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Kim Jaym Il

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Posts posted by Kim Jaym Il

  1. [quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1297904529' post='2636153']
    I have no idea what he's talking about. For the most part, the system is automated, so I'm not sure how they could not be "allowed" to be sanctioned.

    I [i]think[/i] it has something to do with getting a flag in game. I believe at one point, admin had said he wouldn't add an alliance's flag if there was any sort of "underhanded" activities that resulted in the alliance being sanctioned.

    That said, I have no idea if that policy is still in place(or if it even existed at all!).

  2. [quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1297647897' post='2631805']
    The amount of disrespect in this thread by people who have nothing to do with this war is just sickening. All the people in TGE right now are ten times more honorable than those of you who are taking low blow potshots at TGE. And of course, I am astounded at Heinrich, the deserter who abandoned us when faced with the prospect of war from the cowardly hizzy! Absolutely shocking!

    TGE has to finally do something worthy of respect before it can expect to receive any.

  3. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1296940849' post='2620951']
    I was not aware that the alliance I lead had issues with this fine individual. Thank you for informing me, Maleatu. I shall seek your advice in the future as you are clearly well enough informed to speak on behalf of the Kingdom of Gondor.

    As a thanks for your tireless effort to defend Gondor's honour from this ruffian, I bestow upon you the Order of the White Tree for your service to the Kingdom! Wear it with pride, son.


    I must ask why a nation from The Lost World is taking the liberty of bestowing Gondor's most prestigious award. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9197543/colbert.gif[/img]

  4. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1294617495' post='2570384']
    Sure, until his penance is paid. Either he would pay reps or be released from your alliance for attack, just like any other rouge. The same goes for any of our former Lords as well, they either pay reps or get booted, same as any other member.

    See, I just don't see why their status on an alliance's forums would be of any concern to you. It does not hamper your defense efforts in any way whatsoever. The only people who should have any complaints or issues with the rogue being masked is the alliance itself.

  5. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1294616369' post='2570347']
    Lets hope you don't have anyone go rogue then, ah? Because that certainly isn't going to work out for you.


    I still don't see why anyone feels they should have a say in what someone does or does not do on their own private forums.

    If electron sponge is reborn tomorrow and attacks VE, are you going to expect Polar to remove his Imperator Emeritus mask?

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