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Posts posted by KinKiac

  1. There are no guarantees of victory. Ever.

    NPO help each other, this is true, and we look out for each other, but you have no idea how many nations fight us on a daily basis.

    Thats kind of a silly statement dont you think? Im pretty sure all of us know exactly how many nations fight you on a regular basis, in fact it is public knowledge how many wars you guys are in and if anyone wanted they could get actual numbers.

  2. To finish off, it is entirely possible for Agora to initially have been put together to bring some stability to the alliances that were the initial members. Once some stability was found then you begin to look forward and a good long term goal is Blue Unity. The major issue is whether the Blue Sphere as a whole can deal with Agora leadership as it stands rather then the previous traditional Blue leadership.

    Wasnt there stability in BLEU, especially when MXCA and Echelon were members still? What was wrong with BLEU? What needed to be fixed that AGORA fixed?

    I know some might accuse me of crying for the fall of BLEU, but what Im really doing is trying to figure out "why" the need for another bloc in an honest answer from AGORA. I have answers from other people

    - To polarize the blue sphere for NPO's purposes

    - To take power away from BLEU signatories

    - etc, etc

    These may or may not be true, but they seem to be the only logical answers out there. The answers Im hearing from AGORA all seem to be things that BLEU was already achieving quite nicely, at least from my point of view as a general member.

    What is it that AGORA has achieved, or is doing better, or has fixed, that BLEU wasnt already doing, and that couldnt be achieved from within BLEU, and why? Can anyone from AGORA answer this for me?

    I simply would like to know, Ive read this entire thread, page by page, and have yet to find an answer to this from AGORA. If I have missed it, I apologize for making anyone repeat themselves.

  3. First Id like to say that I do NOT speak for my alliance, but for myself and myself only. Id also like to say that I may not know all the facts, but here is how I see it.

    I am not government, I never have been, in any alliance. Most of you do not know me whatsoever. I originally came from the old NFL which was an NPO protectorate. While in NFL we were part of the BLEU econ treaty. I received an invite to join TVE to make some extra cash. It worked out really well for me, I was able to grow pretty quickly. After NFL disbanded suddenly I decided Id like to join a larger alliance and since I was already tech dealing with NV I thought joining them would be a good idea(it was). Since then Ive been watching, in my own forums, and on here. Just listening in the background, minding my own business. I do not claim to know everything but I have a pretty good idea of what has happened over the last year or so.

    Now, I normally force myself not to post on the OWF for one simple reason, I am argumentative and opinionated, and I dont want to get my alliance into a PR mess. That being said I really just cant hold back any longer.

    With regards to Blue unity, Id like to say that I dont believe that that will ever happen through AGORA. The fact is that AGORA was formed while BLEU was still alive. That in itself undermined the unity that existed on the blue sphere. At almost the exact same time there was a major war, alliances left BLEU, some stayed neutral, others fought to the end and got curb stomped. Then along comes AGORA. It doesnt matter if it was AGORA's "intention" to bring unity to the blue sphere. The fact is that it has "done" the exact opposite, regardless of the intentions. The fact that AGORA was formed while BLEU still existed, during a major conflict that ended with the fall of BLEU, is what has caused any unity that existed on the blue sphere to be lost. There's some bad blood on both sides for these exact reasons, the details and validity of which do not matter and do not change things. Blue is divided right now.

    This is why I do not think that AGORA will ever achieve unity on the blue sphere. If unity for the betterment of ALL of blue is to be achieved, then in my opinion, it must be done by and for blue. I also believe that it must be done "outside" of AGORA, due to the bad blood between AGORA's founders and some of the other major players on blue. That doesnt mean AGORA cant still exist. But it in itself will never achieve unity due to the circumstances in which it came into existence. The only way for blue unity to be achieved would be to form a new treaty, free from any previous bad blood. It would have to start and end as a collaboration between ALL the major players on the blue sphere, and it would have to be done out in the open. Any alliance serious about blue unity has to be able to see this. And, if blue unity means the economic prosperity on the "blue" sphere, and the alliances wanted the "most" economic prosperity for the whole of the blue sphere, that would mean tech dealing exclusively to and from blue nations, as much as possible. If there was an excess of sellers, then yes, selling to other teams would benefit the blue sphere. But, if there is no excess, then selling to another team does not benefit blue, at least not to its maximum potential. Sellers are usually harder to come by then buyers and tech is a major factor in the defense of a nation, an alliance, and a team as a whole. As such, if an alliance, bloc or treaty has the intention of bettering their team before any other, it must sell to their team, before any other.

    I do not know if AGORA sells a lot of tech to NPO, or if it sells mostly to blue nations, I really dont care. I have nothing against AGORA, and I have nothing against NPO, or any alliance for that matter. All I am saying is that selling to and from blue exclusively is what is best for blue. Same as selling to and from... green lets say, is what is best for green. If this is the goal of any alliance then it should not be recruiting for its own military bloc. It should be simply organizing blue nations, making sure that everyone who wants to sell gets to sell, and everyone who wants to buy gets to buy. This could be achieved with simply a common forum, open to all blue team members, run by leaders of all the alliances who decide to join, without any need for any type of military treaty. Not a single member should have to feel militarily obliged to help the other in times of war. That's what military treaties are for. A true economic treaty should have nothing to do with war, and should be considered void and null in times of war. Once peace returns, operations could resume as they were, and during war, that's when the treaties kick in and decide who helps who and who attacks who.

    Anyway, that's my opinion, but for now I have to go. Congrats to AGORA on the successes you have had, and good luck in the future.

  4. o/ NV

    I have been with you guys since NFL disbanded and Ive been very happy with the leadership and comraderie that goes on in this alliance. Im also happy that we are once again reaching towards our former glory. Congrats to all our guys that have taken on positions as our new Lords as well as MB our new Emperor. You guys deserve it! Id also like to give a shout out to Raasaa our former Emperor and says great job in leading us up to this point. You are a great leader and probably the reason i joined.

    o/ Raasaa

    o/ MB

    o/ Lords

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