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Posts posted by JayOvfEnnay

  1. First of all, I'd like to take a second to announce the adding of a new bruh, a new warmonger, to our Pact.

    Please, ladies and gentlemen, TAKE A MINUTE TO WELCOOOOOOOOOOOOME,


    We are confident he will be a great addition to our team.


    Secondly, in response to the Heptagon group, we'd like to issue a rebuttal;


    Intelligent words, from intelligent men.

    If you feel the need to co-exist with us, we also have these words, which are quoted from that of a handsome (and thought provoking) man:

    Bring it.


    The AUT (The playa)

    astronaut jones (The ballaholic, straight outta Compton)

    Jofna (Genmawr!)

    MegaAros (Yea boi!)

    SpiderJerusalem (Buttercup, !@#$%^!)

    ...And as always...


  2. JackTarr: Favorite and Least favorite part of being in Maine? :P

    JackTarr & Caesar: Where do you see FAN in a year?

    JackTarr & Caesar: Do you think that there is any alliance currently in CN at the moment that could defeat FAN in 1v1 warfare, or is FAN still today unrivaled in terms of military skill, by any alliance?

    JackTarr & Caesar: Most people talk about the upper tier being the only one that matters during warfare. You folks, however, possibly have the strongest bottom-middle tier in this game. Do you think there is an advantage to having much of your military might piled in the bottom and middle ranks in comparison to say, a Citadel alliance that has the reverse of this?

  3. Furthermore, the Federated Allied Independence League also declares a state of war with Sileath. Additionally, we do not plan on giving you peace even after the Dynomite Pact does.

    The Dynomite Pact plans on reverse-racing the Federated Allied Independence League, the loser being the first to give Sileath peace. :P

    [OOC: (Rv, go on IRC.)]

    The crimes attempted to be commited upon the nation of Rawmeng shall not go unpunished!

  4. After speaking with the government of MHA, an official answer was given on behalf of their alliance.

    Word for word,

    Sileath is not protected by the MHA, nor will he be allowed to rejoin the MHA. What he incurs, and what his actions cause, are in no way related to the MHA, nor do we agree with his actions.

    Later, he was flown out to speak with another alliance who Sileath may have been thinking about joining. Though the alliance will not be named, as per their request, they also stated that so long as a state of war exists with Sileath, whether it be ingame or simply a declared state of war, Sileath will not be allowed to join until he received peace. This means with Dynomite Pact as well, who doesn't plan on giving you peace when BTA does. :D

    Off to talk to a few more alliances. :) Have a nice day, everyone.

  5. Not entirely sure how it could be read as threatening, but I guess if you squint real hard and tilt your monitor to a 90 degree angle and ignore the fact that he was only kicked from MA and not one war was launched against his nation by his former alliance then sure I guess its possible. :rolleyes:

    Mmk let's get something clear about you and I here, y'know, before I go on.

    I'm trying only to be nice in this conversation. This post, because it's online, can and will be taken "snarkily" or as if I'm trying to be mean or if I'm angry. In actuality, I reread this post over and over again but didn't feel like changing it. So keep in mind that I'm not trying to sound the way that this post will inevitably be taken. That said...

    Now, that may be what you meant of it, but what I took from it was to the amount of "I can't make you leave by telling you your alliance leader fails, but I can by saying that you might come under fire for his actions if you stay in his alliance." Now, I'm not sure where you're getting this thought that seems to imply I'm trying to see it as though you're threatening GDI, because believe me, I'm not as big of a fan as everyone in this thread seems to imply, I'm just reading it as I see.

    I'm not saying it was threatening as in, MA threatening him. I'm saying it seemed to be threatening in that, the way I took it, it implied that LordLiam was going to be attacked for Ryan's screw ups unless he left GDI. When it comes down to it, who has seriously attacked GDI? The only thing that I can remember, and who knows, maybe you know more about it than I do, is the Dynomite Pact duel and a few separate rogue nations that were taken care of. There has not been a large force to do anything more than threaten GDI, as far as I remember.

  6. I was talking about the time he raided Emperor Whimsical, who he then surrendered to. EW didn't have any back up or support from anyone. He just had a nuke.

    Eh, that was a mistake that I'm sure he's learned from (doing research before a raid), if I had to guess.

  7. Please dont buy the whole "I just want to have fun" thing or "I dont take this seriously", thats just what he says whenever you call him on some behavior that is facepalm worthy. He makes these errors in judgement because he wants to matter, and thinks by creating drama he will become a player of note.

    As someone who has talked to Ryan in an OOC fashion, I disagree with this. Obviously everyone who plays this game takes it a little seriously, even those who play for lulz. If they didn't take it in any way seriously their nations wouldn't outlast the 20 day mark because they wouldn't care enough to bother collecting. But then there's the guys who take it so seriously that they wrap their life around the game and then pretend as though they don't care (See: NPO Pre-Karma War), and there's the guys who just do things for lulz and for fun without much caring what you, I, or anyone else has to say (See: RAD). I think Ryan falls in the middle. He wants to have fun with the game, probably doesn't want to "Fail" as you all put it, but I doubt when it comes down to it, he cares, to be honest with you.

    To the OP: While being told your leader is fail is hardly a reason to leave an alliance its your responsibility to make sure that your leader is acting in your best interest. Keep in mind that your nation will be held responsible for their actions.

    Perhaps I read this wrong but that seemed a bit threatening. :rolleyes:

  8. The Global Defence Initiative has proved its ability to move forward from past disagreements and conflicts. RyanGDI and the GDI general membership have shown nothing but respect for TMF and myself following our brief scuffle. In this light, and in acknowledgment of the significance of this date for the Global Defence Initiative, I hereby release GDI from any and all surrender terms and obligations to The Moralist Front.


    Vilien, for The Moralist Front

    ...Oh please.

    Now, onto GDI-

    Congratulations. Despite what I or the public might think, you've made it. You've done what many other more experienced leaders have failed to do. You have outlasted many of alliances.


  9. Eh, I didn't know he posted in the surrender thread before this. :P Eh, I'm really left without much of an opinion now. Feel free to report him to Karma, but seriously I'm so sure there's much that can be done about it since there were only 2 ground battles. If I recall ShinRa was one of those who wanted PZI for certain Pacificans, perhaps I'm mistaken but if memory serves then this is the case.

  10. They surrendered to me, that's all said and done, and you're not going to change that by insisting that it was all about you.

    However you wish to take the information, this seems to be the main and latest key to everyone's argument that Ryan is a terrible leader when in fact he's trying to do what's best for his alliance. If I had to guess his biggest PROBLEM is trying to mix kindness into it.

    A good Cybernations leader is keeping secrets from his/her membership, and holding their own political agenda in mind in all things that they do. Ryan, on the other hand. Heh, well Ryan's different. Ryan does what he wants, but at the same time I don't think he's planning ahead with some sort of political agenda that involves him at the seat of power over anyone else. This is actualy somewhat possible if Ryan really wanted to. After all of the ridicule of GDI, Ryan still has a good core membership that's atleast somewhat active.

    Now Vilien, do you really think that if no one else were involved in talking to Ryan (literally, just you) that he would have cared? Fact is he either did it because:

    a. He's nice.

    or b. He was being threatened by outside parties.

    It was just worded that way because I imagine he wrote it quickly or it did not cross his mind. I know for a fact that if you would have said, after his surrender, "Okay, well that's nice. My surrender terms now include you paying my nation 45mil and 750 tech over the course of 30 days. kthxbai" then I would have ENCOURAGED him to hit you, and probably dropped the threats. Stop acting as though your part mattered much more than being a victim, because that's all your role was. Soda asked Ryan to surrender numerous times, they ended up coming to a small peace agreement after quite a long time.

    That's what Soda was, too. A raid. Just a raid who decided to fight back. In this case, no one was threatening Ryan, and Ryan (with an alliance that had less experience and size than it does now) decided to stick with fighting Soda. He didn't unconditionally surrender. You know why? BECAUSE NO ONE BACKED HIM PHYSICALLY. He received a lot of verbal support, but I don't recall anyone backing him military-wise.

    Vilien, you can argue over whether the Dynomite Pact had influence, but you CANNOT argue over the fact that we made the effort, that there were threats taking place, and that alliances have backed down to us in the past who are larger, in fact, than GDI.

    Whatever, as a leader Ryan takes care of his members. That's what matters. Not public opinion, not nation size, not past conflicts, it's the opinion of the members. And judging on the fact that they're still there, I doubt they dislike it.

    /end WallOText

  11. They're letting TRIGON give out war orders now? :P My respect for NPO shot down.

    Also with ShinRa, I guess NPO is under protection of Karma but seriously, 4 minutes? That was probably a mistake dude. I'd suggest just letting it go, and moving on. If it happens against, report it to Karma officials. This isn't the best way to bring it up.

  12. As soon as I hit ZI (promised by BTA) my war with you will be over. If you choose to hit me after the time I hit ZI, you'll have to deal with the alliance I am in at that time.

    I don't particularly care what BTA promises you. I am not them, they are not me, and they are in no way related to the Dynomite Pact. Whatever they've said about the status of OUR WAR WITH YOU was either an assumption or a lie.

    I have no intention whatsoever of letting you go after they ZI you, because Dynomite did not get a physical chance to fight you before you surrendered, and after that you were too low in the size of your nation. Luckily one of our members re-founded his nation and thus will be able to meet you happily on the way down. :)

    Sileath, I can't think of two many alliances that will let in someone who's staggered and at war with three nations, just getting off of a war with a different alliance, and who comes with as much drama as you do.

    Besides that, have I EVER, EVER, EVER been one to care whether anyone has an alliance or not? I don't plan on you getting to that alliance in one piece, but if they do for some reason except you...

    Well I will be trying a bit of diplomacy first. After that I'll probably show off some of my nations new military tactics that they've been working on so diligently. :3

    Your move, MHA (who I imagine will be the alliance you're speaking of).

  13. Hmm, actually, to the degree that everyone believes. He's a nice guy and despite my sometimes derrogatory statements towards him, he's helped me in ways that many have not. When it comes down to it, people love to hate Ryan. Don't pretend that isn't the way it is. When you talk of him "surrendering" to Vilien, he was under threats from people that could RIP most alliances very badly. He backed down, his only mistake was the wording of the announcement. I like the guy. :P

  14. Heh, in reference to BEazy and in regards to some of Sileath's recent antics and actions against the nation of Rawmeng and thus, the entirety of the Dynomite Pact by extension, he'll be lucky if we decide to give him terms without atleast sending him to ZI. Otherwise terms given will actually affect the running of the nation of Sileath.

    Had his nation's size not been so small, I would have attacked him as usual, of which I planning to do at update. I do believe there's one other member of Dynomite more than capable of melting his entire nation into a wasteland within a short amount of days. Assuming he hasn't surrendered after that conflict ends, he'll be met with myself and MegaAros on his way up the proverbial ladder of nation size, and basically hammered into the ground until he submits to surrender terms. :)

  15. Cut the flamebait and the OOC references in this IC thread.



    Rebel Virginia has seen fit to declare war on me, despite the fact that I surrendered to him individually. The reason for war was "BTA Orders" but at the moment, RV is not in BTA.

    As evidenced by everyone on the boards, as per my end of the surrender terms I had changed my avatar, had been complimenting RV in every post (in every single forum, not just the OWF) and had not attacked any member of Dynomite Pact or RV himself.

    This is rather dishonorable. Why accept a surrender if you will attack someone three days later? I do appreciate the money I have obtained in my four winning ground attacks (2 incoming, 2 outgoing) but while all of your other actions can be loosely classified as "lulz" this is just a sign that you can't be trusted.

    Dynomite Pact, you can contact me privately concerning new peace terms with you.

    Sileath, you have until update tonight to contact me about Dynomite Pact surrender terms.

  16. At what point did this topic become "Let's recruit Auric"?

    Tulak, I don't know you, but as it seems when your "last resort" is to begin swearing and insulting a member, you should probably go ahead and re-evaluate how serious of an offense it honestly was.

    I know, every time one of the Dynomite Pact signatories gets out of hand I'm forced to throw them to continuously insult that person until he leaves, but I should be no example, right?

  17. Heh, perhaps one of the more closer resemblances of drinking songs would be good for tLC.

    Megadeth probably ranks my second favorite band of all time and continues to be. I like United Abominations for a particular alliance who's name will not be mentioned, and I LOVE Amerikhastan, and it seems to fit basically the entire Cyberverse. :-P

  18. :. Battle Results

    Battle Type: Aggressive Ground Attack

    Battle Outcome: Victory

    Canehda Casualties: 338 soldiers

    12 tanks

    Nation of Warriors Casualties: 1,181 soldiers

    69 tanks

    Battle Details: Your soldiers triumphantly and decisively defeated your enemy in this battle. Your soldiers owe their lives to your hard work as their leader. In your victory your forces captured 5.415 miles of land from Nation of Warriors. They also destroyed 20.213 infrastructure within Nation of Warriors. They also stole 5.053 technology from Nation of Warriors. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $1,000,000.00 from the nation of Nation of Warriors.

    I'm only seeing one... perhaps because everything else was fail? :awesome:

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