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Posts posted by Stetson76

  1. Never rerolled, but wish I had in the early days. My name is Stetson76, been using it since my first nation first got the internet (read: Bulletin Board Systems), but I just used Stetson to try and not have a silly ruler name with a number in it. Oh well, not gonna change now. LOL

  2. This was really fun to see. Thank you. :D

    Oh, on a side note...

    As well as =LOST= and LoSS and M*A*S*H and ROCK and SNAFU (maybe?) and probably a bunch of alliances not in the Top 120.

    On a related note: I have a statshot I took just after GW1. Like, literally the day after peace was declared. I'll see if I can dig it up.

    Although SNAFU is an acronym, it is our full name and has no "long form" in the context of our alliance.

  3. You know the famed Athens/MK divide in CnG? It's actually an MK/FoB divide. Attack all you want.

    I've got no interest in attacking anyone. I've just seen here many times that the members of MK aren't to be taken seriously, as only the words of Archon actually mean anything. Since he made no mention of FoB it seemed like a reasonable question. The omission comes off as if one of the players in this drama has been forgotten, both by the people up in arms as well as by their allies.

    None the less, I respect MK's position in this debacle, and from what I've seen of them, expected nothing less.

  4. May I ask why would an alliance send its members to a suicide mission? Of course, that was what Vox Populi did but I don't think any other alliance is foolish/desperate enough for that.

    Edit: I fail @ quoting.

    This is a very good point Drool, and SNAFU for one will hope that this is a "clearing of the decks" and perhaps with these individuals gone purple as a whole can get beyond their differences.

    Hopefully, these individuals were the anti cooperation factions in SLCB and have finally realized that they weren't going to be able to force either Stickmen or PU into a war so decided to leave and persue their aims on their own. Now we can all work together to mend fences.

  5. look i dont know how to make it any more clear than this.

    if someone is flying the SLF AA, their actions are not condoned, supported or sanctioned by the rest of SLCB.

    if someone changes from SLCB to SLF that simply means they are declaring their intentions to both leave SLCB permanently AND conduct their own operations outside of SLCB influence or governance.

    and to those of you suggesting this is a stickmen action to you i say: garbage.

    that assertion simply shows what little understanding you have of the stickmen bloc. It shows that you are and have been treating stickmen as an alliance rather than a bloc of separate alliances.

    it's not difficult.

    You're right, it shouldn't be difficult, but obviously even your allies weren't clear on what you were doing with the OP. In fact they don't even think it's your announcement.

    But it is all clear now. People flying the Seaworthy Liberian Front are not acting in conjunction with the Seaworth Liberian Cardboard Boxes. Got it! :D

  6. As a representative of Stickmen leadership I'd like to clarify that this has nothing to do with Stickmen; it's not even an official SLCB announcement so trying to mix the rest of us into the crap is just asinine.

    So, what you're saying is the OP is not an official SLCB post?

    It was posted by one of their members and signed by him with the alliance's name.

    The Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes

    So, he'll be leaving soon as well I take it? Because he clearly states that the SLF attacks are part of SLCB's plan...

    Do you wish to understand the logistics of our plan, enemies of SLCB?

    And yes, I did read this...

    The actions undertaken by the Seaworthy Liberian Front are undertaken by men far braver than I. They do not represent the views of the Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes at this juncture.

    Which reads to me that Ogodai jumped the gun on their original plan. Of course I may be a little jaded in regards to SLCB's intentions at this point. But if this were going to be nothing more than a rogue action, why the similar name? Or was that just a coincidence?

    Honestly, I don't care if they peel off one by one and destroy their alliance that's their business, but to claim that this isn't an official SLCB announcement (even granting that the attacks might not be sanctioned at this time) is really quite disingenuous.

  7. So, exactly what was unsupported?

    The only thing I can think that you might be disagreeing with is my assertion that you edited our existing guides and that you didn't create them out of your own knowledge and experience.

    To this I would ask did you, or did you not put your "stamp" on every guide you deleted that said "Compiled by Lord Exodus"? Think hard, because despite your assertions that our goal in offering you the deal we did, was to get your guides back, we have backups of the forums on a weekly basis since before you joined. We COULD recover them if we wanted, but decided to redo them it' s not like you added anything important to the existing guides.

    So back to "compiled"...when you posted your versions of our guides you (who has a sufficient vocabulary to know the difference) put that stamp on them to indicate that you were not the original author and just re-did or compiled the information our existing guides to the version you posted.

    The only other comment I will address is the idea that we could have just spoken to you and all would have been resolved. A man of your mental acuity should surely realize that when you tell someone that the clandestine act you just pulled is an "act of impertinance" you've pretty much indicated that further discussion would be fruitless.

    Anyway, if you actually have any "unfounded claims" that I've made and you'd like me to answer I will.

    Other than that, have fun. :D

  8. I should have left a long time ago, but the ignorance of that last post has done it.

    The treaty ammendment stipulates a majority of nations being on the sphere. Surprise, surprise for a sphere economic treaty.

    If the Stickmen were serious about being on purple the "limitations" would have not been an issue just like they're not for us.

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