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Posts posted by Palpatine001

  1. Excellent, some regain from the large lost yesterday for GATO, now come here you Tier one Barrier - GATO wants a few words with you [gets the bat out]

    Well done to the winner of survivor :D

    And yeah we get some internal reshuffling or major case of ghost busting going on here with nations dropping off like flies

  2. Looking through this thread entirely (dang that is an hour of my life I am not gonna get back fast) I have come to several conclusions

    First being there is some serious festering for NPO blood of what ever description, sheesh talk about no forgiving and moving along with your life folks...

    Second, these interwar years have really got the trolls going overtime, whether it is the late American summer or plain utter boredom, for every $ I would get seeing a troll I'd be more rich then Donald Trump!!!

    Third, what is it with the Grammar Police - holy heck man the poor English language has been abused left right and centre from the lolfail-english and it is not coming from those who speak English as their second language... OOC If I had my way you Grammar Police would be sentenced to 4 years of Anthropology at university... /OOC

    Fourth we got anything else to discuss?

    I hear by rename this "Warning" thread to the "Cold War of the English" ...

  3. [Walks in]



    [Has a beer with NPO at the GATO Embassy]

    [Goes back home]

    Ok don't know what to make of this apart from:

    Yes NPO are climbing the ranking

    NPO wanting revenge? Don't know more to the point don't care from my perspective

    Someone got bored in the interwar years by starting this thread - highly likely

    Result of all this, some mud flinging, so battered egos and maybe the odd rolling

    All in all life goes on.


    Karma War, $20 (and sleepless nights)

    Terms from the war $40 and some intelligence (or lack thereof)

    The boredom from the interwar years - PRICELESS

    There are somethings not worth "knuckle draggin"

    For everything else there is Mastercard

    Serving nitwits since common sense became as rare hens teeth

  4. Yes, and no one told me I came up with it on my own perception.
    <<<< Meaning we are either looking for something else or 150% pure clueless to the entire situation

    I should open another poll

    All in favour for this topic consuming precious bandwidth, board space, time and thinking power say AYE

  5. OOC, I keep hearing across IRC that CN went boring - I say no its the "interwar" years


    There is serious constant growth going on amongst several alliances here - great to see and I'd say part of the interwar years

    The interwar years being fast growth in Alliance (and ego) strength, all part of the great story of "The Merry-Go-Round" of history; war, peace, war, peace - so dont fear war will be back soon.

    Meantime be interesting to see the next update

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