

    lots of people dont know this, but Archon actually used to like TOP and wanted improving or at least not worsening relations with them. all this stuff about MK or CnG in general going after TOP, or in any way specifically targeting TOP is just made up. TOP was the aggresive and attacking party in the war, because they felt threatened by us. they expected us to attack them, they even posted on their DoW that we're out to get them and they're just attacking first. i dont know if they actually think that but i know for a fact that we werent after them at any point, despite all the trolling against them here. we also troll purple, were we out to get purple? of course not. but after all most of the time you just see what you want to see :/

    considering that they actually attacked us without us even being in the war, they have demonstrated quite clearly that in fact they are out to get us. we cant just let them walk, especially since they have done a bit more damage on us than we have done on them, (yet)

  6. [quote name='NoFish' date='08 February 2010 - 12:02 AM' timestamp='1265580134' post='2167395']
    MK convinced NpO to declare war on \m/ just to get at TOP! Just like they convinced Athens to declare war on TPF to get at TOP! And how they convinced NPO to declare on OV to get at TOP! My god! Those sick geniuses!

    someone saw through our evil plans...

    quick! to the archoncopter!

  7. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='06 February 2010 - 06:01 PM' timestamp='1265472071' post='2164574']
    [color="#0000FF"]Contrary to popular historical revisionist belief, MK was backing GR in the WotC, and not the NpO.[/color]

    do you really think people are retarded enough to believe this? stickmen entered this war against invicta, but they are here to back up MK, even if they arent at war with anyone we are. they are on our side and will face the same outcome with us.

    [quote name='MadScotsman' date='06 February 2010 - 06:14 PM' timestamp='1265472852' post='2164597']
    Not really. Please, if I missed it show where MK have backed the NpO over \m/ then the other 6 or so alliances that declared on them over the last few weeks - not that I have a problem with it myself[/quote]

    attacking someone aggresively with a horrible, horrible CB and without even asking your allies is hardly comperable to being randomly attacked by TOP without even being part of the war.

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