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Status Updates posted by kitex

  1. is gonna chill out today and is wishing Rob Kays a very happy, fun birthday. He's a great dude!

  2. RIP Steve Jobs. While Apple may have been a tax dodger, you were a great technological innovator.

  3. has his train pass for the month :-)

  4. has work from 3:30pm-12am today. Other than that he is gonna chill.

  5. is going off to school around 11, but until then its time to download some music.

  6. is having a pretty good day. Now time to do research :D

  7. had a good day. He hopes tomorrow will be just as good.

  8. has work today and tomorrow from 3:30pm-12am :(, but a small amount of homework :)

  9. just got home. Its time for him to chill out.

  10. 7yr old with Cancer, from Rosebush, MI ....Hi my name is Amy Bruce, I am 7yrs old and I have a large tumor on my brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say I will die soon if this isn't fixed, and my family can't pay the bill's. The Make A Wish Foundation has agreed to donate $7 for every time this message is sent on. For those of you who send this along, I Thank You so much. Please put this as your status for an hour

  11. There is no justice in the US. America is morally bankrupt. They have sanctioned the killing of an innocent man. The Supreme Court has no legitimacy. The US government has no legitimacy.

  12. I refuse to give up hope. As long as there is a chance, I will hope.

  13. Today an innocent man will be killed. And we have the nerve to call ourselves a morally upright nation.

  14. has off from school today :D

  15. has school today until 3:30. Then time to chill out :)

  16. has work from 3:30pm-12am today. He may get back into writing poetry.

  17. is back at home and has work today from 3:30pm-12am

  18. has homework to do, then some writing, then I am off to work (3:30pm-12am)

  19. is gonna take the train to school around ten. Then stay there and hang out with Chahar Alexandra Rogers when school is over :)

  20. My day has started off poorly. Hopefully it will get better.

  21. just finished up some homework. He has work from 3:30-12am today, then has to get up at 6am on Monday to catch the train to school on time.

  22. is relaxing today until work (6pm-12am). Hopefully he can finish his homework by Monday :P

  23. is super happy and got an interview with Andrew Gavin Marshall!

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