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Posts posted by Defender

  1. Solidarity.png

    As an economic bloc, Solidarity supports its members where the occasion is warranted.

    Therefore, Solidarity hereby announces its intent to collaborate with the United Earth Directorate in its reconstruction efforts following their recent conflict with the World Federation.

    Solidarity will assist in helping to rebuild UED and aid those nations targeted in the war. Solidarity pledges to disperse a relief fund one third the size of the World Federation's current fund. That is, $33 million and 200 tech.

  2. Starting already NPO?

    Subject: Red Senate Unity Communique

    Message: Comrades of the Red Team,

    Sorry to bother you, but Vote Millionario of Malone, Kingdom of Dark, or Biff Webster of Wagglefka, for senate!

    For over 4 months, the alliances of the Red Dawn Treaty have protected your Red Team trades and ensured that Red remains a stable and active team. Red Dawn has offered opportunities to seek trades and organize trade rings on the Red Dawn forum: http://cn-reddawn.com/. Red Dawn, have been critical with keeping up the tradition of protecting of Red Nations from raiders and thieves.

    However, a band of alliances calling themselves "Red Solidarity", are attempting to isolate the Red Senate and bring war and instability. Their lack of regard for the Red Team is seen in their refusal to sign into the Red Dawn treaty due to the cries of their puppet masters. Their attempt to break the Red Senate apart WILL NOT succeed so long as every Red Nation does their part.

    Vote for Malone, Kingdom of Dark, and Wagglefka!

    For Peace, Strength, & Prosperity

    Bring war? Puppet Masters? I lol'd.

  3. Wow, so many NPO nations posting in this thread. Too many to read, but I'm sure they are all nice, so I'll just say a collective thanks for all the congratulations!

    [00:27] <Schattenmann[CoJ]> Nah. NPO sucks balls but it defeats the point of a trade forum to preclude 800 nations [note: this was 4 months ago and I was fresh out of Vox]

    Aw, come on, that made me sad. Has it really gotten to the point where you have to put in little editor's notes before you can post something like that?

  4. Yeah, so I guess the burden is on everyone else on Red to prove that NPO is a threat. It's not like NPO would have been attacking them a few months ago just for being on Red, and only are not now because they were held at gunpoint. Oh wait...

    Also, thanks for totally getting our name right, OP!

  5. ...Article 16 prohibits you from signing ODP or MDP level treaties, which makes it difficult to provide security for your members in the long run.

    Article 16 prevents MDPs but not ODPs. In the long run, our constitution will be re-written should we reach 30 members and thus the size of our alliance makes it unfeasible to continue following this constitution.

    Secondly, article 7 is a dangerous one. If you need to vote on something time-sensitive or critical, or if you have a bad case of (ooc) RL (/ooc), you might find your alliance paralyzed.

    We'll be ok, but thanks for the concern! Again, small numbers of people are easy to organize informally.

    Edit: Also, article 15 can be interpreted as you guys sanctioning rogues, as you have no mechanism to remove them from your alliance and indeed you have entrenched their right to war without putting any restrictions on that. That, coupled with being prohibited from going to war as an alliance, I guarantee will land you in trouble.

    Article 15 prevents anyone from forcing anyone else to go to war. That doesn't mean we won't ever attack rouges because we want to. B)

    Hoped that helped!

  6. Thanks again for all the nice comments. I'm happy to see this thread is generating such interest. ^_^

    But how about we clear a couple of things up:

    So, the Socialist Workers Front isn't Communist?

    Nope, although some of our members are. Many are not. We welcome all leftists.

    Also, things have changed in the intervening years since SWF last existed. We are not aiming to recreate SWF exactly as it was.

    I love my red zombie brethren, but I find Articles 14-16 of their constitution to be very limiting.

    Yes, I think that part of our constitution makes us rather unique. Sorry that we are too liberal for you. :P

    Also, please don't advertise in our DoE, that was seriously messed up.

    The International can't appease everyone's ideals, but it's easier to see when people are looking for reasons to quit, and start their own alliance.

    Why don't you go straight to hell? I didn't found this alliance, and no one is sadder to see the direction INT is taking than me. I was just going to quit entirely, but I figured I might as well help some good comrades get set-up. And for the record, you were a dick to work with when I was your deputy that one term.

  7. Thanks to all those who left nice messages!

    To answer a couple of questions:

    -The seal is not new (although the date has been updated).

    -I tried to make clear how we came to be in the OP.

    -The only communist alliance I know of that currently exists is the United Communist Republics (UCR). LSF, SWF, JAMA, and INT are all considered "Left" alliances, but that doesn't make us specifically communist.

  8. agitprop2d.jpg

    Greetings to everyone on Planet Bob!

    Let me start by saying that I realize there are a lot of DoEs being put out there right now, so I’m sorry to make those who insist on reading every OWF message read one more.


    [An SWF comrade desperately tries to draw attention to our historic re-founding.]

    As many of you know, the Socialist Workers Front (SWF) is an old alliance with a rocky past. It was formed from the merging of the International Communist Party (ICP) and the International Coalition of Socialist Nations (ICSN). Sadly, it had disbanded a couple of years ago.

    As many of you may not know, SWF has actually been thriving for some time on *modedit*. In that alternate reality (accessible only by time machine) SWF is one of the major alliances. So, a small group of us from there decided to re-found SWF here on Planet Bob. However we have been quickly joined by various other comrades, so our founding group here comes from a variety of backgrounds.

    With that little bit of history out of the way, let us move on to our founding constitution:

    Chapter I – Foundation

    Art. 1. The Socialist Workers Front, the SWF, or simply, the Front, is founded this day, 14th of May 2008.

    Art. 2. The Front is united in its belief in equality, freedom from all forms of exploitation and oppression, the necessity of democracy, tolerance and the protection of human rights.

    Art. 3. The Founder of the Front shall act as nominal leader pending Chapter V of the Constitution.

    Chapter II – The General Congress

    Art. 4. The Congress is both the ultimate authority and legislative power of the Socialist Workers Front. Each member of the Front occupies one seat in the Congress. Each seat has one vote on all matters brought before the Congress.

    Art. 5. The Congress has the power to create new legislation, modify past legislation, and amend the Constitution.

    Art. 6. Any power not restricted by the Constitution from the Congress is reserved by the Congress.

    Chapter III – Legislation

    Art. 7. Legislation must be voted on by at least 30% of all alliance members to carry.

    Art. 8. Legislation of a general kind require a simple majority (50%+1) of all votes cast to carry.

    Art. 9. Legislation which amend the Constitution require a super majority (67%+1) of all votes cast to carry.

    Chapter IV – Provisional Government

    Art. 10. The Congress is prohibited from establishing formal government pending Chapter V of the Constitution.

    Art. 11. The Congress may, at any time, elect a Deputy to perform any specific function within the Front by a simple majority vote.

    Art. 12. Pending Chapter V of the Constitution, the Founder and any elected Deputies have the authority to govern by consensus subject to a simple majority veto by the General Congress.

    Chapter V – Reorganisation

    Art. 13. Should the alliance reach 30 active members, a Constituent Assembly must be convened to discuss the formation of a formal government and the expansion of the SWF Constitution.

    Chapter VI – War & Peace

    Art. 14. War, as a tool of State, is prohibited pending Chapter V of the Constitution. However, the individual right of members to war shall not be infringed.

    Art. 15. The nominal leader may not force a member of the Front to war nor declare war on behalf of the Front as a whole.

    Art. 16. No treaty may be signed by the SWF whose conditions may force the Front to declare war.

    Also, we are very proud to announce our protectorate treaty with the Libertarian Socialist Federation. They are good comrades and it is always a pleasure to work with them. Here are the details of the treaty:


    The Libertarian Socialist Federation and The Socialist Workers Front share a number of political perspectives such as, workers' control, a commitment to workers' democracy and equality. As such, The Federation feels it is imperative that any organisation on Cybernations that promote workers' control, socio-economic and political equality and democracy should survive.

    Both alliances seek to promote Socialism, Communism and/or Anarchism in Cybernations through good actions, struggle and example, there is already an existing friendship between The Front and The Federation, members having come into contact with one another before, through diplomatic channels. Issues concerning both alliances are never kept secret from one another, and both alliances, despite the gap in strength between the two, walk hand in hand on many issues on Planet Bob.

    The Libertarian Socialist Federation, and The Socialist Workers Front hereby establish this Protectorate Treaty in which The Socialist Workers Front will enjoy growth, unity and continuance from The Federation's protection, at the same time, this treaty merely outlines the protection that The Front should expect to receive, and as such, both Alliances retain their Sovereignty on Internal and Foreign Affairs.

    Upon Signing this Protectorate Treaty, The Socialist Workers Front (SWF) will become a protectorate of The Libertarian Socialist Federation (LSF).

    Henceforth, The LSF may also be referred to as The Federation, and The SWF as The Front.

    Article I - Respect

    The signatory Alliance and their Member States will treat each other with as much respect and decency as they would their own. Healthy debate and discussion as well as constructive criticism is not to be frowned upon, but all Member States and Communes of the signatory Alliances are expected to show tact and consideration by going through the proper channels when addressing concerns.

    Article II - Non Aggression

    Both The Federation and The Front obligate themselves to desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other either individually or jointly with other powers. Both The LSF, and The SWF declare their intent to resolve any issues between the parties through regular diplomatic discourse.

    Article III - Aid, Advice and Support

    The LSF will provide The SWF with economic and military support when needed, including the sharing of financial resources through sending aid, be it in the form of financial aid, technology or troops, as well as the sharing of information between members of both The Front and The Federation with regards to our mutual economic development on Planet Bob.

    In any case where The SWF have not been the transgressors, The LSF, as a collective, will undoubtedly show whatever form of support it can for members of The SWF.

    Article IV - Non Espionage

    Neither Alliance will engage, nor condone nor encourage a third party to do so, in espionage on each other. If the a signatory Alliance receives any information relevant to the other they are to immediately notify them within 24 hours, revealing the nature, content and the source of the information.

    Article V - Military Assistance

    The Federation agrees to defend The Front through direct military action and financial backing if the other signatory Alliance is in a state of defensive war. This is mandatory for The LSF, although The SWF isn't obliged to do so.

    Despite the latter point, although The SWF is not obliged to enter war on the side of The Federation, it should not come as a surprise if their members choose to do so out of friendship, trust and mutual aid.

    Article VI - Foreign Policy

    Although The LSF will not regulate any internal or external developments of The SWF due to the latter's sovereignty, members of The Front are encouraged to keep their comrades in The LSF informed of developments in Foreign Affairs, especially if a new development can greatly affect The Federation.

    In addition, the same should apply to The Federation, in that The Front, although not it is not mandatory, should be informed of any major developments in Foreign Affairs that The LSF encounters.

    Article VII - Supervision of Internal Affairs

    Both Alliances retain their sovereignty, and as a result, exceptions will not be made for one side, but not the other, unless both sides agree to it. When applied to the idea of the Supervision of Internal Affairs, The LSF feels that it is important that The Front handles internal matters by themselves without interference (unless called for) from The Federation, or any other alliance.

    To summarise, The LSF will not have special privileges to regulate Internal matters of The SWF, unless given to them by the latter.

    Article VIII - Withdrawal

    Should either Alliance wish to end the above agreement, a notice must be given to the other signatory Alliance. After this, both signatories will pursue a 48 hours grace period, in which they will undertake no actions that go against the nature of this agreement.

    Signed for The Socialist Workers Front

    General Congress of the Front

    Signed for The Libertarian Socialist Federation

    Delegates Council of the Libertarian Socialist Federation

    Also, we wish to announce that we are adopting the famous "eye" flag as our official flag. This was the flag of ICSN, one of the two alliances that merged to form the original SWF, and we are proud to be picking up their old banner and carrying it forward.


    Finally, we wish to announce that we are officially declaring ourselves a Red Team alliance. In keeping with our ideology we will not force anyone to the Red Team, but we will be organizing a transition to Red in the coming weeks. Red is the traditional color of socialists, communists, and other leftists, and we are thrilled to see it liberated and free once more. We are excited to be a part of rebuilding Red into a large, free, and respectable sphere.

    If you wish to join or visit us, feel free to drop by our forums:


    We can also be found on IRC (Coldfront) at #CNSWF.

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