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Posts posted by Vijaya

  1. Didn't Nordreich use this one? Not that that means its bad or whatever, but I think they did.

    The flag that Nordreich used was based on this flag, however had their runic symbol in the field where the Iron Cross appears in this flag. It is the Naval Jack of the German Empire.

  2. Greetings to artists of all nations! His Imperial Majesty Frederick II of The German Empire wishes to call for your design submissions for a new Imperial Flag. The artist submitting the winning design will receive their choice of a US$20 donation to their nation or the equivalent market value in Cybernations money.

    The following designs can serve as inspiration, but please do not let them limit your artistic imagination.



    (The following is our current flag)


    In addition, should you wish to incorporate any Imperial German design dating from the Imperial era (1871-1918), please let your creativity be your guide. The colors used should be those of The German Empire, namely black, white and red. Gold may be used in addition to these three colors, however the flag must contain these three, and must not contain any elements from the period following 1918.

    The contest will run from today until December 25, 2008, and design proposals should be submitted in this thread.

  3. It gives me much joy and satisfaction to see such creation of brilliance and beauty which was established by Reichstag, the voice of the German people. The Imperial German Government, nah, the German Empire itself has not seen, until recently a Government which is entirely made up of made up of those who firmly believe in the values of the German Empire: monarchy, national unity and order. Not only that, it makes me proud to see these great men in action, the drive of dedication for which they do, regardless of the task, small or great, they all pounce on it, with eagerness and pride, and all for the greater glory of the German Fatherland. It saddens me that I must wait almost a month till I fully return to my place, but with such men guiding this mighty vessel, however I will know it will be safe and secure till I return, and in a better state which I could hope for.

    You all make me proud, and I hold you all dear to me, we are like a large family, and I would say that not a single moment in CN, which I have spent in the German Empire that I would regret, or say I wish I could be somewhere else. It has always, no matter what the situation, good or bad, nothing but a great pleasure dealing with you all, no matter your position or status.

    Hail The German Empire!

    Für Kaiser, Gott und Vaterland


    His Majesty The German Emperor,

    Emperor Frederick II, King of Prussia

    You are far too kind. It is our honor and our pleasure to serve the Empire to its greater glory, and we wouldn't be able to do it without you and Vlad.

    I have been gratified by the untiring devotion to duty of all the Reichstag Deputies involved in the preparation of this document, which we hope will serve our dear Empire far into the future.

    o/ Emperor Frederick!

    o/ Vlad Dracula!

    o/ The German Empire!

  4. You got our old flag Milchypoo, I will have to beat you now. :P

    Hail TAB! o/

    Hail TGE! o/

    He also called the Reichstag Deputies "Senators." He has, accordingly, already been beaten.

    But, anyway, this treaty is great news, and I look forward to a long and productive relationship with TAB!



  5. Odd. This sounds a lot like what NoV members were saying when you attacked us for unfounded claims of racism. Alas, I digress.

    I'm glad you can empathize. Personally, however, I was not around at that time, so cannot speak to the perceived injustice of attacks against NoV.

    In Weiss's defense he DOES have a nation - we fought in the recent war and it was good clean fun.

  6. Nah, it's better when the thread keeps getting bumped. As for TGE having difficult times, that is of their making and they deserve no pity for it.

    What precipitated our current "difficult times" was your actions; those of us who remain are dealing with the consequences to the best of our ability. People on both sides in this situation have been hurt in a way that crosses IC/OOC lines, and it is all terribly sad. And, be assured that the government is still functioning.

    As for Weiss's comments vis-a-vis KFII, I would point out to Weiss that everyone reading this is "flawed," including Weiss, for the sheer fact that we are human beings. And, perhaps I could answer the question regarding honor. I firmly believe that TGE tries to behave with honor and decency, and this “we” includes KFII, who is such a decent person that when he previously stepped down, he mentioned you with respect, Weiss, rather than using the occasion to speak ill of you or choosing to ignore you altogether. C'mon, didn't you feel the :wub: ?

    And to the guy who keeps lambasting Germans? Knock it off already. I’m Jewish, and I’m in TGE, which is a more diverse place than you might think. This stuff isn’t funny, appropriate or enlightening, and it needs to stop NAO.

    And thank you to Marx and to Theoden. You guys are great. Oh, and Marx? You have re-earned MY respect, which makes me happier than you know. :)

    So there's your gag order, GT. :ph34r:

  7. Sorry, kiddo, but I gotta speak my piece. Besides, since I'm destined for an EZI slot what does it matter anyway? I never said I was anything other than scum in this thread - just trying to point out the rest of my kind.

    Translation: Since I'm going down, I might as well take as many people with me as I can.

    Shuru, I assure you that nobody in TGE wanted you to be exposed to this sort of public humiliation, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

    Aside to GT: Don't blame Marxus for bringing up Shuru's name. As Emperor Marx put it, anyone with two brain cells could figure out who was being discussed, and it is disingenous and shameful of you to pretend otherwise.

    Again, I missed the part in signing onto TGE where I was asked to swear personal loyalty to the leader of the alliance. Considering that the TGE constitution has clearly outlined policies about how leadership is put into place which was then being ignored with lovely statements to the effect that Frederick was coming back regardless of what anyone else said - well, that seems a bit much for an alliance claiming to have been honorable and acted within its own limits. As for my actions being appalling, sometimes it's best to be the monster you are. At least you woke up and began paying attention to the fact that there's a serious problem and maybe you can now do something about it rather than blindly following along and never questioning your Germanic leadership.

    You have little idea, obviously, of what was said about the Kaiser returning, but are sadly mistaken if you believe that he would not have been welcomed back with open arms whenever he chose to return. Please further note that our "Germanic leadership" has done nothing without the support of those Senators to whom honesty and decency are still a motivation. Simply because someone should follow the leadership does not indicate blind obedience, and to say otherwise shows only your own lack of perspective.

    Some people have lied to me and others never have. Is it a surprise I trust those who have not? The only awakening I've had so far is that I now know you did not tell me the truth and that you do not care who you hurt. Guten Morgen, Deutschland.

    Anyone who has been around TGE the last few days can vouch that I, among others, have implored everyone involved to keep this a strictly internal matter. The loyalists in this sad affair have nothing to be ashamed of, because the truth is on our side. As this all unfolded, we were hurt and outraged, but motivated througout by a sense of decency. This same decency forbids our dragging the names of our former comrades through the mud, no matter how low their actions. It is a pity that you do not share or even appreciate this sensibility.

    Good advice: When you're in a hole, stop digging.

  8. Just to make it clear, I was the one who was asking for the check, not Shuru. I'll own my actions myself and be damned for them in the court of public opinion, thankee :).

    Then please explain why it was when I specifically asked if you had cleared this with Shuru, you said you had? Either you were lying then, or lying now. If nothing else, is it too much to ask that you keep your lies straight? And before you respond, as you might know, I logged that conversation. I am deeply disappointed in you - I expected better from you in terms of loyalty, honesty and simple decency. And even if you can't be loyal to the Empire or the Kaiser, could you not be loyal to Shuru? No loyalty whatsoever - bad show, my friend, bad show.

    Your first mistake was to misjudge the love that many of us have for the Kaiser for the sheer fact of his being a kind and deeply humane person. How could you so betray him and all the rest of us this way? It is appalling.

    Oh, and by the way, the word is "impugn." Silent "G" FTW.

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