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Posts posted by Aurion

  1. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1329370158' post='2921538']
    bros clarified on air it was a case of an anonymous info dump. Given he outright admitted to looking through UPN's government forums, I see no reason why he would lie about this. If someone you don't know passing you information and saying "do with it what you will" constitutes spying, I'd be willing to bet there are very few rulers on Bob who have not spied by that standard. The accusation was bros using his forum access to get information, we have one case of that confirmed.

    If anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex swallows [i]that[/i] line, they probably deserve to have bros reading their gov forum.

  2. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1329294161' post='2920983']
    I assumed that if you had ironclad proof that they had been spied on by an alliance you seem to hate, you'd probably have passed it along within the first twelve months rather than saving it for some grand moment of attention whoring, yeah.

    Probably not worth the effort to talk him down from the ledge in all honesty. He pretty blatantly Fox News'd Zilla's PM anyways, lol.

  3. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1329365203' post='2921469']
    As was I. It's mitigated but certainly not eliminated (unless you're taking numerous nukes).

    I don't know, even one nuke will wipe a fair amount of Tech/Land so they'd have to have quite a bit of Land to grab to really make it profitable.

  4. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1329322945' post='2921074']
    Or if you're a raider and you consider tech and land gains, yes.

    Omni was specifically talking about profiting when nukes are being tossed.

  5. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1329071967' post='2919083']
    I can't believe people are still arguing that this is some sort of war.

    That is your lie Ender. It is not a war. It is called a tech raid.

    You're completely dense if you can't differentiate between the two.

    As someone who supports raiding, I really do have to point out that if you have to punch the Declare War button to do something...yeah. Probably a war.

  6. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1328581832' post='2915837']
    This post implies they actually tried to get her back. As of my speaking with 1337 earlier today, neither Adel nor anyone else in RoK has yet to actually approach him directly yet. Every attempt to come to a reasonable conclusion thus far has been initiated by 1337guy. Even this most recent apparent declaration of Kaitlink as a ghost has been made with total silence with regards to the Kingdom. Despite our obvious involvement with the situation, RoK is clearly making no effort to keep us apprised of the situation or resolve it any other way.

    Surely you aren't suggesting that Ragnarok was acting as though the problem would go away if they pretended it isn't there, or anything like that~

  7. [quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1328382814' post='2914519']
    See, this convinces me that 1) you know absolutely nothing about the inner workings of Rok, yet still act like you do, and 2) everything that spews from your mouth is pure !@#$.

    Everything Kait did i basically challenged her on it. She made me her Regent, it lasted for 3 weeks before she demoted me. I then left Rok for a little bit but came back knowing I can still do some good. It could be her arguing for tech at 3mil/150 deals and I would have fought tooth and nail with her on it. We've had some really nasty fights that anyone in Rok's RC can attest. Pages of us going back and forth and getting nowhere.

    You were right though, she did need her support. She had Yukon Don, her yes-man who she appointed after I stepped down. Everything she did he agreed on. He is and will ever be her toy.

    You know, regular members don't get away with that line of reasoning.

    Coming from someone who was in government, it's laughable.

  8. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1327819452' post='2909255']
    If only you had put half as much effort into coordinating SF's attack on Mj as you do mindlessly rambling. Until next time, Sponge Lite.

    If only you put as much time into actually knowing things as you do acting as though you're a Big Shot Who Knows Things[sup]tm[/sup] because you were in SF's top gov echelon three years ago.

    But then, I guess if you didn't you just wouldn't be ChairmanHal.

    At any rate. Good luck with...whatever it is you're trying to accomplish with this, ex-Mj people.

    edit: I guess Ardus won't have to worry about the nominal influence thing, huh? :P

  9. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1326429586' post='2898541']
    I know Tebow vs Brady = Brady wins.

    I was being entirely OOC, Pats > Broncos

    I can't prefer one team over the other? I admit I pretend IC to be unbiased, but OOC I can't pick a football team?

    It's like when people use "we" to refer to their favorite team.

  10. They do tend to be the primary driver of political conflict, or at least seem to. They get stale though, especially if denied fuel.

    I try to make an effort to not let it get personal, but that's failed before and likely will again.

  11. This war:
    BN 8.5/9, Val 6, TSC 5, NEAT 4.

    BN - Well-coordinated, well-prepared. If they had a few more people, they'd be a legitimate nightmare. Val - Not as good as I had thought, but we might have simply had impossibly high expectations. TSC - *Shrug*. NEAT - *Shrug*.

  12. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1325986274' post='2895233']
    No, I said you "almost unilaterally ruined the best bloc" (Karma War SuperFriends). You (and many other alliances - both SFs and not in SFs) got rolled because quality SuperFriends fell apart, yet you continued to behave as if it didn't.

    Which also... isn't true.

    Funny how that works, sometimes.

  13. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1325970687' post='2895049']
    Here's a point for you ... your alliance almost unilaterally ruined the best bloc on Planet Bob. Everybody got rolled because of this. *applause*

    Always talking, never knowing a damn thing.

    I'd be impressed, but it's kind of sad.

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