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Posts posted by Aurion

  1. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1315112272' post='2794342']
    How does he not have a WRC at that size.

    It's not that complicated; he has no idea what the $%&@ he's doing.

    I'm seriously tempted to link a couple other names that make IA and War rage, but I think that might technically be treason.

  2. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1315072864' post='2793766']
    Your alliance will die, and quite frankly I would be happy to see every last member of GOD fade away with it. This world will be an infinitely better place without you.

    Trying to give out reasons for us to stick around regardless of what happens? How...evil of you.

  3. [quote name='wiccan high priest' timestamp='1312582194' post='2772887']
    Can you explain this in more detail for Me? subpar in what way?

    Our blitzes and activity levels were not what they could have been across the board. Overall, I'd say we as a color sphere didn't really rate anything better than a "meh" militarily and we are flat-out [i]better than that.[/i] So, subpar. :|

  4. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1312519864' post='2772426']
    Which is all the more revealing when you see that a supposedly "awakened" alliance will stand by the atrocities of their allies...

    You're being a little hyperbolic, I think...

    [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1312520118' post='2772427']
    I'm pointing out that the goodwill tour hits a bit of a pothole around the time that you have Xiphosis publicly stating that the other maroon alliances can hold their own with anyone, while privately telling allies that they're incompetent. And that the contrast therein, and the ease with which he slags long-standing allies, might be the sort of thing that has led you to the position you're in now.

    So he believed that they were incompetent a few months ago, but not now. Guess we'll have to wait a few months 'til the next logdump to find out.

    I'm really not supposed to be answering questions, so I'll just point this one out- you [i]vastly[/i] underestimate the amount of work the alliances on Maroon have put in since the war in order to improve themselves.

    CSN will probably never get credit for all the work they've put in because they're such a trendy hate target but give CRAP, TTK, and RIA some love for the work they're doing, hmm? Seriously. In some ways it's literally night and day. And I don't even have the full scope of the work the CA alliances are putting in since I'm only a grunt.

  5. [quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1311343294' post='2761251']
    Okay, so, props to Legacy for the action-packed announcement, but despite the genius of it and also D34th's attempts to start things, someone needs to add some fuel to this potential fire. It was page 13 before GOD made a serious appearance and even then it was remarkably meh (yes, that's nearly oxymoronic). Where's the typical "we will disband you" attitude of GOD? Perhaps old DOGs [i]do[/i] learn new tricks as they begin to realize their attitude alienates people and erodes their influence.

    It would be a strange world indeed in which GOD received enough chastisement to reign in the !@#$%-bagginess.

    You're trying too hard, Farns.

    I feel distinctly odd to be the one saying this- but calm down a little, hmm?

  6. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1311281007' post='2760672']
    Yo I didnt write our treaty, whoever did didn't put in a cancellation clause. Besides, maybe if someone in GOD talked to us, outside of wanting our sellers, we wouldnt be having this problem

    Silly us, thinking you were capable of tending to your own day-to-day business like that. Did you want us to hold your hand everywhere, maybe tuck you in at night too? :P

    Come on, Sarm. I know you're trying to defend the nigh-indefensible and all that stuff, but you [i]probably [/i]should have mentioned it at some point along the line if you'd suddenly acquired some huge issue with us. Or, if what some of the Mj people are implying is what you actually believe, you (again) [i]probably [/i]should have brought that up well before we so much as even started talking about a treaty.

    I'm no FA expert by any means, but it sure seems like that would have been a really good idea!

    Not like we're exactly hard to find. Not like CSN's that hard to find, with whatever nebulous issue you suddenly discovered you had with them.

    Oh well,[i] c'est la vie[/i]. Enjoy the new set of allies.

  7. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1310663147' post='2756119']
    1) At the point that GOD and Fark had declared war on NSO, most of our defensive slots were already filled by RnR.. GOD and Fark were basically the bait, and hadn't launched many wars against us.

    What TOP/IRON et al decided on was a little bit crazy to be sure, but it's not all that hard to see why they didn't want to walk into something that was very obviously set up to draw them in.

    Besides which, there wouldn't really have been anyone to hit the first night they attacked.

  8. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1309899853' post='2749654']
    Oh c'mon. Granted, I know leadership is time-consuming and difficult, and I was never in MA.. but give me a break. Whenever KaitlinK left MA had something around 230 members and was well into the SR. Granted, KaitlinK must've brought with her a large cadre of active members, but it was only something like 15 (I would have to look at the ASR to get more accurate numbers here). Inheriting an alliance of 200+ people is not at all a bad gig to be put into. Why you couldn't manage to recruit to replenish your numbers or grow your alliance through a copious amount of tech deals, I think, is reflective of how a government manages to lead an alliance. Don't have a full-time recruiter? Do it yourself until you can find one. Inactive? Try bringing your existing and new members onto IRC as much and effectively as possible. Be innovative and exciting. etc.

    After a certain point, you gotta only blame yourself, as you let MA decay to a 1/3 of its size before you threw in the towel. KaitlinK didn't do that.

    Gee, I don't know.

    It seems to me like the majority of an alliance's core membership up and leaving all at once would have a pretty severe effect on a lot of alliances. Especially when the central figure who left was the alliance's talisman.

    Frankly, I'm surprised MA lasted as long as it did.

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