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Posts posted by leeguy

  1. On 4/11/2017 at 8:25 PM, Jesse End said:


    Your posts in our embassy were reasonably nice, yeah, but we noticed many of your diplomats were abusing their access to Francograd to document our immigration lineup, so you all lost your privilege of access.


    Last time anyone from TPF posted in your embassy on our forums was 10 months ago anyway.


    Yea last time anyone from NPO posted in our embassy was 19 months ago.

  2. 11 hours ago, Edward I said:

    Yes, anyone can figure out what happens when an alliance's owner goes inactive when there is no heir.

    No, it's really not obvious how TPF failed to rectify this situation at any point before jbone went inactive. Glad to see TPF is still going out with a bang though.


    Yep we made a mistake, and NPO was able to capitalize from it. Good for you guys. To answer your question directly, it wasn't something we were concerned about, jbone has been around for ages. I get on here daily for the most part, I figured if anything happend I could just recreate the AA. Actually the day we lost the AA I saw someone mention it on our forums so I got on CN and tried to recreate the alliance but received an error message.


    Also what's the deal with me being banned from your forums? I think I've been reasonably nice with you guys, just look at the last post I made...

  3. 22 hours ago, Lady Red said:


    TPF was too inactive to be much of a military or a political asset at that point.   We were holding on to them specifically because there's no good way to cancel a  treaty with an AA that basically killed itself for you in the biggest, most devastating war in your entire history and we didn't want to deal with the internal backlash from our members.  I know what the reasons for hanging on to TPF were because I came up with them all, all the way up until Disorder...   and I feed everyone in gov that !@#$%^&* because apparently I'm a sentimental idiot.


    Eh we've already had a discussion about our leaders activeness, you're aware of our opinion on that.


    Militarily I'm happy with our performance in most wars. It's obvious to everyone we've never had much of an upper tier due to all the wars we've been involved in. It's an extremely rare occurrence for us to sit out wars unlike most other alliances, so we were never really able to build the upper tiers. To compensate for that we made it a goal to get 1:1 infra tech ratios and if you had 4 or 5k infra $1 billion dollar plus warchests, so that we could absolutely dominate in the mid range, and we did. I understand the argument that wars are won by the upper tiers, but in order to accomplish that we would have had to sit out a war which is reeeeally boring.

  4. 3 hours ago, Lady Red said:


    Because you could have actually done something worthy of your members and your legacy had you, at some point in the last seven years, decided to put the effort in. After Karma, when an NPO treaty was akin to standing on a street corner and selling patches that give you herpes,  if we had taken the TPF philosophy our disbandment would have happened likely sometime in 2012. We did the work, and now here we are. 


    I know you've spent a year developing this victim mentality, but the reality is you weren't chained in a basement by the evil NPO.  You road a treaty as long as you could on the grounds of history, loyalty and a trivial amount of active NS because it was easier then going out and forging a path of your own.  We did you a disservice, not disconnecting much earlier than we did.  You responded by destroying your own membership with no real result to show for it.  Good job.  


    Yep we should have dumped NPO a long time ago.


    On 2/26/2017 at 7:11 PM, Caustic said:


    -insert generic Poison Clan rhetoric here-


  5. 18 hours ago, Lady Red said:


    I've bolded the only part of your argument that mattered then. It's also the only bit that matters now.  



    I reached out to multiple alliances to build relationships and possible treaty. I was only success full with MI6. NPO saw this, decided they were bored and rolled us.


    Why should I put anymore effort into this game when NPO can just say "no you're not going to do that" whenever they want?

  6. Eh I tried to stretch out diplomatically. I was mostly met with inactivity or disinterest. It was only MI6 that was regularly active, and it was refreshing. 


    But what you're talking about Red is no longer possible. All alliances are interconnected in some way. And it would probably take years (due to inactivity) to get all the alliances needed together to topple oculus. I'm not willing to put that time in.

  7. 9 hours ago, Haflinger said:

    You were attacked because you sided with "permazi for wartime recruits" MI6. An enemy alliance.


    Incorrect, we were attacked because NPO was bored, and they wanted to take out there frustration on TPF, because we had the audacity to stop being a meat shield. Hence why we were the targets of most of the NPO government in the initial attack. I can only imagine the glee in the eyes of the guys in gov when they talked about preempting us.

  8. On 4/23/2016 at 10:38 AM, brucemania said:


    Personally when we cancelled on you I was one of the many from the older nations that did not like it one bit.  Losing a good ally such s yourself is and was hard to take. I wish to this day we could work things out and become what we were. That will happen if it is meant to be but if it does not TPF will always be remembered personally as them whom one could depend on    



    Most of NPO doesn't feel this way, included several high ranking gov members that chose to declare war on TPF nations instead of the supposed main target.


    In fact NPO lead the offensive against us by the end of October (in offensively declared wars). I didn't track the numbers past the first month however. 


    Alliance Number of Total Wars From 10/9 - 10/31 Precent of Total Wars
    New Pacific Order 76 36%
    Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 46 22%
    Viridian Entente 24 11%
    Umbrella 20 9%
    Non Grata 16 8%
    Sengoku 13 6%
    The Grand Lodge of Freemasons 10 5%
    Aurora Borealis 5 2%
    The Dark Templar 2 1%
    Sum Total 212  



    Edit: If memory serves these numbers are of unique nations. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Lady Red said:

    Don't get me wrong Vol, I get it. I too enjoy the smell of small nations with few wonders defecating themselves when they see me show up on their war screen with a long list of wonders and a full set of nukes. But I do believe it's still considered petty and dare say, pathetic, to hold it up to the world and brag about it.  


    Well I'm not sure if this petty of me or not but... I find it funny you haven't attacked another TPF nations sense your last thrashing. 

    10,146.93 Strength Lost 1,194.08 Strength Lost


    And that was just me.... 


    With your war declaration reason as: "Ill forget about this war." Clearing you remembered to stay the hell away.


    2 hours ago, WarriorSoul said:


    That he has only occasionally posted on the OWF does not discredit him. Rather, I feel it shows a level of judgment few of us have exercised.



    I'm not disputing your CB as others are. Revenge is as good a CB as anything else. The only point that I made was to say that as valid as your CB is, so, too is our justification for fighting TPF.



    I just wanted to say that I have absolutely no beef with anyone in R&R or Atlas. I wish both of your alliances the best of luck. You are absolutely justified in joining in on this little war. TPF did it for NPO all the time and were were proud to do so for our friends. Unfortunately, recently we were made painfully aware of how little we actually meant to them. And I can't help but look at NPO's allies and wonder if they see them, the same way they saw us.


    8 hours ago, Edward I said:


    I don't know how much thought Atlas and R&R give to the fact that Oculus has a mutual defense clause, but seeing as neither has cancelled their MD-level treaties with Pacifica, I'd hazard to guess that they still view unprovoked attacks on NPO as attacks on Atlas and R&R as well.


    Wait what exactly was unprovoked about this? Do you really think that your most loyal ally would just suddenly declare war on poor ol NPO for absolutely no reason at all?


    Maybe it has something to do with your DOW on us a few months back that said "we're bored."


    TPF always had NPO's back, but I never truly expected NPO to have TPF's back. I realize that that's shame on me for trusting you guys, regardless of my better judgment. 


    Now contrary to what ever you may believe there are not tears rolling down my cheeks. If there are any emotions that I feel towards NPO, it is disappointment. The number one ranked alliance on Bob is unable to take care of 30 TPF nations, and must call in the support of another two alliances. NPO should absolutely be ashamed of itself. Your nations are not fighting as I would expect. NPO has gone through countless wars over the years. Your war guides should be the best on planet Bob. Most nations that I've fought have had WRC's, and if they didn't have a WRC they had every other wonder you can get. Yet I've still utterly wrecked every single nation I've fought. I am disappointed that I bothered wasting away my pixels in defense of you for all those years. 


    Now perhaps that last paragraph was overly dramatic (that's what beer does!) But yall have made a big fuss about all this crying that's been going on over in TPF and I wanted to express my thoughts on that.


  10. 18 hours ago, Caliph said:


    TPF was planing on using that clause in the treaty when it became convenient, its just that PC beat you to the punch during Karma.


    There was certainly bad blood between us. But with all of PC's shenanigans after our break up can you blame us? Recruiting from TPF, Slot filling rouges (I.E. minimally attacking the rouges as they hit a lonely TPF nation), attacking our former protectorates, mass tech raids against smaller alliances. 


    Even after all these issues we didn't declare on them. We actually worked out an aid deal for the attacked nation, them we signed a NAP. If we really were the war mongerers that you make us out to be, then nothing about what you suggest makes much scene. 


    Would you like to repeat the same old line again? Here let me help...


    20 hours ago, Caliph said:


    Yeah, was pretty hilairous since it was obvious TPF was going to use the same clause to cancel on PC but you guys just did it first.  Good times.


    18 hours ago, Caliph said:


    TPF was planing on using that clause in the treaty when it became convenient, its just that PC beat you to the punch during Karma.



    And you'll build a larger warchest with the extra income from the population at higher infrastructure.


    I'm not sure why you're so obsessed with the alliance building tactics we use.


    Well, no one can argue that you haven't seen positive results from using tech banks. Being #1 score and all...


    I just feel bad for these nations whose growth is being hindered. They may not even realize that they are being taken advantage of. It's not required that every alliance have designated tech banks, in order to be a superpower. There is always the option to receive tech from outside sources, and allow all NPO nations the opportunity to grow.


    Not only do I feel bad for these individual nations, but for NPO as a whole. NPO's growth as a whole is being hindered by these tech farms.

  12. I realize it's been a very long time since TPF bought tech, but one byproduct of the shrinking economy on this world is that alliances that want to continue building their upper tiers have had to have some nations forgo accruing tech.


    Laziness on the part of a select few upper tier nations shouldn't hinder the growth of these "tech banks".

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