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Bobby Fischer

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Posts posted by Bobby Fischer

  1. Alphabetical listing:

    Italicized = Sanctioned

    Bold = Assenters to the DoN

    DoN Assenters - 72 of all 207 alliances.

    A More Peaceful World (AMPW)

    Agogo Supporters Society (%@!)

    Alaskan Border Patrol (ABP) - #ABP

    Albino Blacksheep

    Alianza Forocoches (AF)

    Alliance - #alliance

    Alliance for the Preservation of Independent Nations (APIN)

    Alliance of International Defence (-AiD-) - #AiD

    Allied Coalition of Elite States (ACES) - #aces

    Allied Nations for Global Independence and Liberty (ANGIL)

    Arabic Lebanese Middle Eastern Alliance (ALMEA) - #ALMEA

    Armed Coalition of Disturbed Countries (ACDC)

    Ascended Coalition of Liberty (ACL) - #ACL

    Atlantic Shadow Confederation (ASC) - #TheASC

    Atlantis - #Atlantis

    Auxiliary Army (AA) - #fools_paradise

    Azure Alliance

    Azure Empire (AE) - #Azure_Empire

    BANG - #bang

    Black Defense League (BDL)

    Boards Alliance of Protectorate States (BAPS) - #BAPS (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/BAPS)

    Browncoats - #browncoats

    Central Alliance (CA)

    Christian Coalition of Countries (CCC) - #CCC (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/ccc)

    Coalition of Armed Nations (CAN) - #CAN

    Coalition of Defensive States (CDS) - #cds

    Coalition of United Countries (CUC)

    CommonWealth of Sovereign Nations (CSN) - #csn

    Commonwealth of Great Nations (CGN) - #CGN

    Confederacy Of Independent States (CIS) - #cis

    Confederation of Allied Nations (CoAN) - #coan

    Confederation of Organized Nations (CON) - #CON (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/CON)

    Cool Rats And People (CRAP) - #CRAP

    Council of Militaristic and Economic Assistance (CMEA) - #CMEA

    Covert Operation Forces (COF)

    Crimson Sun Empire (CSE) - #cse

    Cult of Richard (CoR) - #CoR (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/CoR)


    Dark Nations Association (DNA)

    Darkfall Alliance (DFA) - #forumfall

    Democratic Republic of Argonaut (Argo) - #cnargo

    Divinus Potestas

    Elite Democracy - #ed (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/ed)

    Entente of the Rising Sun (EoTRS) - #eotrs

    FOK (FOK) - #fok

    Farkistan (Fark) - #farkistan

    Federation of Armed Nations (FAN) - #fan

    Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics (FEAR) - #FEAR

    Fifth Column Confederation (FCC) - #FCC

    Finnish Cooperation Organization (FCO) - #ppcybernations (Notice:irc://irc.gamesurge.net/ppcybernations)

    Foundation - #foundation (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/foundation)

    Frontline Formation Coalition (FFC)

    General Any Topic (GAT)

    Genesis - #Genesis

    Genmay - #cybernations (Notice:irc://irc.genmay.net)

    Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO) - #gato

    Global Assembly of Independent Nations (GAIN)

    Global Defense Ministry (GDM)

    Global Democratic Alliance (GDA) - #GDA

    Global Order of Darkness (GOD) - #cnGOD (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/cnGOD)

    Global Organization for Liberty and Defense (GOLD) - #goldcn

    Global Organization of Republics (GOOR) - #GOOR

    Global United Nations (GUN) - #GUN

    Golden Sabres (GS) - #gs

    Goon Order Of Neutral Shoving (GOONS) - #cngoons (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/cngoons)

    Grand Global Alliance (GGA) - #gga

    Grand Maroon Commonwealth (GMC) - #GMC

    Green Protection Agency (GPA) - #gpa

    Greenland Republic - #GR

    Grey Council, The (GC) - #gc

    HeroesOfGaming (HOG)

    Illuminati (TNWO) - #tnwo

    Imperial Assault Alliance (IAA) - #IAA

    Imperial Military Union - #imu

    Inc. (Inc.) - #inc

    Independent Coalition of Nations (ICON) - #icon

    Independent Oceanic Nations (ION) - #ion

    Independent Republic of Orange Nations (IRON) - #iron (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/iron)

    Informal Peace Alliance (IPA)

    International Protection Agency (IPA)

    International Security and Commerce Organisation (ISCO)

    International Trade Alliance Organization (ITAO)

    Invicta - #Invicta

    Iron Cross (IX) - #IX


    Klingon Empire (KE)

    League of Defensive Nations (LDN) - #LDN

    League of Small Superpowers (LOSS) - #cnloss

    League of United Armenians (LUA) - #opa (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/opa)

    Libertarian Socialist Federation (LSF) - #lsf

    M. Carter Brown (MCB) - #mcb

    MIR - #mir

    MX Forums

    ManOwarRiorS (MORS)

    Maroon Defense Coalition (MDC) - #mdc (Notice:irc://irc.zirc.net/mdc)

    Molon Labe (ML) - #molonlabe

    Mostly Harmless Alliance (MHA) - #MHAqua

    Mr. Fixit Online (MFO) - #mfo

    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (MCXA) - #MCXA (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/MCXA)

    Mushroom Kingdom (MK) - #mushroom (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/mushroom)

    Mutually Assured Defense (MAD) - #MAD

    NCAAbbs - #ncaabbs (Notice:irc://irc.chatster.org)

    Nations Of Asecended Honor (NOAH) - #NOAH

    New Dawn (ND)

    New Eclipse Order (NEO) - #NEO (Notice:irc://irc.afternet.org/NEO)

    New Order of Independence (NOI) - #NOI (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/NOI)

    New Pacific Order (NPO) - #nsa (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/nsa)

    New Polar Order (NpO) - #nsa (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/nsa)

    Norden Verein (NoV) - #NoV

    North Atlantic Defense Coalition (NADC) - #nadc

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - #NATO

    Northern Treaty Organization (NTO) - #NTO-CN (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/NTO-CN)

    Notorious Freedom League (NFL) - #NFL

    Novus Orbus (NO)

    Nueva Vida (NV) - #NV

    Oceanic 815

    Old Guard (OG) - #oldguard

    Orange Defense Network (ODN) - #odn

    Orange Protection Alliance (OPA)

    Order of Feudalistic Security (OFS) - #OFS

    Order of New World Domination (ONWD) - #OWND

    Order of the Dark Knights (ODK) - #O-D-K

    Organization Without Initials (OWI) - #OWI

    Organization of Confederated States (OCS) - #OCS (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/OCS)

    Organization of Imperial Nations (OIN) - #oin

    Organized Nations of Superiority (ONOS) - #ONOS (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/onos)

    Overclockers UK (OcUK)

    Països Catalans (PC)

    Phoenix Police Force (PhPF)

    Piracy Coalition of the South Atlantic (PCSA)

    Prism Protection Front (PPF)

    Protection and Liberation of United States (PLUS)

    Protectorate of Curland (PoC) - #PoC

    Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) - #RIA (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/RIA)

    Rebel Defense Corps (RDC)

    Royal Dominion (RD) - #RD (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/RD)

    SPAM - #maps


    Scotland Forever (SF) - #sf

    Scourge of God

    Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) - #spqr (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/spqr)

    Sentinels of Unity and Liberty (SOUL) - #SOUL

    Serenity By Force (SBF)

    Siberian Tiger Alliance (STA) - #siberian_tigers

    Socialistic Empire (SE) - #SE

    Sparta - #cnsparta

    Spootland Alliance of Allied Allies (SPAAA)

    Staredit Network

    Team Jesus (JESUS) - #JESUS

    Temple Of The Screaming Electron (Totse) - #Totse

    The A-Team (A-Team) - #the_a-team

    The Aquatic Brotherhood (TAB) - #tab

    The Atlantic League (TAL) - #TAL

    The Avenguard Crusade (AGC) - #Avenguard

    The Brigade (TB) - #TB

    The Brotherhood of Nod (NOD)

    The Brotherhood of the Storm (BHS)

    The Byzantine Empire (BE) - #TBE

    The Clampire Alliance (TCA)

    The Democratic Collective (TDC) - #TDC

    The Democratic Order (TDO) - #tdo

    The Federation - #Federation

    The Foreign Division (TFD) - #TFD

    The Grämlins - #gremlins

    The Hadson Alliance

    The Imperial Republic (IR) - #IR

    The Imperium - #imperium

    The Intelligentsia (TI) - #The_Intelligentsia

    The Legion - #cnlegion

    The Masonic Order of Sans Pareil - #sp

    The New Republic (TNR) - #NewRepublic (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/NewRepublic)

    The Order Of Light (TOOL) - #toolirc

    The Order Of The Black Rose (OBR) - #blackroseorder

    The Order Of The Lord of Coke And Hot Dogs (TOOTLOCAHD) - #TOOTLOCAHD (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/TOOTLOCAHD)

    The Order of Halsa (TOH) - #TOH

    The Order of the Paradox (TOP) - #top

    The Phoenix Collective (TPC)

    The Phoenix Federation (TPF) - #TPF (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/TPF)

    The Republic of United States (TRUST)

    The RnR Alliance (R&R) - #r&r

    The Shadowhood - #Shadowhood

    The Templar Knights (TTK)

    The VG Coalition (VGC)

    The White Delegation (TWD) - #dwhite (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/dwhite)

    The Youngworld

    Turquoise Alliance of Awesome (TAA) - #taa (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/taa)

    Ultimate Alliance (UA)

    United Lands of the Brave (ULB)

    United League of Nations (ULN)

    United Nations Coalition (UNC) - #UNC

    United Nations For All (UNFA)

    United Nations of Outsider (UNO) - #outsider

    United Nations of the Cyberverse (UNC) - #vader

    United Purple Nations (UPN) - #UPN (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/UPN)

    United Sovereign Nations (USN) - #USN

    United Sovereign States (USS) - #uss

    UnitedNess of Inter-Orange Nations (UNION) - #UNION

    V.F.D. (VFD)

    Valhalla - #valhalla

    Vanguard - #Vanguard (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/Vanguard)

    Vox Veritas (VV) - #VV

    We Are Perth Army (WAPA) - #wapa (Notice:irc://dream.esper.net/wapa)

    White Lotus (WL)

    Wolfpack - #wolfpack (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/wolfpack)

    World Task Force (WTF) - #worldtaskforce

    Ze Green Lights (ZGL)

    \m/ - #\m/ (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/\m/)

  2. [align=center]Multi team alliances (59) [/align]

    Agogo Supporters Society (%@!) - S - R

    Alaskan Border Patrol (ABP) - #ABP - S - R

    Albino Blacksheep - S - R

    Alliance - #alliance - S - R

    Alliance for the Preservation of Independent Nations (APIN) - S - R

    Allied Coalition of Elite States (ACES) - #aces - S - R

    Allied Nations for Global Independence and Liberty (ANGIL) - S - R

    Arabic Lebanese Middle Eastern Alliance (ALMEA) - #ALMEA - S - R

    Christian Coalition of Countries (CCC) - #CCC (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/ccc) - S - R

    Coalition of United Countries (CUC) - S - R

    Confederation of Organized Nations (CON) - #CON (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/CON) - S - R

    Cult of Richard (CoR) - #CoR (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/CoR) - S - R

    Entente of the Rising Sun (EoTRS) - #eotrs - S - R

    Fifth Column Confederation (FCC) - #FCC - S - R

    Foundation - #foundation (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/foundation) - S - R

    General Any Topic (GAT) - S - R

    Global Defense Ministry (GDM) - S - R

    Informal Peace Alliance (IPA) - S - R

    International Security and Commerce Organisation (ISCO) - S - R

    KAOLAROAN (KAO) - #KAO - S - R

    MIR - #mir - S - R

    MX Forums - S - R

    Nations Of Asecended Honor (NOAH) - #NOAH - S - R

    New Dawn (ND) - S - R

    Novus Orbus (NO) - S - R

    Oceanic 815 - S - R

    Order of New World Domination (ONWD) - #OWND - S - R

    Organization Without Initials (OWI) - #OWI - S - R

    Països Catalans (PC) - S - R

    Piracy Coalition of the South Atlantic (PCSA) - S - R

    Rebel Defense Corps (RDC) - S - R

    Scourge of God - S - R

    Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) - #spqr (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/spqr) - S - R

    Serenity By Force (SBF) - S - R

    Socialistic Empire (SE) - #SE - S - R

    Spootland Alliance of Allied Allies (SPAAA) - S - R

    The A-Team (A-Team) - #the_a-team - S - R

    The Avenguard Crusade (AGC) - #Avenguard - S - R

    The Brotherhood of Nod (NOD) - S - R

    The Democratic Collective (TDC) - #TDC - S - R

    The Hadson Alliance - S - R

    The Imperial Republic (IR) - #IR - S - R

    The Imperium - #imperium - S - R

    The Intelligentsia (TI) - #The_Intelligentsia - S - R

    The Masonic Order of Sans Pareil - #sp - S - R

    The Order Of The Lord of Coke And Hot Dogs (TOOTLOCAHD) - #TOOTLOCAHD (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/TOOTLOCAHD) - S - R

    The Order of Halsa (TOH) - #TOH - S - R

    The Phoenix Collective (TPC) - S - R

    The Republic of United States (TRUST) - S - R

    The VG Coalition (VGC) - S - R

    The Youngworld - S - R

    Turquoise Alliance of Awesome (TAA) - #taa (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/taa) - S - R

    Ultimate Alliance (UA) - S - R

    United League of Nations (ULN) - S - R

    United Nations Coalition (UNC) - #UNC - S - R

    United Nations For All (UNFA) - S - R

    United Sovereign Nations (USN) - #USN - S - R

    Wolfpack - #wolfpack (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/wolfpack) - S - R

    World Task Force (WTF) - #worldtaskforce - S - R

  3. Since there is a request for this thread again, I'll repost it from the GPA forums, and keep it upadated.

    Credit for the original thread goes to Mason11987 immediate past GPA MoFA

    Updated - September 13th

    The CN wiki has a listing with clickable links to IRC channels

    [align=center]207 alliances

    Name (Acronym) - IRC channel - Alliance stats - Alliance Rankings[/align]

    [align=center]Red team alliances (1) [/align]

    New Pacific Order (NPO) - #nsa (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/nsa) - S - R

    [align=center]Black team alliances (13) [/align]

    Goon Order Of Neutral Shoving (GOONS) - #cngoons (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/cngoons) - S - R

    Armed Coalition of Disturbed Countries (ACDC) - S - R

    Black Defense League (BDL) - S - R

    Boards Alliance of Protectorate States (BAPS) - #BAPS (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/BAPS) - S - R

    Coalition of Armed Nations (CAN) - #CAN - S - R

    Darkfall Alliance (DFA) - #forumfall - S - R

    Genmay - #cybernations (Notice:irc://irc.genmay.net) - S - R

    Molon Labe (ML) - #molonlabe - S - R

    Mr. Fixit Online (MFO) - #mfo - S - R

    NCAAbbs - #ncaabbs (Notice:irc://irc.chatster.org) - S - R

    Order of the Dark Knights (ODK) - #O-D-K - S - R

    The Order Of The Black Rose (OBR) - #blackroseorder - S - R

    United Nations of the Cyberverse (UNC) - #vader - S - R

    [align=center]Green team alliances (10) [/align]

    Grand Global Alliance (GGA) - #gga - S - R

    Green Protection Agency (GPA) - #gpa - S - R

    A More Peaceful World (AMPW) - S - R

    Democratic Republic of Argonaut (Argo) - #cnargo - S - R

    Divinus Potestas - S - R

    Global United Nations (GUN) - #GUN - S - R

    Old Guard (OG) - #oldguard - S - R

    Staredit Network - S - R

    The Grämlins - #gremlins - S - R

    Ze Green Lights (ZGL) - S - R

    [align=center]Brown team alliances (9) [/align]

    Alliance of International Defence (-AiD-) - #AiD - S - R

    Browncoats - #browncoats - S - R

    Council of Militaristic and Economic Assistance (CMEA) - #CMEA - S - R

    Dark Nations Association (DNA) - S - R

    Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO) - #gato - S - R

    New Order of Independence (NOI) - #NOI (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/NOI) - S - R

    Northern Treaty Organization (NTO) - #NTO-CN (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/NTO-CN) - S - R

    Notorious Freedom League (NFL) - #NFL - S - R

    Order of Feudalistic Security (OFS) - #OFS - S - R

    [align=center]Blue team alliances (31) [/align]

    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (MCXA) - #MCXA (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/MCXA) - S - R

    New Polar Order (NpO) - #nsa (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/nsa) - S - R

    North Atlantic Defense Coalition (NADC) - #nadc - S - R

    Alianza Forocoches (AF) - S - R

    Ascended Coalition of Liberty (ACL) - #ACL - S - R

    Azure Alliance - S - R

    Azure Empire (AE) - #Azure_Empire - S - R

    Commonwealth of Great Nations (CGN) - #CGN - S - R

    DaRk_WhiTe - S - R

    Finnish Cooperation Organization (FCO) - #ppcybernations (Notice:irc://irc.gamesurge.net/ppcybernations) - S - R

    Genesis - #Genesis - S - R

    Global Democratic Alliance (GDA) - #GDA - S - R

    Global Organization of Republics (GOOR) - #GOOR - S - R

    Greenland Republic - #GR - S - R

    Imperial Assault Alliance (IAA) - #IAA - S - R

    International Protection Agency (IPA) - S - R

    International Trade Alliance Organization (ITAO) - S - R

    Iron Cross (IX) - #IX - S - R

    Mutually Assured Defense (MAD) - #MAD - S - R

    Nueva Vida (NV) - #NV - S - R

    Organization of Imperial Nations (OIN) - #oin - S - R

    Overclockers UK (OcUK) - S - R

    Protection and Liberation of United States (PLUS) - S - R

    Royal Dominion (RD) - #RD (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/RD) - S - R

    Scotland Forever (SF) - #sf - S - R

    Sentinels of Unity and Liberty (SOUL) - #SOUL - S - R

    Temple Of The Screaming Electron (Totse) - #Totse - S - R

    The Foreign Division (TFD) - #TFD - S - R

    The New Republic (TNR) - #NewRepublic (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/NewRepublic) - S - R

    The Shadowhood - #Shadowhood - S - R

    We Are Perth Army (WAPA) - #wapa (Notice:irc://dream.esper.net/wapa) - S - R

    [align=center]Purple team alliances (9) [/align]

    The Legion - #cnlegion - S - R

    Auxiliary Army (AA) - #fools_paradise - S - R

    Confederation of Allied Nations (CoAN) - #coan - S - R

    Covert Operation Forces (COF) - S - R

    Crimson Sun Empire (CSE) - #cse - S - R

    Invicta - #Invicta - S - R

    United Purple Nations (UPN) - #UPN (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/UPN) - S - R

    V.F.D. (VFD) - S - R

    Valhalla - #valhalla - S - R

    [align=center]Orange team alliances (12) [/align]

    Independent Republic of Orange Nations (IRON) - #iron (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/iron) - S - R

    Orange Defense Network (ODN) - #odn - S - R

    FOK (FOK) - #fok - S - R

    Imperial Military Union - #imu - S - R

    League of United Armenians (LUA) - #opa (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/opa) - S - R

    Orange Protection Alliance (OPA) - S - R

    Organization of Confederated States (OCS) - #OCS (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/OCS) - S - R

    The Clampire Alliance (TCA) - S - R

    The Order of the Paradox (TOP) - #top - S - R

    The RnR Alliance (R&R) - #r&r - S - R

    UnitedNess of Inter-Orange Nations (UNION) - #UNION - S - R

    Vanguard - #Vanguard (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/Vanguard) - S - R

    [align=center]Maroon team alliances (17) [/align]

    CommonWealth of Sovereign Nations (CSN) - #csn - S - R

    Cool Rats And People (CRAP) - #CRAP - S - R

    Frontline Formation Coalition (FFC) - S - R

    Global Assembly of Independent Nations (GAIN) - S - R

    Global Order of Darkness (GOD) - #cnGOD (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/cnGOD) - S - R

    Grand Maroon Commonwealth (GMC) - #GMC - S - R

    Klingon Empire (KE) - S - R

    ManOwarRiorS (MORS) - S - R

    Maroon Defense Coalition (MDC) - #mdc (Notice:irc://irc.zirc.net/mdc) - S - R

    Norden Verein (NoV) - #NoV - S - R

    Organized Nations of Superiority (ONOS) - #ONOS (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/onos) - S - R

    Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) - #RIA (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/RIA) - S - R

    Team Jesus (JESUS) - #JESUS - S - R

    The Byzantine Empire (BE) - #TBE - S - R

    The Federation - #Federation - S - R

    The Templar Knights (TTK) - S - R

    United Lands of the Brave (ULB) - S - R

    [align=center]Pink team alliances (9) [/align]

    Central Alliance (CA) - S - R

    HeroesOfGaming (HOG) - S - R

    League of Small Superpowers (LOSS) - #cnloss - S - R

    Libertarian Socialist Federation (LSF) - #lsf - S - R

    M. Carter Brown (MCB) - #mcb - S - R

    Phoenix Police Force (PhPF) - S - R

    SPORK - #SPORK - S - R

    Sparta - #cnsparta - S - R

    United Nations of Outsider (UNO) - #outsider - S - R

    [align=center]Yellow team alliances (5) [/align]

    Global Organization for Liberty and Defense (GOLD) - #goldcn - S - R

    Federation of Armed Nations (FAN) - #fan - S - R

    Golden Sabres (GS) - #gs - S - R

    Inc. (Inc.) - #inc - S - R

    Vox Veritas (VV) - #VV - S - R

    [align=center]White team alliances (18) [/align]

    \m/ - #\m/ (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/\m/) - S - R

    Atlantis - #Atlantis - S - R

    Coalition of Defensive States (CDS) - #cds - S - R

    Confederacy Of Independent States (CIS) - #cis - S - R

    Elite Democracy - #ed (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/ed) - S - R

    Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics (FEAR) - #FEAR - S - R

    Illuminati (TNWO) - #tnwo - S - R

    League of Defensive Nations (LDN) - #LDN - S - R

    New Eclipse Order (NEO) - #NEO (Notice:irc://irc.afternet.org/NEO) - S - R

    Prism Protection Front (PPF) - S - R

    SPAM - #maps - S - R

    Siberian Tiger Alliance (STA) - #siberian_tigers - S - R

    The Brotherhood of the Storm (BHS) - S - R

    The Order Of Light (TOOL) - #toolirc - S - R

    The Phoenix Federation (TPF) - #TPF (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/TPF) - S - R

    The White Delegation (TWD) - #dwhite (Notice:irc://irc.coldfront.net/dwhite) - S - R

    United Sovereign States (USS) - #uss - S - R

    White Lotus (WL) - S - R

    [align=center]Aqua team alliances (13) [/align]

    Atlantic Shadow Confederation (ASC) - #TheASC - S - R

    BANG - #bang - S - R

    Farkistan (Fark) - #farkistan - S - R

    Independent Coalition of Nations (ICON) - #icon - S - R

    Independent Oceanic Nations (ION) - #ion - S - R

    Mostly Harmless Alliance (MHA) - #MHAqua - S - R

    Mushroom Kingdom (MK) - #mushroom (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/mushroom) - S - R

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - #NATO - S - R

    Protectorate of Curland (PoC) - #PoC - S - R

    The Aquatic Brotherhood (TAB) - #tab - S - R

    The Atlantic League (TAL) - #TAL - S - R

    The Brigade (TB) - #TB - S - R

    The Democratic Order (TDO) - #tdo - S - R

    [align=center]Grey team alliances (1) [/align]

    Grey Council, The (GC) - #gc - S - R

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