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Posts posted by Samwise

  1. Stats taken 30 mins before update:


    War Doves:
    Total nations: 17
    Strength: 85,273
    Avg. NS: 5,016
    Total Infra: 18,920
    Total Tech: 2,209
    Nukes: 5

    Total nations: 15
    Strength: 67,613
    Avg. NS: 4,508
    Total Infra: 15,855
    Total Tech: 2,102
    Nukes: 3

    For every guy who's BFF stole their girlfriend. And for every girl who's BFF made it clear "forever" wasn't "forever" on [i]facebook.[/i] You can have your necklaces and bromances back!

  2. [quote name='Eridanus' timestamp='1357977007' post='3075342']
    No, I mean nation ID. As in my old one was a bunch of numbers and now my new is a bunch of different numbers. It shows up within my forum link ([url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=51575"]http://forums.cybern...?showuser=51575[/url]) but 51575 is now obsolete.

    I believe ToaSithe and IKronos are correct. I checked my user number on these forums and it's not the same as my nation ID#. I have the original nation that I used to create my forum account on here as well, so I believe they're not related.

    My forums user#: 20257
    My nation ID#: 201835

    Perhaps you're confusing alliance's forums for this one? I know that some alliance forums such as the GPA's, asks you your nation ID when registering. This one does not.

  3. [quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1357079870' post='3070263']
    i'm really not sure what the war doves are complaining about. were our nations a bit stronger than theirs? yeah, but we had almost half as many nations to fight with. may be they expected to be declared on by an AA that gave them all the advantages?[/quote]
    That's far fetched. I'm not complaining. I'm stating facts. When you declared on us, all your nations had double the infra we did in exception for a couple at the bottom. We've engaged them and anarchied them. You had nukes, and regardless of it being unnecessary, you launched them. That's fine. I wouldn't have made the same move had the roles been reversed; perhaps I'm an idiot. But saying you gave any advantage is simply not true. You picked a juicy target that had half your infra so you could have an excuse not to be on the receiving end of a downdeclare blitz. I get it.

    [quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1357079870' post='3070263']all of our nations are fighting 3-4 nations each, you have several nations that were able to pick and choose where to attack since he just didn't have enough slots to cover them in the blitz.[/quote]
    I'll give you this. We currently have nations that have sat and done nothing in this war. That's my problem, and I'm glad that I found this out prior to assigning target lists in the future.

    [quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1357079870' post='3070263']the truth is that you guys haven't been fighting a good war. i myself declared on 3 nations for the blitz, when it turned out that one of my targets was completely broke, i offered peace to see if i could get lucky and turned out i did get lucky, the guy accepted peace and allowed to go break the back of another one of your nations.[/quote]
    Also not true. Despite our infra disadvantage, we've been engaging you and fighting on. War Doves is a training alliance, and yes, you were lucky to engage a noob that's been playing CN for a month. I appreciate you painfully teaching him why he shouldn't have accepted a peace offer, and that it's his fault his MoD is now in nuke anarchy. You've taught him a very valuable lesson, and I doubt he'll make that same mistake twice.

    [quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1357079870' post='3070263']two of the nations i'm fighting, including that samwise guy, lost like 200ish infra off the blitz and rebought 200-300 the day after, who does that? should've bought some planes at least. needless to say they've lost all that infra they bought and are relatively broke. the most shameful part is that instead of organizing themselves, coordinating, they've done nothing. i have a total of 0 defending casualties.[/quote]
    And here's where you're painfully wrong. Firstly, if you wanted us to counter, then wouldn't it be necessary to build infra into your range? Secondly, I've been at war since a couple days after the round started. And no, not tech raiding. I've been fighting suicide rogues, so prior to this war I had every intention to reroll my nation once my wars expired. I had nothing to lose, and the least I could do was protect my alliance. So I built infra knowing that it was going to be lost (you were going to loot my cash anyway) only so I could give my alliance mates some relief in their wars. When my offensive war slots cleared, I countered where I could. (Got some much needed cash) So tell me why when I'm fighting 4 of your guys, 3 of them more infra than I do, I'm still not in anarchy? You yourself, continue to allow me to be able to collect taxes everyday keeping me out of bill lock. And that's not because I'm magic, that's because you have lousy coordination.

    [quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1357079870' post='3070263']i guess the war doves just got caught with nations woefully unprepared for war and should be looking in the mirror.
    [quote name='Lorlax' timestamp='1357081358' post='3070269']
    i agree, i think this was a legit war, i was impressed with the blitz from such a small alliance, i didn't think that WD's would sit back and complain though "/[/quote]
    Again, I'm not complaining. I'm stating facts. And to clarify, one person running their mouth does not speak for an entire alliance. My alliance mates aren't complaining. They aren't asking for peace. The only reason I'm here posting on this thread is because TE's down and I can't remember for the life of me, what in the hell I used to do before I played this game. >_<

  4. I have a straggler I'm making a trade circle for. Let me know if you have some stragglers too, and maybe we can play match maker. :smug: You can [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000081"]pm me in-game[/url]. Please include details of when you can switch your color and resources. Thanks!

    [spoiler][b][u]3BR with fish and uranium:[/u][/b]

    Bonus Resources:
    - Beer
    - Construction
    - Fast Food

    Resource list:
    - Aluminum
    - Cattle
    - Fish
    - Iron
    - Lumber
    - Marble
    - Pigs
    - Spices
    - Sugar
    - Uranium
    - Water
    - Wheat

    Economic effect:
    Income: +$7.5*
    Citizens: +30.56%
    Happiness: +8.5
    Infra cost: -28.99%
    Land cost: -14.5%
    Land bonus: +8%
    Environment: +1

    Bill effect:
    Infra UpK: -19.68%
    Soldier UpK: -$0.5
    Tank UpK: -5%
    Nuke UpK: -50%
    Navy UpK: -5%

    Military effect:
    Soldier eff.: +38%
    Soldier cost: -$3
    Navy Cost: -5%
    Aircraft Cost: -8%
    Aircraft Limit: +10

    *Note: If you are nuclear armed, your income will be reduced to 0, unless of course you have the [i]Nuclear Power Plant wonder[/i].

  5. No it hasn't. Some people prefer not to do TE in the rounds that overlap in the Holiday Season because of time constraints. I'm respecting the members in my alliance by refusing to ask them to go to war during a time when they are most likely traveling, have important plans, or just trying to spend some time with their families. Then after their hangovers we can burn it down. :smug:

  6. [quote name='Caladin' timestamp='1354522880' post='3059940']
    Heh Sam, we're fighting over an applicant :P

    I wish I was feeling cruel enough to use ad honemim attacks :(
    Against your alliance, that is

    Haha You know I love you and the rest of the GPA, but prove me wrong. :P I was merely pointing out that he might feel more at home in a neutral alliance given his bio. My only intention was to help him find an alliance that suits him so that he enjoys his time here rather than sending yet another generic recruitment message. We must have been replying to this topic at the same time, as I hadn't even seen that you had replied to it yet until after I posted my response. I just took a lot longer to respond. I'm sure he would be very happy to call the GPA home. :)

  7. [quote name='Coolkidd903' timestamp='1354503972' post='3059790']
    No Im just new and want a little guidance,and a alliance

    Well, let me start off by saying that my alliance is made up of real life Conservatives, Capitalists, and Libertarians. We love discussing politics. However, if that's not for you, then there are other alliances that might appeal to your interests more. Any alliance worth it's salt has guides to teach you how to grow, teach you how to defend yourself, help with trades as well as protection from raiders. So what you should really do is find an alliance that has people that suit your interests, because it's really the people that make this game worth playing.

    If you're still interested in my alliance, what we can do for you:[list]
    [*]We provide exclusive tech deals to our membership at the rate of 3 mil for 50 tech, not 100
    [*]I work to arrange trades for you to ensure your kickstart from all those tech deals is strong.
    [*]I personally train new members, and if you're doing the right things, we funnel $15 mil of pure aid to you to help further your development and swiftly become a self sustaining nation
    [*]Your nation bio says that you're a peaceful nation. We're neutral, and therefore we do not form political ties. We like to do our own thing and have a good time.
    [*]We're the most militaristic neutral alliance out there. Despite not seeking war, we realize that war is a part of this game, and we work hard to be the best defensively that we can be. We can teach you how to be strong should war ever come to you.
    [*]We have experienced leadership with opportunities to advance
    [*]We're a relaxed, good humored group of individuals that are low drama
    Our [url="http://z8.invisionfree.com/Green_Old_Party/"]forums is here.[/url] You can of course PM me if you have any other questions - that includes if you do not wish to join my alliance. :) [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=201835"]Here's[/url] my nation if you want to hit me up.

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