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Posts posted by Palpatine001

  1. So I thought while reading the reconstruction program for NPOs Francograd, lets hear your experiences in the Karma War and Post Karma War Eras

    Keep it clean, keep it civil and no damn trolling.

    My Experiences

    Well GATO was netural durring the entire conflict and remains officially neutral on Post Karma War politics. However GATO's MoFA wanted ambassadors so I signed up and got appointed to NPO - IN THE MIDDLE OF A NUCLEAR CLUSTER-FEAST.

    So I packed my bags to head to Francograd wondering what I would find.

    Well the city was a mess and the SDIs at the Fort faught bravely in defending the Old City. I arrived at Embassy Quarter to discover the place was a mess from looted embassies and bombs missing their mark. GATO's embassy was still pretty much intact but had suffered damage from being defunct since Viceroy days and looting.

    I moved and found out the Fall Out Shelter was still intact, thank God for that as that is where I was until the war was over, popping up to the surface periodically to get supplies in the Old City.

    This is what I endured durring the war


    This is the entrance to the shelter some 75m below the embassy, this blast door would be the only thing protecting me if the Embassy Quarter got rolled or took a direct nuclear strike


    This is where everyday we got decontaminated after venturing outside - bloody cold and horrid


    The corridor linking the rooms of the shelter. The shelter was large as it cold hold 200 peeps, so it was holding GATO Diplomats as well as any other alliance's brave diplomats as well


    This is where we slept, with the sound of bombs and nukes going off constantly around us


    Transportation, with Francograds Transportation out of action, bikes were the main way of moving around. Just don't forget your pass or be shot onsite.


    The backup crappers if the main bunker ones fail



    The air and water filtration systems that kept us alive when all that radio active crap was flying or floating around.

    The time there was bleak but being a diplomat the job had to be done

    When the war was over and it was safe to come out I could rebuild the embassy back to its former self and not worry about getting my $@! shot off when visiting the Emperor's Office

    Post Karma war I am glad I am back on the surface enjoying the fresh air and sun, good to see the rebuilding on the way - speaking of which GATO is refurbishing their embassy at GATO.

    Funds were finally made available to rebuild the old wooden hut into this piece of neo modernism


    This new facility will be open by Christmas and will hold the GATO Ambassador to NPO as well as the GATO Consul General to Sanctioned Alliances.

    I look forward to entertaining Comrade Chuckles when this building is open (Barbula and Laserwolf are paying for the booze and dancers ;) )

    o/ NPO

    o/ GATO

    References to Pics used



  2. From the office of urban Affairs and Planning.

    Francograd. Jewel in Bobs' crown, the city the world revolves around has suffered.

    From the grand imperial city it once was, the Armageddon War (also know as the Karma War) reaped its revenge upon the Imperial capital.

    The destruction has allowed the His Imperial Majesty Emperor Chuckles the opportunity to renew and beautify old neighbourhoods and construct a grand new peripheral motorway; the Francobahn, which links the network fanning out from around the great city out into Franco's Spain, the largest landmass in the Pacifican Archipelago.

    I present to you, people of Bob the latest draft of the Map of Francograd, recently finished and published. (I implore you to view it in its full size).


    Nice Map

    AND YAY I can see where I am based at the GATO Embassy for NPO

    Yes lots of rebuilding needs to be done and I am sure the capital will look fine once reconstruction is complete.

    o/ NPO


    And now for some tounge and cheek

    Here is the same map but with the GATO Embassy (where I am based) highlighted - hope you don't minde B)


    I wasnt sure whether to post my time as Ambassador to NPO durring the war here so Ill make separate page.

    The Life of an Ambassador durring the Karma War - thanks to NPO and Karma can be found HERE

  3. The last day Immunity will be awarded is on October 15th, two Updates from now, when the 25th alliance escapes the island. This alliance will carry over until the next day, but will not be re-awarded.

    I'm definitely surprised that The Grämlins are in the bottom ten. I find it ironic that the Global Alliance And Treaty Organization is still in what's been called the "WAE of the month" competition.

    Oi watch where you point that WAE stick :lol1:

    Anycase, Im not surprised to be honest, growth has been a tad sketchy and NOT HELPFUL FORUMS ARE DOWN at GATO <_<

    Anycase onwards and upwards

  4. Yes. He also discovered Mars. :v:

    And he made the most important discovery to all of man kind



    Poor GATO, after doing so well I am going to have to get the whip out and make the slav wait members work harder

    Doesnt help when some gets the 25 day inactive delete...

  5. So then


    You can find us on #gato in IRC

    Our forums are GATO

    We of the Brown Spanish Cats are the oldest alliance in the CN world and survived a many a curbstomping.

    You can stay green and "lurk" on our forums seems 110% of us do anyway.

    We do have a working democratic government (which drives me insane) and sound systems such as tech, banks and defence

    But hey all up to you.


    BAT Com - Ministry of Defence

    Ambassador to the Almighty (lolz ;) ) NPO

    Ambassador to TIO

    Honourary Consul to CCC

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